The time scale of the mysterious universe is 0.0001 seconds, and the temperature reaches tens of trillion Kai. The universe is like the surging ocean of the collision of earth, water, wind and fire. Neutrons and protons begin to collide and evolve violently. The energy tides fluctuating in the vacuum collide with endless photons to illuminate the whole universe.

Chen ang holds the embryonic form of the mysterious universe, pressing inch by inch on the coverage of the probability cloud of illusion.

The temperature of the embryonic universe is greater than the threshold temperature of hadrons and leptons. Photon collisions produce positive and negative hadrons and positive and negative leptons, and some of them are annihilated into photons. When the equilibrium state is reached, the total number of particles is roughly equal to the total number of photons, and the non annihilated hadrons are broken into "quarks". At this time, the quarks are in a "progressive free state" without any protective effect.

At this time, the species of particles in the mysterious universe are: positive and anti quarks, positive and anti electrons, positive and anti neutrinos. Finally, one billionth of the positive particles remain.

Illusion has covered its own probability cloud into the whole embryonic universe. It can be seen that in a boiling ocean of photons, electrons break through their inherent nature, form a huge circulation system in the void, model the essence of infinite gemstones, and construct a materialized framework reflecting the concept of electronic essence.

Energy cycle, material cycle, information cycle and even soul system. After receiving the Republic's scientific and technological assistance to break through the dimension, illusion has reshaped a body that includes all free electrons in the embryonic form of the mysterious universe.

That huge energy cycle even changed the foundation of the mysterious universe.

This is the most comprehensive confrontation between Chen ang and illusion. They compete for their ultimate wisdom, ability, will and strength. Although Chen ang has the apocalypse as the template, illusion also has the support of the Republic.

"Finally, this opportunity!" the Republic's "Jianmu" scientific research base, located in the same and different dimensional space, and the soul gem closely connected with the soul gem, continuously transmits the phantom consciousness data, realizes the interaction and connection of data, and the massive data operation is reduced here, Put into the information dimensionality reduction world formed by the consciousness of the soldiers of the Republic.

"Using the unique 'infinite gem' connecting device of the universe, we have realized the" parallel world "isomorphism technology on the time scale d4769.2ss time axis, so that our soldiers can achieve spiritual integration with the isomorphism of the parallel world. Therefore, we have overcome many scientific difficulties that can be called a natural moat."

"The sacrifice of more than 10000 scientists and researchers - they reduce the dimension of their souls and realize the omniscient power to cover the low-dimensional world, so that we can use their souls as a bridge to control those low-dimensional worlds, build soul brains, and realize scientific breakthrough development in those time accelerated and law simulated worlds."

"But because of this, they lose themselves and their consciousness sinks into deification."

"This is just to give us an opportunity to understand the intentions and plans of the apocalypse and fill the information gap between us and him... Finally, on the basis of integrating parallel space-time counterparts, we have expanded our civilization from a single-dimensional space-time civilization to a multi-dimensional space-time civilization covering the time line, including all parallel worlds in the universe."

"We have integrated every time line and world line destroyed by the apocalypse and about to be destroyed by the apocalypse. We include all Chinese civilizations that resist the apocalypse."

"At this moment, we have countless parallel time and space to work together for this goal. The absolute majority or even all of them may be destroyed, but as long as one, as long as the Chinese civilization with a timeline can achieve that miracle, we will succeed!"

"Everyone present, except the dimensional soldiers who project the coming body, integrates the selves of different parallel time and space. In those time and space, some of you are soldiers, some are researchers, and some may be just civilians. You have different memories and different lives..."

"We have all become monsters. Everyone carries countless time and space selves. Now we have complex memories, restrained sensibility and omniscientism. You integrate the knowledge of time and space. Everyone has the wisdom covering all parallel worlds. We give up ourselves and let the most firm and paranoid time and space personalities come together to replace the stupidity in our personality , cowardice, ignorance, laziness. "

"We have become a collection of the most firm and perfect parts of countless selves in parallel time and space, for which we have given up too much."

"We lose love because we can't carry the warm feelings and memories in every time and space, the feelings of those who love us and the people we love, and the selfish love will be confused because of the different objects in every world, which will only make our consciousness complex. The precious emotions we have accumulated in countless time and space, our love and faith are only because of one Forget your goals. "

"The most painful thing in the world is this."

"We can deeply remember hatred, but we are unable to carry our most precious memories and emotions."

"So we can only place this emotion on everyone and on our civilization. We love everyone in this civilization, because everyone may be the most loved person in our parallel time and space. We spread the selfish love in the parallel world self to everyone."

"Love, if you love me!"

All the people present lowered their heads and felt the pain in their hearts. That is every personality. It is a common sincere emotion to forget and give up their most precious memory.

In the information exchange center of the laboratory, the soul gem blooms brightly.

The Republic researcher standing in the center covered it with his hands. The Chinese will - the most firm and precious subconscious mind ocean in the hearts of all members of the Republic, is connected to the soul gem.

Only the soul gem can completely carry the Alaya knowledge of the whole civilization. Researchers in the Republic have long found that there is a soul calling itself the "goddess of revenge". Although there is no self, the huge soul quality has proved that the soul gem has this ability. After extracting the spirit of the goddess of revenge as an experimental object, This gem became part of the plan.

"Phantom program preparation!"

In the embryonic form of the mysterious universe, the consciousness program of illusion suddenly liberates a deeper part. A huge, orderly and perfect intelligent program is connected to the "Jianmu" laboratory through the spiritual gem.

The perfect program is like a huge container, which can load a huge consciousness data at any time.

The phantom body has long been integrated with the prototype of the metaphysical universe, but after the program was started, the huge cycle composed of all electrons was further loaded into the prototype of the metaphysical universe. Chen ang suddenly found that his consciousness was also attracted by the prototype of the metaphysical universe and entered it.

"The phantom program is loaded successfully, and Adam's guide has returned..."

"Load the Chinese will..."

In Jianmu laboratory, the soul gem suddenly collapses and turns into a purple streamer, which is integrated with the yellow light of the soul gem in the Dark Universe.

"Loading external program, ultimate system, reality program, power program, space program, time program..."

The light of six infinite gemstones bloomed in the embryonic form of the Dark Universe. Taking the integration of infinite gemstones as the material carrier, a system carrying the Chinese will as the core has been constructed.

"Lock Adam road sign..."

In Jianmu laboratory, the general person in charge of the experiment explained to his subordinates with a smile: "the Apocalypse closes the timeline and destroys all the possibilities he doesn't need. After the temptation of countless parallel world republics, it is finally confirmed that only by breaking through this dimension and realizing the upgrading of civilization can we survive in this experiment."

"But upgrading is so difficult that even Tianqi can't find the direction, and our efforts were at an impasse."

"But we quickly thought of a way! Our world, there is a part of high-dimensional existence."


"The Apocalypse itself is a low dimensional part of the high-dimensional existence. It's easy to break through the dimensional constraints and become a part of the Apocalypse!"

"But the Republic can't allow us to be part of the Apocalypse... We'd rather be destroyed," someone asked suspiciously.

"Then let some beings with the same nature as the apocalypse, such as his past, become a part of us... The professor has tested that through Adam, the homonym we created with the apocalypse, we can connect to other dimensional worlds, that is, a part of the high-dimensional existence in other worlds."

"In the same way, by tracing back to Adam's soul, we can let him go to other worlds and leave this cage at the cost of becoming a part of Adam."

"Of course... The pride of the Republic does not allow us to give up ourselves."

"The Republic is impossible, but our will, including our civilization, can - let our civilization be reborn in another world!"

"Take Adam's soul as the core, the Chinese will as the corridor of the soul, and the ultimate system as the outermost protective layer to 'launch' Adam to other worlds. As long as we reach a world that carries the Chinese civilization and exists in the Republic, the ultimate system and the Chinese will will will integrate into the collective subconscious ocean of the Chinese civilization in that time and space and reshape our civilization."

"We can die, our existence can be destroyed, but Chinese civilization - no, we can't develop Chinese civilization."

"This is the civilized kindling plan - tens of thousands of parallel worlds have volunteered to become torches to burn everything we have, just for an opportunity to spread the light of civilization to other worlds, realize upgrading and inherit the kindling of our civilization!"

"Now, burn!"

"Let's fight the apocalypse in this universe. Whether we live or die, the fire of civilization will be inherited forever!"

"Now we can sacrifice everything... Accompany Apocalypse to finish this experiment!"

In the embryonic form of the mysterious universe, Chen ang suddenly came into contact with the great will and consciousness in the core, connected with all members of the Republic, and he understood everything.

"I see!"

The illusion program protects the Chinese will and forms a soul corridor outside Adam Chen Ang's soul. Chen ang gives up defense and accepts it as a part of his soul.

Finally, the complete state of the system and infinite gem is wrapped outside Chen Ang's soul, forming another layer of defense.

The embryonic form of the mysterious universe, as the outermost defense, wraps up the final system.

"Finally, the task of rebuilding the Republic fell on me. Did you bring the Republic back from the future and blow my future Apocalypse to shreds? It sounds very emotional!"

"However, as long as I go out from this closed dimensional universe and make the possibility of the continuation of the Republic inevitable, there will be a timeline for the existence of the Republic in the future, that is to say, I don't have to do anything. As long as I take out hope, it will germinate and grow, and finally become a towering tree and lend the bright fruits of civilization."

"Then when I come back, I will be able to witness the future of the Republic across time and space and Apocalypse to the end of the universe!"

Jianmu bases in countless parallel worlds broke out the most powerful spiritual fluctuation. The ultimate spiritual weapon, fantasy, broke the legal barriers between reality and illusion. Chen Ang's consciousness began to go back and explore the self in the parallel world.

He turned into a streamer, with the embryonic form of the mysterious universe, and everything disappeared in this dimension.