Ying long closed his eyes and searched his brain for a moment before opening his eyes and said, "are you talking about a quantum organ in the world called 'type moon', which belongs to the mysterious magic system of that world?"

Chen ang nodded: "In your opinion, this is indeed a kind of quantum nervous system, a biological weapon that carries out physical interference through the symbiosis of external organs and nervous system of human quantum cycle. I remember that in the Republic's" Linggen "plan, there is such an idea, which is based on human nerves in addition to the meridian quantum cycle system, psychic organelles, X genes and cell arms A biological armed loading mode. "

Ying Long said calmly, "it seems that your Excellency the Apocalypse knows us very well!"

Chen ang nodded and said, "although at his level, the principle of this power has been very clear. The so-called power system decrypted by scientific research is good for nothing if it doesn't rely on science, but your research is still the source of his creativity! At least the insects of 'hunger and famine' have another development system and accumulated the details."

Ying Long was silent and said with a smile after a while: "I know that the nerve worm civilization is famous. From the worm period, he changed to the biological evolution system of the neural evolution route. Finally, he evolved a neural civilization without brain tissue and relying on nerves to complete the accumulation of higher wisdom, and evolved a large number of diverse nerve organisms that develop the nervous system."

"I remember that evolutionary route shifted from invertebrates to vertebrates, and then to brain organized animals. Instead, it evolved from nerve organisms such as worms to mollusks such as nerve octopus, and finally evolved a complex nervous system, developed nerve people with higher wisdom, and created nerve insect civilization."

The magic circuit of the moon world mainly has two characteristics. On the one hand, its material form is a kind of neural system formed by simulating human nerves. On the other hand, it has the morphological characteristics of the soul, that is, the quantum morphological characteristics studied by the Republic. In the view of the Republic, the soul is a quantum form, and consciousness is a quantum algorithm. There is no doubt that magic returns The path operates on this quantum form.

Therefore, on the one hand, the magic circuit operates in the form of nerve in the human body, on the other hand, it has quantum characteristics.

Chen ang explained: "the donor of this unique nervous system, in the sample provided by the experimental body" huazi ", there is another part that does not conform to this framework, mainly the part of the quantum organ, with traces of artificial transformation and missing form. I infer that this reinforcement itself has a problem."

"The operation of the magic circuit is based on the special environment of the world in which it develops. In that universe, there is a special existence defined as' source 'by the local civilization. This existence is a special condition of that universe, that is, it is not universal. There is an information structure called big source in their universe, and there is life in the quantum cycle of that world In the circular part of this information structure, they call it "small source."

"The magic circuit is a means for small sources to communicate with big sources and produce special interference in the material world. According to the solution research, the magic based on small sources may still play a certain role without that special cosmic environment, but the relevant means based on big sources cannot play a role. That is to say, there is no magic circuit except the magic from their own life Can't absorb the magic of the outside world. "

"As for the intensifier of the main god space, most of her comes from the outside, which is equivalent to the magic of the 'big source', which is actually provided by the main god! So her quantum cycle has been transformed..."

Ying Long responded: "in other words, some aspects of the sample have been destroyed! In essence, you only get samples about the nervous system and a part of the quantum cycle related to the host life, and the part about communication with Dayuan has been transformed by the God."

Chen ang nodded: "Therefore, among the results of magic circuit cracking, the parts related to the life itself such as body strengthening, metamorphosis and deformation have been basically maintained, while the parts related to the ability to interfere with matter and nature have been realized by borrowing the magic system of the world. However, the large-scale magic involving rules, time and space, or 'magic', cannot be restored!"

Ying Long nodded and said, "without the special environment of the universe, those large-scale magic could not work. The enhancer should use the LORD God instead of the great source to perform this magic. In other words, you basically retained everything that can be retained under the current conditions... It's terrible!"

Ying Long and Chen ang came to the detention laboratory next door and motioned him to open the test tube in his hand. After Ying Long opened the mechanical locks on both sides, Chen ang put a sheep into the experimental field and said to Ying long, "you can try to attack it!"

Ying Long poured out the nutrient solution in the test tube. The nerve insect was attached to the test tube wall in a net shape. Ying Long shook it twice and found that it was firmly attached. He simply connected the test tube and put the nerve insect on the nearby flame nozzle. Ying long, who touched the flame, noticed that the outer shape of these cells had differentiated. Some of them should be taste buds without degeneration, and the other part is infrared like a snake Sensing cells, as well as sensing cells for detecting smell and worm cells for sensing vibration, Ying Longmeng was surprised. This organ that should have been ram's tongue differentiated into several sensing organs in a short instant. Moreover, he also noticed that the eyeball of ram's eye had disappeared. Looking at the tentacle with eyeball, it was obviously used as waste.

The ram's metamorphosed monster's external tentacles closely "stare" at Chen ang and Ying long.

When Ying long felt that a slight force field was emitted from the monster and swept around, he suddenly changed his face. At this time, the monster's mouth suddenly opened, several tentacles trembled rapidly, and an ultra-high frequency sound wave suddenly hit the front, cooperating with a strong force field to start sweeping and shaking.

The energy carried by sound waves is insufficient. Perhaps ordinary people's eardrums may not be able to withstand this fluctuation, but Ying Long and Chen ang are only a little troublesome to bear this frontal attack and can not pose a threat at all. However, the high-frequency vibration force field behind them is different. The force field resonance rapidly expanded through intermolecular force is like an invisible huge tide, Smash the rigid concrete on the ground.

The frontal blast on Ying Long was enough to shake his bones and flesh into mud and break every cell.

Chen ang next to him drank it gently, interrupted the construction formula of vibration conduction, destroyed the resonance at key nodes, and then let the shock wave disperse in front of Ying long.

After this shock, the monster seemed to be tired a lot. Most of its body died. Finally, it retained only a flesh body the size of a head and transformed into a tentacle creature suspended in mid air like an amoeba.

Ying long could feel that this creature was suspended by the same intermolecular force field. There were not only six deformed tentacles, but also two invisible force field tentacles. With a wave of one of them, it spread into small tentacles like jellyfish, which entangled Ying long with a strange force field that was very destructive to cells.

Another invisible tentacle, entrenched, relies on a strange form of force field to accumulate strength, just like a snake, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Ying Long also saw that it inserted two deformed tentacles into the withered body it gave up and quickly absorbed the residual vitality. The whole amoeba became stronger quickly. The shape of its two force field tentacles was fine tuned several times and finally relatively stable. On the one hand, the structure was optimized again, on the other hand, it was more flexible and fast.

Although Ying Long has seen many incredible creatures, he is still shocked by this strange species.

Chen ang controlled the parasitic nerve worm, took out a spare test tube and approached the tentacle of the amoeba. Soon, a nerve worm that had grown several times was pulled out of the amoeba. It took the nerve of the amoeba as the carrier and carried the strong life force of the bearer, returned to the test tube and returned to the semi dormant state.