"Since we want to cooperate, what we need to do now is to control the situation in the whole prison." Chen ang nodded to the people of the reincarnation team and said, "the reason why we don't need O'Connor now is that he can avoid a lot of trouble." Zhang Ziqiang glanced at O'Connor, who was huddled in the cell, shrugged and said, "let him stay here."

Chen ang turned to Zhang Ziqiang and said, "you should have a space storage device. Please give me some tools and gold. If you have drugs and weapons, it's better. I'll pay you reward points at the market price after the task is completed."

Zhang Ziqiang gave Hong Fan a look and asked him to give Chen ang a ring shaped like an ordinary silver ring. At the same time, he said, "since the two sides cooperate now, these materials are not necessary. I lent you this ring, and the materials inside are also for this task, which we should provide."

Chen ang inspected the materials in Najie. When he saw three standard base weapons and ammunition, he nodded secretly. After seeing some electronic equipment and even medical equipment, he brightened his eyes. He said secretly: Zhang Ziqiang's team is really not those unorganized and chaotic teams. Reincarnators are very similar to agents in a sense, Logistics is the top priority. "

In some special circumstances, relevant material preparation is even more important than force.

Electronic equipment, technology, even living materials and gold can play an unexpected role of direct violence in most plot worlds. If a world like mummy doesn't even need to do it directly, reincarnators can complete tasks through their own resources.

Seeing that Chen ang was quite satisfied, Hong Fan smiled and added: "there are still some magical and mysterious materials, but Dr. Chen, you are an expert in science and technology, and you should not need these... If the LORD God did not prohibit us from directly controlling relevant plot tasks, you wouldn't have to bother you." his sentence implied a warning.

Chen ang knows what he means. In fact, he means: if the LORD God doesn't prohibit us from some means, we can't use you at all.

Of course, Chen ang doesn't take his warning to heart. Instead, he feels that the experience level of this team is not bad. If he is a person who will become angry because of this matter, Hong Fan's warning can make him soberly aware of his status, but Chen ang doesn't need such a warning to remind himself.

While sorting out the materials in the ring, he replied casually, "but you shouldn't be bound by this constraint."

"The LORD God mostly just forbids the mental control of relevant characters, and even strengthens the mental resistance of relevant characters. If you have a real master of mind control, such as a bald professor of Meidi, it is not difficult to break through the resistance set by the LORD God and forcibly control him. Moreover, your means are too rough."

Chen ang stopped sorting out the medicine in his hand and motioned: "in a world without powers and magic, someone still controls others with power, threat, fear, psychological hint, scientific means, threat and medicine. Threat and control is an art, and it is one of the most important means for you."

"As I said, reincarnators and agents have great similarities. They both go to one place to perform related tasks. The means include infiltration, deception, control and killing. Although your tasks are more bizarre and complex, your means are also more diverse. Obviously, any elite agent can do better in your position."

"You have no intention of receiving relevant training."

Chen ang raised his head and asked in surprise, "this is not a question of ability, but a question of way of thinking. How to perform tasks, how to make breakthroughs, and how to overcome difficulties. Relevant countries have accumulated rich experience with hundreds of years of research. This is a valuable wealth. You can easily get it, but you don't care about it. Is it arrogant or stupid?"

Zhang Ziqiang was speechless about this.

Chen ang concluded: "when you enter the god space, you are all ordinary people. You lack the ability to look at problems from the perspective of the government and those with the ability to deal with complex things. I have only been trained by relevant departments for a few days and know more than you."

As Chen ang said, he came to the cell where a kind of prisoner was held, showed a gold bar of about 50g, and asked in local language and English: "who knows the terrain and architectural structure of this place, the deployment of prison guards and relevant information? If you tell me, you will get this gold bar and be honored to join us and be free."

The prisoners in the prison listened greedily to the gold in his hand. Someone shook the fence desperately and howled, "I know! Let me out, I'll tell you right away!" others shouted, "is that true? Check the gold for us!"

Chen angcao started his gun and fired six shots at the loudest and noisiest people. The huge gunfire calmed everyone down, and his voice faintly spread to everyone's ears: "Who is the boss here now? He will get the opportunity to talk to me. If he is willing to tell me the situation here, the gold bar is his. If he tells me who knows the information, I still have a gold bar. But as you can see, I don't have much patience to wait."

Qian Cunhou saw that Chen ang didn't blink, so he killed a prisoner in his cell. He was so frightened that he trembled and hid behind Hong Fan. Hong Fan looked at him disdainfully, but didn't stop him.

Chen Ang's coldness made the prisoners in the prison see the familiar shadow, autocracy, coldness and power. They were very familiar with this atmosphere and meekly pushed a very sloppy strong man who seemed to have been here for many days to Chen ang. Chen ang came forward and asked for relevant information here in local language.

A moment later, he shut the man alone in their original cell and handed him the gold bar.

Back to the team, Chen ang whispered about the relevant situation: "there are 54 prison guards and three gendarmes here, of which nine are close friends of the warden. The warden is the local snake here and has the greatest authority, but there are still mountains under it. The team subdued by us is one of them. In addition, there are three or four big brothers who have authority among the prison guards."

"Prison doctors, priests and finance have no force, but they are also key figures with special status."

"Under special circumstances, the warden may turn to the local gendarmerie camp for help. Of course, he doesn't know the situation here. At most, he thinks it is a prisoner riot and will only organize people to suppress it. For the time being, he won't turn to the gendarmerie of the colonial government for help."

"The prison has two entrances and exits, a front door and a back door. There are two checkpoints at each door, and eight people are stationed permanently." Chen ang said. He accurately drew the plan of the prison on the ground and explained: "here, here and here are the iron gates, the warden's office and the gallows. Prison guards should set obstacles in these key places."

Then Chen ang looked up and asked, "with these intelligence, how long do you need to take this prison?"

Hong Fan showed a relaxed smile: "easy!"

Chen ang said easily, "I'm a scientist in charge of technology, so I won't participate. First, do some relevant preliminary research on these prisoners and be proficient in the operation. By the way! If these prison guards can be captured alive, it's best to let them live. They are our future human resources. We should reduce waste! Human life is precious!"

Hong Fan also wanted to laugh at Chen Ang's virgin heart, so he heard him finish the next sentence: "In our laboratory, the most basic human test body needs 200000 yuan! Human life is money! In order to save money, we will let them die valuable. Sometimes five or six experiments can be squeezed and reused to save money for the country!"

Hong Fan trembled all over, and never laughed at the virgin Chen ang. He joked that those scientists were like crazy people. It is estimated that now in his heart, scientists, especially biological scientists, have the image of being indifferent and slicing people.

Without explaining to him, Chen ang watched Zhang Ziqiang and Hong Fan turn over from the side door and, like a quick civet cat, gently walked to the warden's office. Another man went to the back door. It is estimated that he was going to block the escape passage of the people here.