It was getting dark. O'Connor noticed that the atmosphere of the whole camp was getting more and more tense. The people in Horus's eye were busy everywhere. They came and went back, carrying and excavating the relics of hamnata, moving the sarcophagus and the buried mummies to an open space, and laying steel plates on the sand to establish the camp and fortifications.

They seem to be building a huge fortification centered on the ruins of the part of hamnata exposed in the sand.

O'Connor was really confused about their actions. Some people mixed salt and lime and sprinkled a circle on the edge of the fortification. Dr. Terrence was leading a group of mysterious Egyptian scholars to arrange something around.

At dusk, all the people in Horus's eyes in the whole camp seemed to be whipped and worked faster.

O'Connor asked Evelyn to stay in the tent carefully and go out to inquire about the news. Unfortunately, all the people he asked, or they didn't know it, and the people who knew it kept their mouth shut to him. O'Connor knew he didn't want to ask any news from these members of Horus's eye, but when he went to the newly laid airstrip nearby, although he was stopped by the guards, But I met an acquaintance.

Winston, who was an officer of the Royal Air force when he was in the British army.

An officer of the Royal Air Force who had worked hard but had mental problems due to the death and injury of his comrades in arms after the first World War and became an alcoholic and fat man. When I saw him, O'Connor couldn't believe it. The gentleman who used to be beautiful and vigorous now turned out to be like this.

O'Connor asked a few questions, and Winston took him away. Winston took him to a quiet corner and whispered to him, "O'Connor, I don't know why you're here. But you can't tell me this in front of Horus's eyes. Do you want to kill me?"

O'Connor also lowered his voice and asked, "what's the matter? You're from the Royal Air Force. Why did you come here and follow the orders of a group of yellow people?"

Winston resumed his confused look and answered him drunk: "there is no royal air force! People loyal to the British Empire have been dealt with by our officers! Now, the Royal Air Force troops stationed in Cairo are not so much British troops as Horus eyes troops."

"A large number of Egyptians joined our army without screening. Our officers transferred a large number of new aircraft, and then quickly cleaned the whole army cruelly. Some people disappeared, some people were taken away, and they completely changed their appearance when they came back. If I hadn't been a fool for a long time, they wouldn't keep me until now."

O'Connor was shocked. He didn't expect that the form was so bad. He grabbed Winston's collar and asked, "what organization is the eye of Horus? What's their purpose here? Who are the yellow people? Winston? London knows what happened in Cairo?"

Winston did not answer, but whispered, "get out of here! Get out of Egypt! My friend... This is about to become a hell on earth!"

"Winston? What are you doing here?" a cold voice came from behind them.

O'Connor hurried back and saw a capable soldier in the Royal Air Force uniform with a pale and bloodless face staring at them. His eyes were sharp and made O'Connor uncomfortable. Winston saw him and lost his blood on his face. He pushed O'Connor away and shouted, "don't come to me again, you bastard!"

Then he angrily followed the officer away. Before leaving, he gave O'Connor a subtle look and reminded him with his mouth: "run away! O'Connor, get out of Egypt! Get out of their control..."

O'Connor watched the once brave soldier walk into the darkness. He knew in his heart that his friend might never appear in front of him again. O'Connor repressed his great anger and panic, pulled his hands tightly, and his nails fell deeply into his skin, exuding trace of blood.

As the last ray of sunshine disappeared under the horizon, the dark darkness between heaven and earth suddenly swallowed up here. It was like there was no buffer between light and darkness. The rustling sound sounded quietly around us. Everyone in the camp heard the sound of flying wings in the distance, and the huge searchlight was turned on to illuminate the capital of the dead.

Everyone finally saw what it was. In the darkness not far away, countless dense shadows gathered into a huge tide of insects and poured into the camp of the capital of the dead. Countless locusts came to the crowd like a tide, and the strong light of the searchlight emitted a distance of 300 meters, which was covered by the tide of insects that covered the sky and the sun.

Just looking at that scene is enough to make people feel nervous and numb.

O'Connor pulled up Evelyn beside him and shouted to Jonathan, "run to the tomb and don't stay here anymore!" but when he rushed out of the tent area, he saw that the people of Horus eye in the camp were carrying guns to strongly suppress the order in the camp. Hundreds of mysterious people dressed in black appeared outside the camp, and six huge water tankers were parked outside their camp.

O'Connor saw Chen ang standing on the altar. Below were the sarcophagus and mummies moved out by the people of Horus's eye. Only then did he clean up less than half of the underground buildings in the capital of the dead. They pulled out hundreds of such mummies, most of them were buried slaves, and a small part were Pharaoh's bodyguards and emmerton's buried priests.

Facing the overwhelming insect cloud, Chen ang gently waved his hand. The man in black in Horus's eye took the nozzle of the water tanker and shot a water mist into the air ahead. Just when O'Connor was confused, he smelled a special smell and said in surprise: "that's gasoline!" Chen ang made a gesture, six oil pillars in the air were ignited and six fire dragons hovered in the air, The burning of the insect cloud made a crackling sound.

Chen ang took out the black bible of the dead and launched a spell he had already prepared. He used the natural flow of cold and hot air among the fire dragons to create a swirling air flow. With the addition of the cyclone and the wind helping the fire, six fire dragons circled around the tornado, and the wind column continuously pumped the flame into the tornado, Like six pillars of fire in front of insect clouds and camps.

Before the fire abates, no matter how many locusts, don't try to get close to the camp.

With Chen Ang's deep hand against the void in front of him, the overturned flame torrent pushed forward with the tornado. Chen ang motioned the people on the oil tank truck to come down, and then he held his right hand slightly. The huge tornado pulled six oil tank trucks into the hurricane. As Chen ang overturned the fire wall, the huge explosion in the tornado also occurred, The overwhelming flame is like a tide, rolling up towards the insect tide. From the air, you can see that the two huge tides merge together.

The bright flame swept along the direction of the insect tide and burned everything.

O'Connor looked at the shocking scene, watched the hundreds of meters high fire wall push up, forming a raging fire wave, drowning the insect tide, and watched Chen ang calmly separate the huge flame ocean into a channel without flame, just like Moses separated the ocean. With Chen Ang's gesture, the hundreds of meters high flame slowly separated in front of Chen ang, The fresh air flow was put in to avoid the suffocation in the camp. It was just like a demon, which almost lost O'Connor's confidence to resist him.

Even after facing the great humiliation, O'Connor still couldn't help asking himself, "do you really want to be the enemy of that man?"

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But Zhang Ziqiang can feel that his strength has improved significantly with the setting of the sun.