When Chen ang heard this, he was almost clear in his heart and said in secret: "I left an idea for Wang Ming. Unexpectedly, it made him a climate. The personality of that idea was shaped by me imitating the apocalypse. I have a thick face and a black heart. It is ten times more vicious than me. I really can't underestimate it. As a righteous expert, I'm not good and clear. I let it go out to bear the cause and effect. I don't know what it will be like?"

Chen ang could not help holding tears of sympathy for Liaodong Tartars, hoping that they would get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible.

After planting a demon on the son of the Jin Merchant, Chen ang and princess Lingsha turned away and went straight to the whale garden. It was the most remote place in the northwest corner of the reef group. The sea was wide and deep. Soldiers from daqionghai were guarding all the way. No one was allowed to go in. Of course, these soldiers could not recognize their three princesses, so Chen ang was not stopped.

When she arrived at the attic opened up on the reef in the whale garden, Princess Lingsha could not help frowning when she saw that more than 100 sea ships were tied together with iron ropes on the opposite sea. There was a large palace Pavilion on it. The human shadow flickered and the sound of silk and bamboo was faint.

Then he shouted, "come on! Bring me the Dragon whale!"

The small official in charge of guarding the whale garden in daqionghai Kingdom ran over in sweat and said in fear: "little minister, see the three princesses. Princess, the whale garden has been misappropriated to receive overseas businessmen and distinguished guests. At this time, Longjing is holding up the palace for the sea state to entertain visitors. He can't move at ease!"

Even though Princess Lingsha had a good temper, she couldn't help getting angry: "who allows you to lift a huge ship with my love whale?"

"The king told me, I dare not refuse!" the little official said bitterly, "at this time, the distinguished guests in the palace are auctioning the treasures of the four sides. It's better to invite the princess to see them. After the shooting is over, the princess's love whale can also be pulled out for the princess to travel."

Lingsha wanted to say something more, but Chen ang stopped her. After nodding and agreeing, someone took them there.

Lingsha chose a big boat and sat down beside the boat. She said, "every year, our country sells some products, but it's not as grand as this year. My father is confused and wants to marry my sisters, so there are so many seafaring tourists."

Before her words fell, a dragon whale floated up in the pavilion palace and slowly came to the sea boat palace. There were many exotic sea animals, deep-sea strange fish, and even several chimaeras curled up next to her. Princess Lingsha couldn't help looking ugly when she saw it. She whispered to Chen ang: "Master, we mackerel sea country are good at taming animals and exploring the sea. Here are some rare sea animals. Because they have powers, they are used for trading by sea merchants from all directions."

She pointed to a strange beast like a dragon camel and said, "for example, this sea camel has the best endurance among sea animals. It can go into the deep sea for treasure hunting. After domestication and obedience in China, it is excellent to collect deep-sea pearls. We chimaeras can't use it. It's rare in other sea countries and will spend a lot of money to buy it."

Sure enough, before her voice fell, the sea animal had been photographed by a large ship nearby. It was strange to ask for the price here. There was a bird like a sea parrot standing on the railing at the bow of the ship. As long as the guest told the sea parrot the quotation, another pair of sea parrots on the building would imitate it to the people on the other side. The secret of the transaction was not restricted to outsiders.

This is a secret sign, and there is also a clear sign, which is told to everyone by the host on the stage.

You can also go on stage and show your treasures to everyone, and then let the four parties bid. After the two parties complete the transaction, they can only give one tenth of the benefits to the officials of the people's Republic of China.

So the people who come and go on the stage are also lively.

Unexpectedly, someone sailed a boat carrying a black population, hugged his fist and said to the four sides, "there are 59 Kunlun Slaves in a boat. They are all powerful people, loyal and reliable. We all know the reputation of our poor Sanghai country in adjusting the population." he scolded a Kunlun slave. The Kunlun slave gently bent down his back and raised a half person high heavy tripod next to him.

Looking at the twisted muscles in his hands, I'm afraid he has a strength of eight or nine hundred kilograms.

After this exhibition, it was bought at a high price of 500 cubic meters of jade and 43 cubic meters of pearls. The whole ship was delivered on site. Chen ang knew why there were not many people, but he had to auction on the ship. It turned out that some goods were ship based, and there was no larger sea area, so he really couldn't hold them.

As soon as the boat went down, another boat came up. It turned out that it was a boat of Uzi pattern steel, tens of thousands of kilograms, which was bought with 500 gold. In addition, ships of pepper, tea, hundreds of kilograms of ambergris, and even 50 strong crossbows and 600 sets of bows and arrows in Daming were delivered one by one.

It's amazing how big it is and how fast it can be traded. It's worthy of being a prosperous place in the world market.

When the Dragon whale floats up again holding the pavilion, this time there are many strange flowers and plants on it. The sea elixir collected by the mackerel people, but the Dragon whale is in a commotion this time. The huge tail slaps the water spray, which seems to be a little happy. It deviates from the command above and approaches Chen Ang's boat. Lingsha exclaimed, "it's my whale!"

The small official of the shark who sent them in hurriedly ran over and begged for mercy: "please comfort the Dragon whale. If the sea market is broken, I can't afford to suffer!"

Although Lingsha was angry, she was not unkind. She flew to the Dragon whale, manipulated the water spray to beat its huge body, and finally calmed the Dragon whale. The people above breathed a sigh of relief. Dozens of mackerel women held trays and displayed the miraculous medicine in the attic. Many seafaring guests came up on both sides of the noise and shouted.

Chen ang heard someone asking, "is there a thousand year old blood coral grass?" this miraculous medicine happens to be a specialty of Ziyun palace. It is not common in other places. Maybe it is only planted on Beihai sunken island. Otherwise, it's really looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen ang scraped off the ninth floor of the Pearl palace, and there were many in his collection, so he couldn't help paying attention. Seeing that he was a Taoist robed man and an overseas Sanxian with Taoist power, others could see it vaguely. Chen ang could see it clearly. He trained a yuan magnetic mana and was quite good.

Yuan Ci's magic power is rare in the world. Chen ang moved to his heart and said, "Taoist friends, but he's looking for this medicine?" he turned his sleeve and photographed a group of miraculous drugs in the shape of antlers and bright red as blood. As soon as they appeared, they sent out bursts of elegant fragrance, which was very extraordinary. The man was very happy and hurried to say: "This is the elixir I want. I don't know what conditions friends need to sell?"