Chen ang pressed his right palm on the page of the sun golden Sutra. The floating brilliance reorganized the text of the Sutra and was read by Chen ang one by one. As he recited several chapters of poems about the sun god, Chen ang controlled the golden light of the Obelisk to dim down. He expelled the scarabs into a tomb and ordered them to sleep.

And let the eye of Horus crack the hidden mechanisms one by one. A large number of gold products at the foot of the statue of the sun god RA were opened, cleaned by Terence and packed into boxes. All magic amulets and items were selected by Terence and handed over to Chen ang.

With the help of the sun golden Sutra, Chen ang gradually controlled some openings in the capital of the dead, and could open and close some organs.

He first ordered the eye of Horus to clean up the part of the area where the statue of death and the statue of the sun stand side by side, all organs and channels, and even did not hesitate to personally transform and excavate some underground structures, taking this part as the base camp of the whole camp, while others were arranged to dig and clean up the city more widely.

After seeing several excavation sites, Evelyn secretly said to O'Connor, "these people are very elite. Although they are not professional in archaeology, they are very good at excavation and civil engineering. Moreover, my teacher Professor Terence doesn't know why. He obeys the orders of the yellow people and is leading the excavation."

"The part of the capital of the dead buried under the sand is ten times larger than the part we know. The sleeping tombs of the pharaohs, pyramids, palaces and temples are hidden under the sand. The exposed part may only be an area of hamnata."

"The guys in Horus's eye transformed that part of the ground into a fortress. They used the original walls and underground fortifications here to build an easy to defend and difficult to attack camp..."

O'Connor nodded and said, "there are some arrangements for very professional camps, which we soldiers know, but the British army has not yet had corresponding rules and regulations, but the people in Horus's eye have obviously turned them into regulations. However, what makes me wonder is that the fortifications they built are not only to protect the outside, but also to protect some things inside the camp."

"I saw them clean up a large number of mummies and dig out a coffin from the foot of the God of death. They put it in a place with very tight security in the camp. They transformed all the mechanism doors at the entrance of the tunnel and built many fortresses in the underground works. I saw several heavy machine guns and artillery. That's a big guy!"

Now in front of Chen ang are the sun gold Sutra and an ancient Egyptian style box. Zhang Ziqiang explained: "we have solved the high-pressure hydrochloric acid trap, but we don't dare to move the box containing the imoden visceral holy urn and the black gold of the dead. We have to ask you to solve it."

Chen ang nodded and said, "well done. There is a strong negative energy around the box, and the mantra on it is also very interesting. This is one of the prohibitions that bind the soul of imorton. Opening the box is equivalent to virtually touching the prohibition that seals imorton. Moreover, this curse is closely related to imorton and should be a part of the insect bite criminal law."

"He sealed a part of the power generated by resentment in his visceral holy urn. The person who opened the box will obtain the vitality of the viscera, and his viscera will be replaced with a part of the viscera, that is to say... The person who opened the box will become the carrier and mortal enemy of the viscera."

"And to a certain extent, it will be restrained by imorton."

Hong Fan was surprised and said, "why, if you want to seal imorton, shouldn't you restrain him?"

"Just restrain him from having the golden Sutra of the sun. The person who opens this box is certainly not on their side, and most of them are also enemies. They will not make him feel better. Moreover, if he has part of the power of imorton in his body, he will certainly be restrained by imorton. When necessary, imorton can manipulate those organs to curse you and find your position."

"The above curse comes partly from the power of imorton and partly from the capital of the dead. It's very difficult."

Chen ang absorbed a little negative energy and said, "the attributes of disease, hunger, bad luck, weakness, evil and pain are quite complex, but these are based on the unprepared person who opens the box. With preparation, for people like me, it can be used in turn to impeach imorton."

Chen ang lifted the box and the sun golden Sutra and said to the reincarnator, "follow me!" he took the lead to walk under the statue of the sun god and explained as he walked: "The magic system in ancient Egypt was relatively primitive and had high requirements for timing, place and ceremony. Moreover, there was no clear distinction and boundary between divination and magic. Most magic had to use the power of divinity and ceremony at the same time. Ceremony was a symbol. The ancient magic system recognized that all things had spirits, so there were some mysterious knowledge and energy in all things, which needed our guidance Use. "

"For example, the cat represents the messenger entering the underworld, the snake is the mortal enemy of the sun god, and the crocodile is used to plunder the power of the underworld God. The eagle is the symbol of Horus, the Falcon is the symbol of pull, and the ram represents Amun... And the stars. Each star is a gateway to power. Words and language are undoubtedly the two most important keys to open the door of mana."

"In practice, these elements are simplified to divinity."

"The sun god RA has several different states in magic and divination ceremonies. He can be atum, aufra or efura. He can be a whole RA or just the eyes of RA. His name is Aton, the God of the sun, or Emon RA, the God of Thebes."

"These names and images are not empty talk. In fact, they represent the magic power of pull in ancient Egyptian Magic philosophy, images in different worlds and different elements, and the magic power represented by pull God is actually the sun, the magic of pull, or magic. Its connotation is the magic with the help of the power of the sun, but because of the embodiment of the gods, these magic rituals are needed Power is also transformed by divine power, which is mixed with various elements of consciousness and material. It is very complex and chaotic. No wonder it will decline later. "

"His image can be the eye of the sun, a phoenix or a falcon."

"At the same time, the organizational totem we established, the eye of Horus, also represents God's eye - the sun. His symbol is a golden disc or a symbol of a circle with a point in the middle." Chen ang stood in the center of a huge golden disc and stepped on the circle symbol with a point.

"This is LA's sacred place, his altar, and also one of the few places in hamnata that completely restrained imorton. Here, imorton could not even step forward. Because the priests of La were also afraid of the evil existence sealed by the capital of the dead, they built this altar stone chamber when dealing with them."

Chen ang grabbed more than half of the salt and sprinkled it outside the circle. He burned the spices and filled the stone chamber with smoke. He asked people to carry in a cat, a crocodile, a falcon and a bull, a ram, a golden Scarab and a lion. Under Chen Ang's eyes, even the lion dared not move.

Chen ang also asked people to prepare snakes outdoors.

"These animals will be used as a part of the carrier of divinity, and because of the weakness of the representational divine power of gods and the changes of world laws, I need to modify the part of divine power in divine arts to allow more natural forces to participate. The divine power is only used as an introduction to trigger the power of magic ceremony. Originally, I planned to hold a ceremony for LA to cheat some divine power, but now With the sun golden Sutra, it records the characteristics and secrets of LA's divine power. I can make it myself, so I don't have to cheat La anymore. "

"Moreover, the sacrifice to anubis can also be stopped. The Egyptian gods have given this solar gold Sutra their power and authority. Now I can sacrifice this book to transform the divine power of the gods, and I don't need to give them a confession any more!"

Chen ang put the wooden box on the circle representing pull God, held the sun golden Scripture in his hand and recited: "sun, Taiyin..." he used magic to untie the black cloth covering the nine obelisks and let the dazzling golden light reflect out, but he saw a series of ingenious refractions. The golden light directly passed through the skylight behind Chen ang and shone on the circle representing pull.

Strong positive energy suppressed the curse on the wooden box. Chen ang then recited: "the original water... Surge up!"

The crowd saw that with Chen Ang's singing, the wooden box suddenly moved itself, and the runes engraved on it were reversed. It originally said: "Whoever opens the box will be killed!" Now it says: 'a part of the sinner's soul is imprisoned in the box, and when you open the box, you must subdue and control this part of soul'.

With a gentle wave of his hand, Chen ang opened the box automatically, revealing the black scriptures placed on it and the holy urn containing part of imoden's internal organs placed at the lower level. Now the golden light flows on the holy urn, which firmly blocks imoden's soul power. Chen ang lifted the Taiyang golden Scripture and read in turn: "the eyes of the dead, the protection of the pull, should belong to the Falcon!"

One of the holy urn was broken, and a golden light escaped into the eyes of the Falcon.

"The tongue of the dead, blessed by Amun, belongs to the ram."

This time, in the broken holy urn, imoden's soul was forced into the ram. Next, Chen ang decomposed the forces left by imoden one by one and put them into the crocodile, cat and Beetle respectively. The animals that obtained these forces suddenly changed. The beetle became golden, like bathing in the grace of the sun, while the crocodile became powerful, a ferocious Nile crocodile, It exudes a dangerous smell that frightens Zhang Ziqiang and others, as well as the cat. Its two eyes shine with different colors, and it is dark as if it is going back and forth in the dark earth.