Everything is like a supernova explosion.

When the chaotic state space impacts on the neutron star God, the erosive and infectious ability of the information chaotic state has invincibly destroyed the space maze in the outer layer of the Titan's body. These spatial scales are extremely distorted, equivalent to a spatial distance of several light years. It seems that there is no chaotic state without the concept of space.

The space maze formed by great gravity once trapped Professor Chen anghe, but before the advent of Luoji's spatial information structure, the model candle dragon, was no stronger than a piece of white paper.

The chaotic spatiotemporal information flood is like a chaotic code of information in the universe, an incomprehensible chaos. When it is contaminated with Sargeras's body, it is like a series of chaotic codes suddenly input into a complete piece of data. The chaos spreads uncontrollably, and the powerful body of the neutron God inevitably collapses.

Just under the ruthless determination of Sargeras, he directly disconnected one-fifth of his body and allowed it to integrate into the chaotic information space without space, time, and even material and energy.

"Information chaos is an imitation of the state in information space science that before the big bang, there was no time and space, no matter, no energy, all existence could not be understood and perceived, violated the most basic order law of the universe, and could not be recognized by cosmic life. It can be said that it was a model in cosmology at the beginning."

"Because it is too chaotic, it is called 'nothingness', Taoism calls it the' Taichu 'of the innate five tais, and Buddhism calls it the' empty robbery 'living in the bad air..." Chen ang peeps at the chaos. His brain can no longer withstand such high-intensity operations, and the current logical concept of the brain is not enough to understand the chaos.

Therefore, he can vaguely sense the concept of information in the chaos only by emptying his mind and trusting a glimmer of spirit in the ubiquitous noumenon.

"But in my eyes, this piece has no concept, just like the chaos of the information black hole in the dimension, which can also be called 'mysterious chaos', just as the neutron star gravitational cage warped space distorted probability pocket universe can be called' Buddha in the palm '."

"If it is the apocalypse, in his eyes, it may be more scientific and closer to the true description of the essential attributes of this astronomical spectacle, but my brain can't make a scientific, clear and mathematical judgment, nor can it be deduced into a formula to summarize the theories of literature, physics and Informatics, so I have to vaguely borrow philosophy and martial arts to summarize all this."

"Professor, I'm sorry, I have to do it!" Chen ang sighed. He already had a way to deal with Luo Ji's space weapons. At this time, he was full of inspiration. A large amount of data filled Chen Ang's brain all the time, and then he incorporated it into his own functional model, that is, mental method.

The mysterious chaos will grow and conquer the Purple Star River.

The universe was in a chaotic and hot state at the beginning, and the cosmic starry sky appeared only after the big bang. Originally, the mysterious chaos should restrain the Purple Star River. The dual true meaning lies in chaos and order. But how can chaos and order, the chaotic state of information and the state of order be so simple that "Taichu" produces "Taishi" and "empty robbery" produces "robbery".

Therefore, in order to crack the almost invincible information chaotic state of Luoji, we must first break and then stand by means of the pole big bang to regenerate the mysterious universe and derive the Zixing River from the mysterious universe.

To achieve this, Chen ang must cooperate with Sargeras.

"Sargeras, supernova explosion!" Chen ang roared at the Titan.

Chen ang traces time and space with a strong will and is connected with Sargeras' consciousness. The Titan easily understands Chen Ang's meaning. Sargeras does not hesitate to give up his hostility to Chen ang and work together to fight their common enemy.

"Adam, take over my body!" Sargeras did not hesitate to give up his control over the Titan God body, sank his spirit into the deepest part of the body and began to "sleep". As it gave up consciousness, under the control of Chen ang, he sank into the memory of the long river of time and began to "dream".

The time in the dream traces the history of the planet to the moment when the neutron star was born, the supernova was destroyed, and Sargeras sank into darkness.

The force provided by the "degeneracy" between the energy of stellar nuclear fusion and free electrons can no longer resist gravity. The body of Titan - supernova star began to collapse. Different from the collapse of supernova in reality, the supernova in the dream revolved around a point in the dark, which is also the point where Sargeras began to focus on his deep sleep.

In reality, the gravity strong enough to make the whole space tremble began to focus on one o'clock in the chaotic state, with the purest and purest data against the confusion of information. In the space distorted by the will of the apocalypse, one dream differentiated into reality.

The body of the Titan, the material escaping from the white hole and everything in this space, including time and space, are concentrated to that point.

The whole space collapsed to a point, a black particle that no one could see clearly.

Luo Ji only had time to pull the spaceship shrouded in the will of the professor out of space, and the space created by the Apocalypse was completely destroyed. Everything was sucked into the particle, contained everything and became one.

In reality, huge warships suddenly appeared on the sea level on the east coast of Africa, but the space was transferred along the channel opened by logit to Barnard star, which is 6 light-years away from the earth. The star was torn by a huge black hole, and endless energy and material were swallowed by that terrible vortex.

Looking at Barnard from tens of thousands of kilometers away, a huge vortex that shattered its general stars swallowed everything.

The whole star is involved in an invisible gravitational black hole, with a speed of more than 45000 miles per second, and its core temperature rises rapidly. Under the action of universal gravitation, the gas hits the core near the speed of light, "rebound effect", so that part of the incoming gas rotates upward and blows out of the core.

The electrons and protons in the core squeeze to produce neutrinos. When neutrinos pass through the dense gas, they are partially absorbed, and the gas obtains huge energy, resulting in a groundbreaking explosion, producing X-rays, gamma rays and ultraviolet rays. The gas absorbs heat again, and the temperature rises to millions of degrees. But all these products are swallowed by the black hole and filled into the particle.

Chen Ang's will tore the void and came to this star domain. He asked angrily, "why? It's not me who beat you and scuttled you! It's not me who destroyed your mother star! It's not me who drove you to the universe and killed you! I'm just an innocent past. Why do you have to involve me in this war?"

"With persimmons to find soft pinch?"

Chen ang was very angry. His will shrouded the whole star domain, and the sound of spiritual fluctuation shook everywhere: "I'm not a soft persimmon! You bully me to the end. It's really a Buddha with fire!"

Just like the martial arts principle that Chen ang follows: everything is empty and chaotic, the Qi of yin and Yang, and even all substances are chaotic and out of order in the Taixu, pushing out and impacting each other... Accumulating immeasurable force, triggering the big bang that gave birth to the universe!

This can be described as the mysterious universe · big bang!

Particle explosion