Walking in Chang'an City, Chen ang did not pay too much attention to the fate duel between the Kirin demon and Lu Li on the Yangtze River. For him, these are all scheduled events. No matter how they develop, they will not affect the overall situation - creations like two viruses will enter the reincarnation system of the Lord God.

Instead, he made his own body to attract his attention.

"After all, I'm going to be undercover in someone else's hands. Except for the most basic body, most of my strength is not suitable to be exposed. Even if I don't enter the core plane of the LORD God system as a reincarnator, I should also consider the defense mechanism of the LORD God. Even if the Datang world has a reasonable body, this plane is isolated and separated from the reincarnation system by the LORD God... It can be seen that the defense mechanism Prefer initiative. "

"Shallow water can't hide the real dragon!" Chen ang sighed.

It was originally a plan to slowly infiltrate the main god with Yang Guang's vest. Unexpectedly, the main god defense mechanism was so decisive. Once the level variable exceeded its control, the fuse system was started to isolate the Datang level. If Chen ang hadn't tried to pit several teams of reincarnators, his plan to infiltrate the main god space would have failed more than half.

"The LORD God must have suffered a loss. I don't know whether it is a civilization with leapfrog development in the plane system or invaded by other multi cosmic organizations. The latter can still have a future. If there is the former? Hehe, it's enough to hurt his heart!"

The development of civilization takes the road of exploring the external world, understanding, studying and deeply summarizing the development law of the objective world. On the side of science, this road is called science, magic measurement is called truth, immortal Xia measurement is called the way of heaven... There is no consensus. If a civilization grows up in the space system of the LORD God, it will have a high understanding of the laws and rules of the LORD God when it develops to a high level.

Just as the intelligent life in the game began to study the code that constitutes his world, for the system of God, such a civilization is the most terrible virus, and the plane of civilization transition is the cancerous cell in its plane system.

Chen ang can almost imagine that civilization spreads like a virus in the plane system of the main god space. In the great revolution of resisting the main God, controlling the main God and striving for freedom, the most outstanding beings in countless worlds gathered countless outstanding figures with the most wisdom, courage, greatness, towering ambition and knowing sacrifice, shouting: "the main god is dead, civilization should be established."

"The gods would rather have seed!"

"Free or die!"

With such a slogan, countless Tianzong people with the most outstanding wisdom can understand and crack the operating rules of the main god space and destroy its foundation. Many ambitious people want to subvert and control it... This is the war between infinite civilization and the main god space.

Generally speaking, it is not the LORD God who wins!

Chen ang may be lucky to be able to nip out the cancerous transformation of this terrible civilization in the bud, but he must be confused, otherwise he won't neurotically engage in so many active defenses.

"If you want to contact the core, you can only find a world that the LORD God can't control and is infiltrating. It has great interests and is difficult to give up. As bait, this world is best not controlled by the LORD God, or even the world where the LORD God is difficult to obtain control... Generally speaking, this represents high martial arts and high demons."

Chen ang calmly designed: "in order to adapt to the laws of the world, it's best to invade the body in the form of seeds. After collecting information, it germinates and makes immortal bones, spiritual roots, martial bodies and magic net contact physique according to the laws of the world. It doesn't need to carry anything except the essential soul and wisdom, just like a completely indigenous life."

"In case it causes the vigilance of the world will of the plane!"


Lu Li and Ning dodge peeped at each other and couldn't help asking, "then why don't you control the consciousness of the unicorn devil as planned?"

Hearing him ask, EVA's irritable spleen airway: "it's not you, slag. As the packaging of the two most important materials, how can you waste so much that the Kirin devil tore the packaging in your body and ate half of the fighting seeds next door. Now the fighting seeds are incomplete, and the strongest fighting consciousness can't be cultivated with the consciousness of all living beings."

"Without the most important part, the Trinity plan can't be carried out at all," EVA said with a sad face.

Lu Li doesn't know whether he feels lucky or sad. It seems that both development routes are unacceptable to him. On the one hand, it's sad to be swallowed up by the Kirin devil. On the other hand, it doesn't seem to be something to expect to be expelled by EVA as a star ship star. Now it's meaningless to guard against EVA. The most important thing is not to be eaten by the Kirin devil.

So Lu Li continued to test, "did your majesty Yuanshi Tianmo's plan fail?" if Yuanshi Tianmo didn't anticipate this situation, it means that he is not omniscient.

But EVA soon dispelled Lu Li's illusory expectation: "How possible! The plan of his Highness the devil is just an experimental report in one direction! If your majesty really wants to realize it, no matter what happens and how you struggle, it will be realized. But the master is one by one to the self evolution of not interfering in the experiment. In order to get valuable results, the experiment cannot be carried out step by step."

"The plan I said is just the experimental plan scheduled for me. If I have the upper hand, I will naturally continue to carry out the experiment according to the plan. If not... As you see now, there may be a plan to defeat the dominant experiment if the Kirin demon leads the whole experiment, but now it is fragmented and we don't know!"

"I control the battle victory and the Kirin demon will form a star drive. The Kirin demon devours me and the battle victory, and will evolve according to the master's experimental plan. According to her magic power, it may be one of the ultimate forms of the Kirin demon battle body - the blood sea demon Kirin. That is, the liquid biological warship. It will still devour the earth and the sun..."

Lu Li interrupted her, "so we really don't have the possibility to resist the unicorn demon?"

"Really not... The unicorn devil has the absolute upper hand!" EVA said dejectedly.

Ning dodge suddenly said, "that's not necessarily..." EVA and Lu Li looked back at him in surprise, while Ning dodge said with difficulty: "the advantage of Kirin devil is powerful, for one thing, we have fallen into a misunderstanding... The current Kirin blood devil is only a part of Kirin devil, and the noumenon of Kirin devil is still in our hands."

"The unicorn devil is invincible, and the unicorn blood devil may not be invincible. At least now the unicorn blood devil is not a real Unicorn devil..." he looked back at Lu Li and said word by word: "for today's plan, we can only make demons with demons."

"Use the Kirin demon in Lu Xiaoyou's body and the power of God, demon and Buddha to destroy the Kirin blood demon first."