Chen ang stood on the rocky beach on the side of the Yangtze River. The sharp reefs eroded by the river piled up at his feet. He probed into the river like a dog's tooth and tore out a snowflake like wave.

Jin Zhonghuan, the captain of the universe team, stood opposite Chen ang, with an unusually dignified expression. The shadow of the river patted at Jin Zhonghuan's feet, but passed through his body and slowly went east. It was just a three-dimensional projection. Obviously, he was in Korea, but the universe team clearly restored every detail of Chen ang thousands of miles away and projected it here.

"Is this the mysterious strong man of the chaser team?" Jin Zhonghuan shouted in a hard voice.

"Yes, I let the coward who escaped by chance compare it with him. It's really him." standing outside the projection, park shunsijiao looked at him with a smile and said with a smile: "but oba seems to be distracted! My magic plants are infected next to him, and he didn't notice it. It doesn't seem to be the due performance of the nine star strong. Are those Mongols too useless, so..."

"Park shunsi! Put away your cleverness. I've met him in the mission. He's not the kind of person with too real name. The blood of Saiya of the fighting race is strengthened in his hands, and he can even fight with the strong ones who are higher than his own stars."

"It's not your stupid brain that can kill his strong man!"

Jin Zhonghuan asked coldly, "how long will Ning dodge be here?"

"The Shenwu team said it would arrive in half a day. The corpse and ghost troops are also in place, oba! Shall we..." Park shunsi enlarged the scale of the projection, and a team of ferocious and ugly human monsters tens of miles away from Chen ang appeared on the projection. They were suspended under the belly of a monster like a ray and hung upside down like a bat.

These monsters, called corpses by park shunsi, curled up with deformed bodies and their skin was as white as a corpse. They seemed to be very afraid of the sun. Occasionally, one was pushed to the edge by his companions and exposed to a thin ray of sunshine, just like being splashed with sulfuric acid.

These monsters are not the specialty of any plot world, but the universe team uses the stone ghost face, a prop that can make vampires in the world of JOJO's wonderful adventure. They are made in this world with Gao Liwu Taoist experts as the element. After the injection of vampire virus in the world of legend of the night and the modulation of biochemical technology of umbrella company in the world of biochemical crisis, Retain the experience of martial arts and eliminate the killing biochemical weapons of human emotion.

Although the life span of these biological weapons is no more than 24 hours due to the genetic disease caused by genetic redundancy and conflict, they also have very terrible lethality and are the killer mace of the universe team.

These ghouls are also mixed with some carefully prepared high-quality biochemical versions, which are embedded with the demons of the big sword world, the aliens of the alien world, the perfect blood of the night legend world and the genes of magical animals in the Harry Potter World, and have more dangerous lethality and special abilities.

It can be said that most of the strength of the universe team is reflected in these biochemical technologies.

Jin Zhonghuan pondered for a moment and suddenly decided to say, "wait, Cui Jinghui! Now control the ghoul attack..."

"But the captain is still in the daytime. If we use corpses and ghosts now, we will lose a dark sky scroll. It's better to wait until Ning Dodge is against the target. It's dark at that time!" Cui Jinghui hesitated.

"Cui Jinghui, are you questioning my order?" Jin Zhonghuan shouted.

"Yes, I'll order the corpse ghost to attack now!" Cui Jinghui replied with cold sweat and trembling.

"Cui Jinghui..." Jin Zhonghuan looked at him coldly, and his eyes made him shudder: "don't think your double ability is very suitable for commanding corpses and ghosts, and think you have the power to question my orders. If I can give you the ability, I can deprive it! You know?"

Cui Jinghui trembled and replied with great fear, "yes... Captain!"

The huge ray monster tens of miles behind Chen ang suddenly woke up from his sleep. It flapped its wings and began to move forward, which caused the commotion of corpses and ghosts hanging in its abdomen. However, a human vine like virtual shadow appeared on the back of the ray. The tentacles of the virtual shadow plunged into the brains of the ray and the most powerful corpses and ghosts, and soon the commotion subsided.

The ray didn't fly high, but it was fast. It took a few breaths to shorten the distance from Chen ang by a quarter.

At this time, Chen Ang's image in the projection finally moved. In the energy perspective of the projection, the yuan magnetic true Qi displayed in blue spread rapidly along the magnetic field line of the earth. The slender real Qi silk like spider silk quickly covered the earth in the induction of magic plants. With Chen Ang's body as the hub, the yuan magnetic true Qi absorbed the magnetic force in the void and expanded with the naked eye.

In Chen Ang's induction, countless chaotic, manic consciousness full of anger, hatred and resentment quickly approached. In the magnetic field feedback, a huge flat organism, the carrier's dense parasitic organisms, swept through the low altitude and approached his position.

In the base of the universe team, Cui Jinghui is sweating and manipulating his double. His double ability is very special. Even if it is thousands of miles away, it can play a perfect role. Coupled with the parasitic control ability of the doubles, it is a perfect commander for the universe team with biochemical technology as the main scientific and technological enhancement.

"The vanguard troops have begun to contact!" Cui Jinghui said calmly.

"Park shunsi!" Jin Zhonghuan ordered coldly.

"I see, ouba!" Park shunsi showed a cold smile and looked at Cui Jinghui with disgust. Suddenly, he turned into a virtual shadow and jumped on Cui Jinghui. Dozens of ferocious black shadows flew down from its belly before the ray stopped, and a thick shadow suddenly burst out from them.

The magic from the heroic invincible world, the dark sky curtain, shrouds the surrounding ten square kilometers in darkness.

The tentacles inserted into the corpse ghost's brain shook violently, making these ferocious monsters look more painful and ferocious. A bleak howl that was not like human voice instantly squeezed the dirty and dark vitality of the corpse ghost. Several corpses became dry corpses and fell to the ground. Their souls were wrapped in the sound and jumped at Chen ang like a banshee.

"Black magic - Banshee howl!"

"Go to hell!" Park shunsi's soul appeared in Cui Jinghui's double. The spirit of the Banshee detonated the black magic less than a few steps away from Chen ang. The spirit of the Banshee melted in the howl and turned into a poisonous curse around Chen ang.

At this time, Chen ang pulled out his right palm like a knife when everyone didn't expect it.

"Power full of impurities..."

The next moment, a lightning like light tore the dark sky, jumped in the deadly shadow of the Banshee's howl, and brought a series of sparks. Lightning and thunder burst out at the same time