The two men were just forwards, followed by more than a dozen knights. The leader was a young JianNu in armor, sitting on a red dragon foal. He didn't get close to Zhen Luo and others, but stopped a few miles away. The young JianNu didn't seem to practice magic, but his martial arts were good. His eyes were bright from a distance. It was obvious that his martial arts in the world were close to success.

The following several seemed to be his followers and martial arts men. They whispered in the young JianNu's ear: "master, what a noble identity you are, or don't get close to those Chinese people with magic. Just let the slaves do everything!"

The young man JianNu also had some courage and shouted: "How can we be timid when we follow master kaledan xiluotu this time? The Qiao family is just a dog kept by our golden warriors. We are not afraid to live, but what can we worry about if we die? As for the Han people who know magic, our golden warriors conquered the Han land and plundered their population several times. Last time, even their capital was almost broken, and we didn't see their mage come out "Although the Han people are very clever, they are cowardly and bloodless. They are natural slaves of our warriors. I am dignified and fourteen belles. What is the fear of Dajin barutu?"

When he said this, he intended to wave his whip to immortal Luo, showing his contempt. He said Manchu. Although he was not far away, immortal Luo didn't hear it clearly. He thought he was just saying hello. With a modest attitude, he bent slightly. It was a salute and a half, and the following Knights laughed wildly together.

Those barbarian knights who couldn't even recognize a word laughed and spoke their own tribal dialect. They said everything outside, and there were many insults in their words.

The barbarian mages dressed as priests and wizards in the back also laughed together, but they also knew the power of the local Qi practitioners over there and didn't dare to say anything directly.

Wang Ming naturally knows the barbaric language. When he hears what they say, he can't help but turn blue. He gently reins his horse and shows his eyes to fade left and right. His right hand is pressed on the crane feather sword around his waist. Obviously, his heart has been killed. The barbaric monk floating in the air has been paying attention to him. When he sees it, he presses the cloud head and faintly blocks Wang Ming.

At this time, immortal Luo was stupid. He also knew that the tartar prisoners had no good intentions and didn't say anything good. Although his face was blue, he still endured and advised: "but a group of ordinary people, it's important to eliminate demons now. Don't make trouble in vain, so as not to miss the big event."

Seeing Wang Ming's flattery, he hurriedly stopped and said, "Taoist friends, please pay attention to the overall situation and never quarrel with these barbarians. I am a country of etiquette in Middle Earth and have my own tolerance..."

Wang Ming couldn't help but blush and shouted, "go to your mother's overall situation! Don't the princes in the court use this as an excuse to let the tartar prisoners plunder our middle earth people. People like you pay attention to the overall situation and sacrifice the lives of millions of people in Zhili, Henan, Shandong and other places to preserve their prosperity!"

"When their interests are touched, their sins will be unforgivable and they will die. Why don't you think about the overall situation at this time? For the overall situation of the Ming Dynasty, I think it's best to kill 80% of the world's richest officials. Mr. Wang wants to eradicate all of you fools. He only hates his lack of power and is unable to turn the world around!"

He almost turned his face with Taoist Luo on the spot. Even though immortal Luo had a good temper, he couldn't help but blush with shame and anger. He glared at Wang Ming and put down a sentence: "vertical son!" so he waved his sleeve and stepped aside, not stopping him.

The girl behind immortal Luo couldn't help scolding: "my grandfather kindly stopped you. There are so many people over there. You'll die if you go alone. You really don't know what's good or bad!" at this time, Wang Ming had galloped out. The girl shouted to his back: "how can we practitioners kill mortals with magic..."

When he shouted, the Buddha dropped a black cloud, spread a dark fire on his hand, and covered Wang Ming all over the sky. He only heard a loud hum. A yellow light came out of Wang Ming's nose. Just a light, he made the monk stand unstable on the cloud and almost fell down.

The Yin fire burned to Wang Ming, but was taken away by a gourd on his body. Between the lightning and flint, it was close to the monk. A white light rose from his waist. He sacrificed the crane plume sword and manipulated the sword light to kill the monk. At this time, the monk was overwhelmed by the light wave sent by the mysterious yellow insect. His head fainted and his brain swelled. He felt the swelling of his temples and the alarm sounded in his heart. He quickly shouted: "Borzijin, save me!"

Next to that monster, the devil came up to the devil. A vicious wind wrapped in black sand blowing to Wang Ming. Wherever he went, the plants and plants were all black, and worms became pus. Apparently, they were also poisonous. Wang * Ming put up a yellow worm on top of his head, and covered himself with yellow light. He still killed the man.

At this time, other demons also reacted. Several barbarians behind the fourteen Baylor shouted loudly: "dare you!" "die!" He also patted the gourd on his waist, either spewed out a black fork or sent out a poisonous smoke. They all killed Wang Ming. The Styx river next to him watched the war for a long time and slightly tested Wang Ming's ability. Seeing this situation, he secretly urged the killing of the demon corpse Qiao Si.

There was also a round of blood light behind his head, and he killed it along the meditation in the void.

At this time, the demon God image over Qiao family castle suddenly condensed into an entity and turned into an overwhelming black cloud. There came Qiao Si's angry roar: "Wang Ming, you hurt me so much. I'll refine you into a living corpse so that you can't be reborn forever!" regardless of enemies and friends, he incorporated all the people near him into the array and said with a wild laugh: "turn you all into blood food for me!"

The Styx River took the opportunity to wrap himself in black Qi and fell into Qiao family castle. Others were unstable and were covered by the seven evil spirits of the seven evil spirits Yin corpse array: Yin, death, cold, Yang, blood, devil and ghost. The infinite evil thought turned in front of them. The spirit almost wanted to get out of his body. There were countless smelly and fragrant odors in his mouth and nose. Smell it a little, I felt that the spirit came a feeling of drowsiness, and the flesh was almost dead. I had to be wrapped in the bag by the seven evil spirits into the array.

Chen ang took care of the knights who built slaves and directly fell into the encirclement of hundreds of Yin corpses. Several people were torn apart in two rounds. Because the Yin corpses chewed their intestines and brains, only the fourteen belles were protected by two magic demons. Although they were almost crazy in fear, they could still support them.

The Styx River separated a little mind and presided over the overall situation in Qiao family castle. However, more energy broke thousands of miles away with Yuantu and a bi swords, and killed the past along with the thinking of protecting the 14th bailer and his party in the dark.

The river Styx sat down in the hall, ignoring the struggle and praying for life of a group of people, and said faintly to the strength in the void: "this Taoist friend hides very deep. The great magic power of secret determination is willing to be the escort of a Barbarian Chieftain. The river Styx is not talented, and there is no realm of compassion. Only a sword is given to Taoist friends. I wish Taoist friends a good luck early!"