Chen ang turned to Yang DA and said, "your nickname is' Divine Sword Yang Da '. If you are good at using a simple knife and a chain dart, I will pass you a set of' Tianshan folding plum palm 'and a set of' Tianshan six Yang palm '. This Tianshan folding plum palm includes three palm techniques, three capture techniques and six martial arts. Any martial arts in the world can be incorporated into this' six folding plum palm'."

"If you practice with your heart, your empty handed Kung Fu will not be under your adoptive brother. If you understand these two martial arts with your heart, you can use them all your life."

At that moment, he passed on his singing formula of folding plum blossom hands in Tianshan Mountain, and taught him the breathing method to cooperate with the recitation, which can be regarded as entrusting the martial arts of lingjiu mountain.

Chen anglue hesitated when talking about the sabre technique, but finally explained: "I am good at swordsmanship. Although I know some Sabre techniques, I know some Sabre techniques such as' five tiger breaking door Sabre ',' Shura killing the world Sabre 'and' Liangyi Tai Chi Sabre ', which are also first-class in the Jianghu, but they are not as profound as the Tai Chi Sword I gave your eldest martial brother Li Ning."

"You will have a death robbery in the future. You have to have amazing skills to survive. I have a sabre technique, which was created when I was possessed by the devil. It is quite magical. Later, it was abandoned because of my great understanding and entered the peak of martial arts. Therefore, I don't have a name. Just call it 'magic knife'. I pass the magic knife to you in the hope that you can survive the death robbery. Don't be confused by the magic of the sabre technique Only caution! "

Chen ang taught him the essence of the magic knife. Finally, he reminded him: "this knife technique is very powerful and has a deep demonic nature. People resist the knife instead of controlling people with the knife. Remember!"

Yang Dabai was said: "what the master said, Yang Dabai will not dare to forget!"

Finally, Chen ang taught him the magic skill of counting martial arts recorded in hemp paper, Zhou Liu Xu, and told him: "this skill is derived from the book of changes and is based on the way of counting, so there are many obstacles if you don't know mathematics. There are many natural disasters. Only by mastering numbers can you achieve great success."

In the end, only Zhou Chun, the "flying crane in the clouds", was left. He was the youngest in Qilu Sanying middle school. It was purely because of his two sworn brothers that he worshipped Chen ang as his teacher. Because at the end of his age, his martial arts were also the worst of the Sanying middle school, but he had the best lightness skills. He made two things like wings with white silk and wrapped them around his arms. Even a hundred foot high mountain can jump up by the wind.

He looked at Chen ang, his eyes were strange, his heart was a little uneasy, and said secretly, "master, did he see that I was reluctant? I was too suspicious and offended master before. I don't know what punishment will be given?"

Chen ang sighed, "your name of 'flying crane in the cloud' is not good. In the Song Dynasty, I killed a flower picking thief. It's really unlucky that the name of 'crane in the cloud' is only one word away from you. But it doesn't matter. Just because you have two wings on your back, I'll pass on you a set of light body Kung Fu. I won't use these two things anymore!"

After saying that, he taught him a set of body method "moving impermanence" and a set of lightness skill "bird crossing skill". Moving impermanence "is a set of body method that coincides with the art of war. It pays attention to" being as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as the fire, and as motionless as the mountain "when facing the enemy. When shooting," moving like thunder, it is difficult to know as Yin ", which is a top body method created by Chen ang based on" Lingbo micro step ".

The bird crossing technique is a wonderful skill of Chen ang in improving the world of the Tang Dynasty.

He also taught Zhou Chun the unique concealed weapon skill "Tianluo uncanny way" passed on to Li Ning, and then selected a fingering method "Shenhe finger" for him. Finally, he taught him the unique skill of Chen Ang's integration of fighting and star movement, and many Taoism and essence - the great movement of heaven and earth. The great movement of heaven and earth was jointly pushed to the ninth floor by Fang La and Chen ang, which is the most advanced martial arts Chen ang wears.

Better than synopsis of the golden chamber.

After imparting martial arts, Chen ang took half a day to explain them one by one. Finally, Chen ang waved his hand and refused to pay attention to them any more. He said to Qilu Sanying, "your martial arts have also been roughly learned. There is no ambiguity. I have to practice and seek Tao. I don't have time to pay attention to you. Go by myself!"

Qilu Sanying had no choice but to go down the mountain to meet the caravan and go to Jinling City.

Since then, it has been a leisure day. Chen ang quenched the Changming lamp flame every day, extracted the real water of the Taiyin, polished the mana, and devoted himself to cultivation. During the day, he only occasionally talked with Jingming, a sloppy monk, or opened a furnace of pills to try his hand. In the Qi of Chen Ang's cultivation every day, the alien Sword Fairy living in seclusion in Qixia mountain is also familiar with his breath.

Because Tianhe's magic power is the unity of heaven and man, even Qixia mountain is full of aura, plants and trees are exuberant, the vitality is hidden and sprouting, the earth vein is vivid and spiritual, and even the vitality of heaven and earth is also lively. The monks at the top of the whole mountain are paying close attention to such a good time to practice day and night without causing trouble.

For some reason, Taoist Meng, who raised cranes, never bothered Chen ang. Chen ang occasionally predicted that he was trapped in divination, which showed that Taoist Meng had something to do and was unable to come out to trouble him

As for what it is, Chen Ang's research progress is getting deeper and deeper, and he doesn't have the time to study it.

In the past two months, Chen ang has rearranged the Qixia Temple. He has planted medicinal materials in the wasteland of the temple, opened up several medicinal fields, and asked Taoist Jingming to take care of them together, so as to analyze the medicinal properties, study the creation and grafting of miraculous drugs, and even deeply study the cell genes of medicinal materials and learn these knowledge.

Taking the opportunity of going up to the mountain to collect herbs, he cut down some trees whose vitality was cut off and whose fate was about to run out. He baked them into wood with the flame of a bright lamp, repaired the whole Qixia Temple, built several laboratories, and refined some rough experimental magic weapons to assist Chen Ang's research.

It was another morning, an endless river of heaven crossed the sky and rolled on Qixia mountain. The fierce sun essence was drawn from the nine days. It was polished in the river of heaven and sprinkled again. It was a mild spirit of the sun, which made the whole mountain flourish. A fireworks in the river of heaven swallowed up a trace of the real fire of the sun and released a bright light of Castanopsis.

In a cave deep in Qixia mountain, a female crown looked at the Milky way and sighed for a long time. She stroked an ugly crane with messy feathers and flesh color. The crane looked at her, so she didn't forbid the iron beak to gently tease her clothes, cried wrongly, and the two psychic eyes were full of tears.

The female crown touched its red top with pain and said: "I know you're wronged, but the bad guy's mana is strong, and I'm not his opponent. I've worked hard to cultivate mana, which is not as strong as the mana he has trained in two months. How fierce is the nine day sun essence to us sword immortals of different schools? We have to protect the flesh mana from being consumed by the fierce vitality, but he uses it to improve and polish his own Mana... "

"How unfair is God to our different sects? Why, we are trying hard to get it. It's just a fruit of Sanxian Taoism, and their Xuanmen are authentic. Some people can fly up to nine days from generation to generation. There are also immortal Changmei's high-quality fruit?"