Chen ang put on the white coat left by the prison doctor in the medical room. It was neat and clean. In detail, it was divided into professional clothes. With Chen Ang's expressionless appearance of sorting out the surgical instruments, it looked particularly persuasive. Not to mention the warden tied to the operating table, Hong Fan's psychology was also cold.

Seeing the glasses on Chen Ang's nose and the occasional flash of cold light, Hong Fan felt hairy behind him. He couldn't help interrupting: "do you have to wear like this? It feels like a pervert."

Chen ang put on his latex gloves and replied calmly: "the production of uniform is not meaningless. The white background color can not only avoid infection and emphasize a clean and pollution-free surgical environment, but also give the experimentee a strong psychological hint. This hint can be a sense of security or a sense of fear at any time, and what we need now is this sense of fear."

Listening to Chen Ang's indifferent tone, he said the language he didn't understand. The warden struggled strongly again. His mouth blocked by his mouth sent out a strange sob. It can be seen that the fear Chen ang wanted to create was very successful.

Xiaobu went to the warden and slowly injected the anesthetic into his body. Chen ang fixed the warden's side to a suitable position and began to cut his back neck with a scalpel. The operation position was very good and the wound was fully exposed. Of course, Hong Fan couldn't see these details that can be admired by the best surgeons on earth, But he can see Chen Ang's focus.

It was a creepy seriousness and concentration. Hong Fan never knew that such a picture could give him a sense of fear when he went beyond the LORD God to arrange those supernatural tasks.

He shouted in his heart, "he doesn't create any fear at all. He is a pervert at all! He must be a pervert! Are scientists in the X-Men world as perverted as him? No wonder mutants don't trust humans. After being tested by such people, it's good to have no psychological distortion!"

The warden's pupils dilated and his heart beat rapidly. Seeing that there was a lot more bleeding in his wound, Chen ang had to be gentle and said with a smile: "relax! Otherwise he will die!"

The warden was lucky to experience the Psychological Hypnosis method that Chen ang showed himself. Where his eyes were facing, there was a mirror specially arranged by Chen ang. Through a small reflection device, he could see the wound he was being cut, the Yellow nerve lines and red blood vessels were avoided by Chen ang, and the surgical instruments were in his hands, like works of art, Dissect his body layer by layer.

Chen Ang's calm and lack of fluctuation tone can be heard: "this is your main nerve, this is the artery and blood vessel. Now I want to make a small displacement of their position in order to avoid someone opening this position again. I promise that no doctor in the world can repeat my actions without cutting off the nerves and blood vessels."

"If you cut off this main nerve, you will never feel below your neck. If you cut a blood vessel, Congratulations, the plasma will spray out with a 'Z', which is enough to spray to a distance of three meters high according to your blood pressure."

"Now we put this bomb in a big gap between nerves and blood vessels... Don't worry, the packaging is a flexible material. It's very advanced. It won't cause rejection reaction, and it will never affect your normal life. It's a plastic bomb the size of a marble. You may not know what a plastic bomb is, but as long as you know, even if it's a plastic bomb Black powder, the explosion is enough to break your carotid artery... "

The warden felt his head was dizzy. He didn't know whether it was the side effect of anesthesia or the psychological gap caused by extreme fear. He only knew that the voice of the Yellow devil in front of him was deeply engraved in his mind. He was so impressed that he lost his fear and fear reaction in front of him.

Chen ang hypnotized the warden right under Hong Fan's eyes. Although it seems that the organ controlling the life and death of the warden is in Hong Fan's hands, what they don't know is that Chen ang has let the warden surpass the control of life and death. In the warden's heart, Chen ang is more terrible than bombs. Even if he dies, he must complete Chen Ang's orders first.

When the warden woke up, he saw his men honestly shrink aside. Not only were they not detained and controlled, but they even held weapons in their hands. Then he found that the group of yellow people like demons were also standing nearby, and there was a dirty prisoner locked not far away.

He immediately jumped up and roared at his gang of men, "what are you still doing? Why don't you take them down quickly?"

The prison guards just stirred for a moment. They were stared by a tall yellow man and honestly retracted. Then he saw the real yellow devil slowly coming in from the door. The warden and the prison guards trembled and became honest immediately.

Chen ang was followed by two prisoners from prison. Those unruly felons were as honest as chicks behind him, and the most difficult criminals were as docile as devout believers.

Chen ang came to the warden and prison guards and explained to them, "most of you already know what's in your body. But in order to avoid some of you doing anything that isn't calm, I still want to demonstrate the power and function of that thing in your body."

He took out two small balls the size of pigeon eggs, displayed them in front of them, and explained: "there are two kinds of things in your body, one is a high-frequency pulse signal to detonate a bomb, and the other is a multi molecular delayed capsule. Their effects are as follows..."

Chen ang motioned Hong Fan to drive a felony to the door, and then pressed a small button on his hand. He saw a dull "bang" sound from the back of the felony's brain. His head with a small section of his spine shot up tens of meters under the impact. The whole neck was blown off neatly, and the blood in his chest spurted high under the pressure of his heart.

The warden collapsed to the ground with fear, and the smelly urine seeped out of his pants. The prison doctor and priest next to him were not much better, and they all fell into extreme fear.

Hong Fan whispered, "you really consumed such a valuable explosive to cover up!"

Chen angfu whispered in his ear, "it's impossible. It's just to scare them. It's a time bomb. Change it with a watch. Just grasp the time."

Looking at a group of people who were already scared out of their wits, Chen ang continued to explain: "of course, because of the cost, only a few people are equipped with such high-value weapons. Others are installed with multi-molecular delayed hair capsules. There is a compound poison in the capsule, and the formula is very complex. The amount of medicine in the capsule is enough to poison 100 strong men."

"Of course, blocked by the material of the capsule, its release is very slow. It takes a month to poison everyone. So don't worry." looking at a group of prison guards trembling in front of him, Chen ang can only comfort them first, otherwise someone will die because of excessive shock.

He took out a small white tablet and explained, "this is a buffer. It can temporarily slow down a small amount of poison. Take one tablet a day for security and health. Of course, if you don't take it for two weeks, you won't die immediately, but it will cause sequelae, such as progressive severe headache, convulsions and hallucinations. The sequelae is irreversible. Only by taking it every day can you avoid damaging your body."

Chen ang looked at the prison guards who were looking at the small tablets and had strong desire in their eyes. He took the small tablets back into a small bottle, slowly put the bottle on the table not far from the prison guards, and looked at everyone's performance of extreme desire but not daring to come forward without authorization. Chen ang nodded: "this is salary and reward."

Then he opened a small box at hand. The dazzling gold color almost blinded everyone's eyes. Chen ang bathed in countless eyes mixed with greed and fear, laughed and rattled the gold coins, and shouted: "of course, it also includes other wages and rewards."

He pushed the box, let the gold coins sprinkle on the ground, put a foot on it and asked, "now, what should you call me?"

A prison guard boldly came up, picked up a gold coin, leaned down, kissed Chen Ang's boots, knelt on the ground and said, "boss!" inspired by him, all the prison guards obtained their own share and loyal to him: "boss!"

Of course, this is the arranged play. The first prison guard who came forward was Chen Ang's subordinate who had long accepted. Chen ang leaned back in his chair, pulled up his Mauser pistol and killed a prison guard who took more gold coins, singing in English: "I rule the world with greed and fear. Satan is my alias and the devil is my servant. I let people sing and laugh, and let them cry and mourn for their sons and brothers. Please say with me, 'Hallelujah!'..."

"Hallelujah!" said the guards in unison.

Looking at this absurd and terrible scene, Shaw whispered, "is he really a scientist? He really looks like that kind of cult leader, the king of the underworld!"

Hearing what he said, Chen ang turned around and explained in Chinese: "of course, this is science. If you want to conquer or tame a person, you have to show what they expect. For whites in the 20th century, they should control them with a style they can understand. It is objective needs that created my actions, not my personal hobbies."

"Although many people say that psychology is a pseudoscience, from my long-term experience in managing experimental subjects, psychology is a practical science. When we are unable to systematically study human consciousness, the black box system and the resulting psychological theory have their inherent laws."

Then he sighed: "If the 'Professor' is willing to cooperate with us, psychology or the understanding of human consciousness may have entered a systematic and more scientific research stage! Alas! Those mutants always don't know the great significance of human progress and scientific research. They refuse to cooperate with us and join us in research. We can't blame us for letting them be studied!"

Reincarnation people heard his sigh, whether new or senior, looking at his eyes is like looking at a pervert.