The Styx finger calculates: "The secret of Shambhala is mostly just a legend. Even those lamas who got the wheel Sutra don't know whether it's true or false... What I want is that they don't know. I'm looking for the secret of Shambhala. Those lamas are skeptical, Hei hei! Most of them don't believe it. And the old devil Honglian knows he's not my opponent and wants to take advantage of others to get rid of me."

"Just pretend to be convinced, but become the most enthusiastic one!"

"And the old monk Baimei didn't believe it either. They just couldn't catch my trace, so they pretended to believe it... Speaking of it, we were afraid that none of us believed it, but pretended that if something happened one by one, the lamas wanted to lead me out and take the opportunity to suppress it. At the same time, they also wondered whether there was a real Shambala here Clues. "

"The old devil Honglian wants to take this opportunity to bring the right path and secret religion into the game and take advantage of it to fight against me. Baimei and others are simply leading snakes out of the cave and watching the change. Am I myself? Hehe! I planned the robbery of Shambhala. Only I know it is a thorough calculation... But with the joint promotion of our four parties, it is false and can make it come true."

"Now the general trend has become, and all the four sides are looking for this' Shambhala Buddha country ', endorsed by Emei, Buddhism, secret religion and demon religion. Who doesn't believe that this is a real event? Under the traction of fate, several convenience will gradually gather in the so-called' Shambhala 'due to the promotion of days. This is my purpose..."

"But it's still a little worse. Although there are traces of the master God's space behind the old red lotus devil, among the old demons, they are still not sure it's him. Just involve them all. If they die accidentally, even if their life is not hard enough and their luck is bad, no one can blame others!"

The Styx river falls into a lotus shaped peak in the West Kunlun Mountains. After a large number of satisfied glances at the topography of the peak, they move the earth vein, change the mountain situation, and open up the peaks into an eight snow mountains, like a valley surrounded by lotus petals, with a snow mountain and Lake in the middle.

The Styx River cast a spell from the nearby Kunlun Mountains to dig jade veins. The above good Kunlun jade refined a vast platform. The jade mirror sank into the water. Then, the Buddha treasure captured from the zanmlingi holy land was baptized with supreme mental strength and turned into a treasure of heaven and demons. The surface is still a treasure of peace with faint Buddha light and intense sandalwood aroma.

But inside, it has actually been eroded by the magic figure and the evil idea, but the essence of the magic fan is the same, and there are two powerful shots such as the Styx River, so it is very hidden. It is difficult to see at ease. After camouflage, the Styx River first put several powerful "Buddha treasures" into the jade mirror in the lake to ban them, took out a lotus throne, banned them by Buddhism, and then carefully prepared several pieces The powerful "Buddha treasure" is sealed into it and placed in the deepest part of the jade mirror. Finally, it is bounded by tea Roman, and a page of the shell leaf "Buddha" Sutra written by him is sealed in the shadow of the moon reflected in the jade mirror.

There are jade mirrors, treasures in the mirror, treasures in the treasure, and a classic treasure layout of Tibetan scriptures at the bottom of the lake.

Styx knows that he can't deceive the bald donkeys of Emei, demon sect or Zen secret sect, but for who and what to expect, he just wants to deceive a casual monk of the hidden cultivation in West Kunlun, so as to earn another sum. It doesn't have to be so real.

Now that all the four sides have entered the game, Styx itself is the bait for the other three parties, and the so-called "Shambhala" is just a group of scattered repair demons! The birth of such a "treasure" is enough to lure a large number of people to seize the treasure. Not to mention that Styx has carefully created several "magic weapons" to restrain some old demons in West Kunlun based on his information.

Don't worry, they don't hurry to jump into his urn.

After the Styx river was properly arranged, he left the West Kunlun. Seven days later, the hidden monks near the lotus treasure hiding place in the West Kunlun, as well as a group of old demons and immortals with deep magic power, could vaguely sense that a strange treasure would be born with the West Kunlun. If the magic power was more profound, we can calculate that this seems to be the reason why the magic weapon for subduing demons was born before the Honghua of the eminent monk King Kong Zhifa Megabytes.

A few days later, it was sure that there was a faint Buddha light here, covering a vast world for tens of miles, which shocked countless friars in the four directions. After several days of searching, someone found the snow mountain lake surrounded by eight lotus flowers. Just in the early morning, several strange lights flew out of the lake and fled to the four directions.

The nearby casual practitioners either intercepted them with magic weapons, or had a deep fate method to let the strange light automatically cast them. They all intercepted several magic weapons that melt light. As expected, they are very smart and of extraordinary essence. More experts calculated that this magic weapon is only the most complex of the legacies of King Jin Gangzhi. It is the legacies left by the predestined ones when they soared to the blissful world.

The real core magic weapon, the Tao book, remains in the place of treasure, waiting for the successor who can inherit his skirt to take it.

When these rumors spread, the number of practitioners who came and went increased ten times. At this time, Styx had already left West Kunlun. When Jinlian's treasure was born, those who got the treasure would be bewitched by the subtle idea of heavenly demons in the magic weapon. They thought they had got the clue to the treasure of Shambala. Styx never thought how long these secrets could be kept. When the relevant news spread, he personally guided the "incense" The birth of Bala Buddha can attract a large number of sacrificial cannon fodder. Isn't it beautiful to catch it all at that time?

At this time, the Styx river itself has arrived outside the xiazong temple in Qinghai. This temple is the ancestral court of the Yellow religion. It has an extraordinary status, but it is far from the core of Lhasa esoteric religion. There is a great disparity. It is most suitable to kill people and kill people and set fire to Tu temple.

"I can't help it. If I don't kill another Dharma king, how can the lamas know that I'm serious? If they don't kill the Dharma king, how can they be serious? If they don't, how can the play go on? Do the old lamas in the Potala Palace really think I'm joking? Although the 'Shambhala' is fake, it's true to kill you to win scriptures!" sighed Styx.

"You have to die a few worthy people to appear as' Shambhala '. But there is something about it. There are many dead people and their identity is valuable. Even those who would not have believed it will believe it. If you kill one of the two Dharma kings, I'm afraid Emei will doubt the truth."

With a wave of his hand, the Styx unfolded the magic map into a floating sky, covering the temple. His yuan Tu and a bi swords jumped out of their scabbards and sang endlessly. Two Lamas of xiazong Temple flew into the air holding a Vajra pestle and stepping on a golden lotus, and shouted, "who dares to break into xiazong temple? What does it mean?"

The Styx River fell under the clouds with a bloody sword light and said with a smile: "go down the Styx river again. I'd like to invite you to visit the Western Paradise..."