The next morning, O'Connor took Evelyn to the British military airport in Cairo. At the door, people with Horus's eyes were waiting. Under his leadership, they went straight into the airport hangar. At this time, the first World War had just ended. Thanks to the war, aviation technology developed rapidly, although it was only an old plane with double-layer propellers.

O'Connor thought they would fly to the depths of the desert in dozens of such planes.

But O'Connor saw a huge thing in the hangar. It was a German Zeppelin airship. The members of Horus's eye in front introduced it to them: "this is a German military Zeppelin airship. After the defeat of World War I, the Germans sold all their military equipment. This big guy flew from Italy a few days ago, and the elder sent someone to buy it two weeks ago."

O'Connor saw that the airship was different from any airship he had ever seen. Its air bag was modified, which was obviously larger by two circles. The material was also a kind of shiny unknown cloth. Its skeleton was made of a silver mysterious alloy. The mechanical structure and equipment on it made O'Connor feel sharp.

In just a few days, the airship seemed to have undergone a completely new transformation.

Over there, Chen ang is also introducing the airship to you: "its core components are almost all the equipment brought by the reincarnator from the main god space, including the core engine, two jet engines, radar and air defense weapons. At the same time, with the help of the local military factory of the British Army, I modified four electrically driven machine guns and two buffered electromagnetic guns."

"It has a certain attack ability. Of course, its disadvantages are also obvious. It has poor resistance to the bad weather environment and can't resist storms and sandstorms in the desert. Therefore, we can only use magic and magic to prevent this series of possible situations."

"Of course, this airship has strong anti combustion ability. Not only the airbag uses fireproof materials, but also we have added anti-oxidation and anti combustion catalytic substances to hydrogen. At the same time, our fleet is connected on the Nile, and in the desert, our camel fleet of nearly 400 people is stationed in advance."

"From Cairo to the periphery of the capital of the dead, there are our people who can invest a lot of strength at any time."

"The reason why I chose to take the airship is that it has a large carrying capacity. Secondly, considering that if the worst situation occurs, we can bomb the capital of the dead in advance! It carries two tons of incendiary bombs and two tons of TNT explosives, and there are a lot of other special bombs..." Chen ang said and sent the silver blessing bullet down.

Zhao Yingqi and Xiao Bolang only brought a pistol full of blessing bullets in case. As for the real main fighting force, they are those blood family soldiers with amazing shooting skills and extraordinary strength. Each new member of the reincarnation team is protected by two blood family soldiers. They are the real users of these blessing bullets.

When Evelyn and others came under the airship, members of the eye of Horus were carrying some coffins and steel statues to the airship, and some armed elements wrapped in black cloaks were on standby. O'Connor saw that British soldiers were also helping to prepare and carry materials, and whispered to Evelyn: "It seems that they have controlled the British garrison, so I told you not to try to ask the British ambassador for help."

Evelyn looked unbelievably at the British soldiers who were randomly instructed by Zhang Ziqiang, covered her mouth and said, "are they so lawless?"

O'Connor replied with dignified eyes: "in Cairo, the organization of Horus eye has been so terrible. Unless we leave this country, we can't escape their palm."

Jonathan immediately took over the topic and grinned and muttered, "but we have to remove the bomb from our knees before we leave. I don't want my sister to become a lame beauty..."

Evelyn's eyes darkened when she heard this. She didn't shift her attention until she saw Chen ang. She asked curiously, "who is he? I don't seem to have seen him. Is he also the eye of Horus? Why are the heads of the eye of Horus we've seen all yellow people... And most of them are more like scholars than powerful people or cruel soldiers."

Evelyn said here. She suddenly remembered that when she was imprisoned, she saw Hong Fan kill an underground businessman in Cairo. She suddenly hesitated and added: "of course, there are a small number of people, which is still very dangerous."

O'Connor saw a look of fear on Chen Ang's face. He smiled bitterly and said, "didn't he do your bomb surgery? He is a key figure and the most dangerous one among them."

Jonathan screamed, "we were in a coma at that time. I hope he didn't take advantage of my sister..." Evelyn suddenly seemed to be detonated. She grabbed the soft meat in Jonathan's back and twisted it 360 degrees. Jonathan immediately screamed. O'Connor suddenly felt a shiver and cold in the back of her head when he looked at Evelyn's skillful movements.

The man in black, attracted by Jonathan's scream, invited them into the airship. The three were lucky to sit in a cockpit with the members of the reincarnation team. Zhao Yingqi, Xiao Bolang and Li Mingyi were enjoying a rare leisure time. They were fighting the landlord in a circle.

Since she came to the reincarnation world, Zhao Yingqi, who only slept for three hours a day, shouted with a note on her face: "thank heaven, thank the earth, thank the doctor for giving us three-day vacation. It's great to have no documents, no intelligence and no report!" she said, and she actually cried: "I really want to go home... I really want to go back to work..."

Li Mingyi poured her a cup of milk tea and comforted her: "we are lucky! Think about it. If we join other reincarnation teams, although we don't need to work every day to spit blood, our lives will be in danger all the time. Where can we fight the landlord in an airship like this!"

Chen ang has no intention of ignoring the affectation of the new people. Now the eye of Horus is on the right track, and its own management is becoming more and more perfect. In this way, the value of the new people can not be reflected. Although the new people have made indelible contributions to the establishment of the eye of Horus, after discovering that they have no value, They are considering how to drain their final value.

Designing a brand-new experimental plan on the book, Chen ang silently calculated: "Lin Gang has completed the first part of the transformation of the blood clan of the virus. He can consider deepening research. As an experimental body of the blood clan of the virus, he can participate in further development and research, and deeply tap the potential of the blood clan of the virus. Hong fan is a theoretical research sample of the blood clan's democratization. Then Lin Gang can be used as a practical and detailed research sample, and maybe he can develop the second-order of the blood clan virus The upgraded version is the overall of back feeding blood clan research. "

"Xiao Bolang, Zhao Yingqi, Li Mingyi, Qian Cunhou, and even Zhang Ziqiang can be used as experimental subjects for other transformation plans. In addition to blood family viruses, perfect blood can also be differentiated into werewolf viruses. Qian Cunhou can be used as werewolf experimental subjects for relevant research. In addition, the research on holy power of the Holy See, the research on Egyptian priests, and even the research on general theology are all important It's necessary. "

"It is necessary to study the powerful power of feedback when imorton is cursed, as well as the five elements that Qin Shihuang may master, the magic of Ziyuan, and the alienated scorpion power of death bracelet. The research projects are endless..."

While thinking like this, while designing the experimental plan on the notebook, the newcomers sitting near Chen ang don't know. Chen ang, who has a thoughtful book here, is customizing the human body reconstruction surgery for them. The three O'Connor people who gather together at one side feel cold for no reason. It seems that there is a kind of malice around them.

Evelyn shrunk and looked at the people around her warily.

At this time, Chen ang was thinking: "O'Connor and Evelyn seem to be the reincarnation of ancient Egyptians. Evelyn was an Egyptian princess in her previous life, and O'Connor is her bodyguard and the bodyguard of the sun god. Can they reincarnate and get entangled with imorton again? How close Jonathan is to them, there should be other origins."

"The particularity of these people lies in their soul and destiny. They are not suitable for biological research. They should use magic and divine theory to design experimental plans..."