The atmosphere was really strange. Everyone in the chaser team didn't speak. Then the middle-aged scribe familiar to Luo Xuan pushed open the cabin door and walked to Chen ang. He was also followed by a mysterious woman wrapped in black gauze. Her exquisite figure made the new people unable to help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

At this time, Dou Jiande's camp in the distance has been exposed on the horizon.

Lu Li and other senior people stood up and heard Chen ang calmly ask, "are you ready?"

"All right!"

Lu Lei quickly nodded and answered. With the rest of his eyes, he saw what seemed to be a commotion on the ground.

Airships are several kilometers high above the sky. With the technological level of the Datang world, they can't hurt airships at this height in any case. However, the reincarnation means are strange and changeable. The mere high-altitude barrier is not a restriction for them. In fact, Lu Li would never attack from high altitude if Chen ang didn't insist.

This means cutting off the way back, but also means that there is no way back and falling into death. In any way, it is the taboo of reincarnation.

Lu Lei's back was tight. He knew that as long as Tianjiao team was not a group of fools, they couldn't have found the airship.

Chen ang suddenly raised his head and looked at the high altitude in front of him. Lu Li looked nervously. He saw several ballistic missiles flying out of the mountains and forests below at a supersonic speed of more than Mach 5. With Lu Li's extraordinary eyesight, he could even see the color of the tail flame of this pair of air-to-air missiles.

The altitude of thousands of meters is only an instant for advanced modern weapons.

Chen ang stretched out his hand and pulled out a long refined steel sword from the waist of Huang Shang. The sword is sharp and tough, three feet and one inch long. The material structure is the most common crystalline steel. In the Tang Dynasty, it is naturally a first-class magic weapon, but even in the identification of the LORD God, it is only an ordinary long sword of one star bronze level.

On the bluestone square in front of the Jincheng palace, Ozil and Ke sneered at Chen Ang's figure flying down from the airship. He turned back and said with Daisen dari with a smile: "the weak mole ants like the windchaser dare to challenge us, and they swaggered past us in the airship. It's amazing!"

"Don't look, although it's only a miniature nuclear warhead, the weak slag like the Windrunner can't survive." Ozil and Ke said and were ready to leave.

When the missile came to its prefabricated killing point, which was located a little below 100 meters of the airship, without any warning, four warheads exploded at the same time, and a dazzling sun appeared at the airship.

The chain reaction, with a terrible core temperature of 100 million degrees, can theoretically destroy any life at the core.

Then, the high temperature in the nuclear explosion center will directly act on the gas and transfer its own energy with the help of the expansion at the moment of explosion. The impact force mixed with radiation, high temperature, shock wave and electromagnetic storm will sweep all spaces in the killing circle and evaporate all nearby man-made materials and traces of life.

Although it is only a miniature nuclear bomb, it only reduces the killing area, not the power of a single body.

Only a strong man like Ozil and Kirk will not shy away from looking directly at the light radiation after the nuclear bomb explosion, but even so, he can only keep his eyes from being hurt and can't see anything through the disaster of Tianwei.

Daisen dari couldn't help narrowing his eyes in the face of the sudden emergence of several suns in the sky.

The nuclear bomb detonated in the sky will undoubtedly produce a lot of radiation dust. Naturally, it doesn't matter to them, but for the civilians living here, it's definitely a nightmare. It's a little pity for some nearby people who are destined to be consumed. Daisendari suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the center of the nuclear explosion.

Daisen dari observed the energy change of the nuclear explosion with his naked eye by using the tantric big day Buddha Dharma. He suddenly saw that in the spectrum of energy radiation, a big hand blocking the sky and the sun caught the sun melted by four nuclear bombs. The huge palm hundreds of meters wide holds the energy released by the nuclear explosion in his hand, like grabbing four suns, and is... Smashing to the ground.

"Get out of the way!" shouted dysendarteri.

He rose up to all chakras and escaped a mass of Buddha light from the top wheel, just like a floating Tu tower fall, protecting himself and Ozil Heke. At the same time, he crushed the galagong in his hand with his life. A mass of rich turbid Buddha light set up countless Tallinn in front of him and led him to the big hand photographed in the sky.

The giant palm in the air pressed on the Jincheng palace. The unparalleled energy of the four nuclear bombs filled every inch of the space in the giant palm, gradually condensing the huge palm as virtual as real. This huge energy was limited to a limited space, but its power was rising geometrically. The huge chain reaction energy was completely used to promote the chain reaction at the next level.

The abundant vitality in the void was ignited at this moment.

Jincheng palace, where more than a dozen members of Tianjiao team are located, when they are directly exposed to this destructive force, most people can't react and melt in this endless light.

It was like a sun falling to the ground and burning a hot white flame.

Although it only burned for tens of seconds, it has erased the whole Jincheng palace from the ground, leaving only a fine palm print in place. The ground is in a semi molten state. Several things that can barely be seen to be human are trapped in lava, and the material is scorched.

Lu Li looked at the prompt in front of him: "the windchaser team killed one member of Tianjiao team, rewarded one five-star bronze card and 5000 points!" such information was crazily brushing the screen. There were more than a dozen pieces in a moment, and almost half of Tianjiao team was inside! Suddenly feel very confused.

Before, the rash newcomer opened his mouth and didn't even notice that his saliva was left. He just trembled and said, "this... This is not true! This... How is this possible?" they can see everything more clearly. The huge light radiation of the nuclear bomb explosion has spread to their eyes, but they can't move forward, He was held in his hand by the man in front of him.

Just like catching the sun and throwing it down, I took a palm print holding the sun on the ground.

Thinking of what he had said before, the new man dressed as a small white-collar worker suddenly felt two wars and couldn't help himself.

"This is not a fight, not even a crush... This is a massacre!" Zhang Shaofeng exclaimed.

"The Buddha light of the Tathagata God's palm is beginning to appear?" Luo Xuan shook her head and denied: "it's too destructive to ignite and shine with a nuclear bomb. This is the essence of the power to destroy everything with violence. It's better to call the nuclear fusion God's palm a peaceful world!"

Chen Ang's body slowly set, with the huge sun in front of him. No one saw how he fell to the ground. Standing on the ground flowing magma and radiation, Chen ang looked calm. He walked forward a few steps and came to a scorched human object. The human object whose skin was stuck to the metal combat suit raised his head hard.

A faceless face almost like a blood skeleton was exposed.

"Daisen dari, right? I didn't expect that the nuclear furnace could burn relic more easily...: Chen ang glanced at his agate body:" although it's a whole one! "

"The gold bodies of other people's houses are burned in a bucket. You burn them into a whole piece, which is worth studying! The gold bodies are burned into agate and can still survive, with strong vitality. It's also the first time I've seen a living relic. The research value is great. Spare your life!" Chen ang smiled.

"Devil!" Daisen dari sent out a vague Mongolian word from his throat, stared at Chen ang with two eyes that were about to burn into blood holes, and shouted, "devil!"

"Be scientific! Don't be superstitious!" Chen ang stood up in front of him. "It's better not to learn from others to play nuclear weapons. What do you say in case of space technology?"

Looking at Ozil Heke climbing out of the magma in the distance, I have to say that the eight-star strong is the eight-star strong. The lava is wrapped around him. The front is bombarded by more than a dozen nuclear bombs. Others have been killed hundreds of times. His vitality is still strong, and his spirit is even high because of being hurt.

Ozil and Ke were full of tyrannical blood red pupils, staring at Chen ang. Their bodies wrapped in magma stood upright, and the momentum in their charred bodies seemed to be rising like a rising rocket.

The "air" spewing out filled every inch of the ruins of the Jincheng palace, and even rushed high into the air. The position of the airship can also feel the majestic pressure of the sea near Ozil and Kirk. If there is substantial air, it seems that Ozil and Kirk move at one stroke, bringing the power to shake the whole world.