"Special organs can also be divided into three strengthening routes." Chen ang explained gently: "your team's power system is biased towards martial arts, so I won't recommend spiritual roots! Magic organs! These things. You must not be interested in cultivating powerful biochemical organs such as nuclear melting furnace and sub space oscillator."

"Yes!" Lu Li smiled reluctantly. His index finger bounced uneasily. It was hard to understand how these things that sounded "strong" and science fiction could be related to the painting style of "magic organ" and "spiritual root".

Chen ang seemed to see his doubts and said with a smile: "whether it's true cultivation or Arcane art, some primitive systems have high requirements for the environment, that is, the laws of the world. Some need the vitality of heaven and earth, magic elements, and occasionally need a magic net to control the tyrannical primitive magic energy... It's not practical for you outsiders who often cross the domain."

"Of course, it's not a problem to reach a relatively high level or a highly perfect system, such as the existence of high-dimensional cultivation and travel mages, because their research on the world has reached a very in-depth level... But don't you have this level yet?"

"Therefore, we can only develop super energy organs based on biological organs, with relatively closed system and using radiation, magnetic field, magic, heaven and earth vitality, electric energy and other energy to ensure that you can use fireball under magic radiation. In the world of science and technology without magic, you can also use fireball by grasping a wire..."

"Is there a world without these biochemical organs that can't work?" Lu Lei asked curiously.

"Yes!" Chen ang replied with a smile: "For example, in this gas radiation furnace, there are many world laws that conflict with him. In those worlds, I promise, it will bang and make you painless... But the principle of biochemical organs is the same as that of other organs in your body. In the world where it can't work, those organs in your body that have primitive and simple functions and are randomly spliced by nature, such as lungs, can't work Function. That kind of world, you're dead! "

Chen ang added: "I can guarantee that in a world where the gas radiation furnace can't adapt, the lung is useless, but in some worlds where the lung can't adapt, such as avatar, fluorescence, Taibai, even the solar surface, and similar gas-free and high radiation environments, the furnace can still keep you alive!"

"For the heavens and the world, your human adaptability is a joke. The earth like environment you can adapt to is equivalent to a constant River and a sand in the universe. I advise you to choose organ replacement or cyberization!

"Then let the LORD God send us to various alien worlds to perform tasks?" Lu Li thought with a sneer. He could think of it with his toes, which strengthened this organ with strong adaptability. I'm afraid the world the LORD God will send them to next time will not be on earth.

"What the master has prepared for us should be the biochemical organs adapted to the martial arts?" Lu Li asked.

"Yes, there are many different directions on the road of martial arts. Although I have obtained relatively few gene samples, it is enough to form three different complete systems. First, it is suitable for the strengthening of acupoints and orifices of martial arts in the system of body refining and vitality. Its inspiration comes from a martial world I have been to. People there refine their flesh body and can awaken their body spirit into the main acupoints and orifices. The flesh body is changeable."

Lu Li's eyes lit up when he heard this. He carefully tried, "then why don't you give us the martial arts script of that world directly?"

Chen ang glanced at him. Lu Li was awed by the eyes that seemed to penetrate all his thoughts. Fortunately, Chen ang didn't seem to expose his little mind, but replied solemnly: "That world is a legendary fairyland, full of vitality between heaven and earth. There are countless mysteries hidden in the aboriginal body, and the soul is naturally powerful. Can you compare it with the residue evolved by apes?"

"People's atavism is a divine beast. Do you atavism into a monkey? People breathe energy. What do you breathe? Pollution?" Chen Ang's ridicule made Lu Li's ears red.

"People in the fairyland rely on their vitality and the endless potential of their body. You earthlings still rely on science and technology and variation!" Chen ang comforted him: "the acupoint energy organs I developed are no longer the ultimate combat body under the martial arts of the world. They are strong and powerful... Strong and powerful!"

"Look at this asatos war body, this hybrid four ape war body... By cultivating organs, it finally accumulates into a unique life, which is also a grand road!" Chen ang exclaimed.

"I think these fighting bodies seem very dangerous..." Lu Li wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "can you surpass the human immortal martial arts only through strengthening? I always think it's unreliable!"

"Of course not just by strengthening..." Chen angxiang inadvertently said: "because of the rejection of transplanted organs, what I can help you transplant is only the primitive body, which needs you to develop your own awakening."

Lu Lei was alert for an instant: "how do you wake up?"

"For example, the Jiuyang battle body, which needs the most energy organs, is the first to eat the sun. It is composed of head acupoint energy organs such as sun god temple, taiyishen shenting and tunri Qingming. It basically needs to grow in a stellar environment. For example, tunri Qingming needs to run the special skill multidimensional Republic eye health exercises on the surface of the super new star To grow smoothly and finally fully awaken by swallowing the energy of the gamma storm... "

"I tell you, after the Nine Yang battle body devours nine stars with a mass no less than that of the sun, people stop killing people and Buddha stop killing Buddha. It is absolutely no less than any human immortal and nine ghost immortals, and can adapt to any world in the world."

"I'm sure that as long as you cultivate the Jiuyang battle body, as long as there is a sun in that world, you can have strong power, and you don't have to lose power because of the differences of world laws," Chen ang promised.

"Are there any conditions you haven't said... And the conditions for the cultivation of this Nine Yang war body are too harsh!" Lu Li tried to suppress his fear. He roared in his heart: go to his tunri Qingming acupoint and his eye health exercises... God, you're definitely big! Can you control the goods? No... you can't control it!

"There is such a small condition. Every time you come to a world with different laws, you have to devour a sun in that world in order to integrate the unique energy laws of that world... My little suggestion is that you'd better not choose a world with only one sun. There will be trouble..."

"Of course there will be trouble. People will work hard with me!" Lu Li shouted madly in his heart.

"The above is the first biochemical organ, acupoint and orifice energy organ, or acupoint and orifice Tongshen... Do you want to choose? I can present the structural drawings of several special combat bodies I have developed! If those combat bodies don't meet your requirements, you have to rely on instinct to combine combat bodies, then I can't guarantee the consequences!"