Feeling the desire sprouting in the depths of her body and the thirst for blood, life and genetic materials, Fu Hongyan stared at the other side of the reef. In the eyes of mole ants on both sides, she was looking at the river, but only Fu Hongyan could see a figure standing there that brought her fear of pressure.

Chen ang stood opposite Fu Hongyan and looked at her with a smile.

"I've seen you!" Fu Hongyan frowned and said, "I took in several surviving members of the universe team. When they got together that day, there was a knife intent to cut them out of the void and kill them all."

"I was right with that Dao Dao. I saw you."

Fu Hongyan sighed: "Qilin devil also has you in his memory. Unfortunately, I only got a part of it. The inherited memory is too incomplete, but from the fear of you by the power in my body, you should be the original demon who created it... It is afraid that it is afraid and eager to swallow."

"Yes!" Chen ang admitted happily. He said with a smile, "I sensed that there was something wrong with my test article, so I came to see you with the help of the traces I left in your consciousness last time... Interesting experimenter."

"With the help of the impression left by the last bit of knife light, I projected an illusion in my consciousness that was the same as me... The fool of Shenwu gave us extremely poor information. Obviously, your excellency is far better than the Ten Star devil, but he told us that his highness Tianmo is ten stars. Since his highness Tianmo can chat with me in my consciousness, it must be easy to give me another knife "Fu Hongyan said calmly.

"My life is nothing but a thing in the palm of his Highness the devil, and those guys of Shenwu are nothing but clowns in the eyes of his Highness the devil!" and Fu Hongyan laughed: "then what does your Highness the devil want to plot on us?"

"Of course, it's the existence behind you. I remember you call it 'Lord God space'." Chen ang answered frankly.

"The LORD God's space? Ha ha!" Fu Hongyan suddenly smiled brightly. She narrowed her eyes and said, "I knew his Highness the devil would be interested in it. So now the LORD God didn't kill me for the first time. Your highness, are you kidding?"

Chen ang smiled faintly: "in addition to the secret of the LORD God space, what else is worth my plot?"

Seeing that Chen ang did not deny that he had the ability to block the main God's induction, Fu Hongyan's pupils shrank, and there was a burning excitement in her eyes. She didn't show it on the surface, but actually she trembled with excitement. In the countless multiverse controlled by the main god space, there are countless strong people, ten Star Gods and Demons everywhere, and even eleven star Tao breaking masters are not lacking, But... As Fu Hongyan knows, Chen ang is the only one who can interfere with the power of the LORD God's space.

Unlike Lu Li's vigilance and collapse after learning the facts, Fu Hongyan's endless desire for power makes it difficult for her to restrain her inner turmoil in Chen ang.

"What can I do for his Highness the devil? Frankly, what value do I have?" Fu Hongyan has clear eyes and is not controlled by the obsession of pursuing power. In other words, her personality is constructed around this obsession. She has turned obsession into her own nature and heart.

"Because of some mechanism, the LORD God is preventing people like me from entering its core structure. Now I am trying to bypass its defense mechanism, but the process is not smooth. If the LORD God is regarded as an egg, I am now outside the eggshell, and the so-called reincarnation team is just a secondary mechanism inside and outside its eggshell. If you want to grasp its core, the best way is to seize it The pathway is, of course, the most active part of your system - the reincarnator. "

"The reincarnation is like the bacterial community of the human body, parasitic in the main god space, but it is not completely controlled by it, so nature is the best way to erode and devour it. At first, I wanted to personally enter the mechanism of the reincarnation to find the secret of the core of the main god space, but soon I found that it was vigilant against my existence."

"I can only give up most of my strength and wisdom and sneak in disguised as a normal reincarnator."

"But the LORD God..." Chen ang showed a strange expression, which really made Fu Hongyan unable to understand. He shook his head and said, "the LORD God doesn't pay attention to things!"

"It actually uses the way of replication, cloning and replacement to arrange your reincarnators to perform tasks, that is, you are not the one in your memory for a long time, but the LORD God reshapes and transplants the replica of memory and information with his own materials, which has been repeated countless times... I have never seen such a shameless Lord God!"

Fu Hongyan said with a smile, "so it's difficult for his Highness the devil to sneak in personally?"

"Yes, I have many ways to hide my existence and pretend to be an ordinary person. But why should I be humiliated?" Chen ang asked, looking at Fu Hongyan.

Fu Hongyan nodded and said, "so your highness needs us."

"So I need you. The virus will attach to you and sneak into the space with you. Because your current value is too cheap. In order to prevent the LORD God from replacing you with replicates, I created Kirin demon and divine tree to help you enter the ten stars, and the soul will degenerate into an existence that is more valuable to the LORD God and cannot be copied."

"This bypasses its first layer of firewall. Of course, there are more defense programs behind it, but as long as it is not as shameless as the first defense, I can crack it. The soul information of the Ten Star Gods and Demons makes it special. For the main God, it can not be completely cracked or copied. Only such reincarnations have so little value."

"Whether to me or to the LORD God!"

"Should my appearance be unexpected to his Highness the devil? If I guessed correctly, the Kirin devil should be prepared for Lu Lei. My appearance was just an accident, but after I showed my qualified value as the LORD God virus, I emerged from the ashes destined by his Highness the devil and became a glorious chess piece."

Fu Hongyan's expression is very calm. She is completely different from Lu Li's collapse of consciousness after hearing it for the first time. She is calm about the fact that she is a replica, and even can be said to adapt well.

Even Chen ang is very satisfied with her performance: "selfish personality and will core, the shaping of self is indeed perfect. Is it because of extreme narcissism and selfishness that you better understand your 'self'? This solipsistic artistic conception not only makes you strong will and not moved by foreign things, but also makes you greedy enough and have strong enterprising spirit and madness."

"You're right. The original candidate was Lu Li, but since you're more suitable, it doesn't matter to give you a chance."

"Remember, there are only three opportunities in this world to become my chess pieces and get rid of cannon fodder... God, devil and Buddha. Among them, only Kirin devil fits your original heart and can retain most of your consciousness and personality. At the same time, you have to bring enough pressure to Lu Li. I hope the other two seeds can germinate successfully!"