Although there is only a general direction on the design drawing and no specific experimental design, the most valuable design ideas have been displayed in front of everyone. Without mentioning all kinds of clever ideas and anti classified and anti logical design ideas, just the revealed feasibility is enough to shock the professor and Bruce speechless.

At least in terms of Bruce's scientific literacy, there is no problem.

But the problem is that there is no problem.

The professor resolutely and without hesitation rejected: "I won't let my students do such things. In this plan, I don't find that you treat him as an individual. I only see absolute reason, analysis and ruthless data. Yes, you seem to keep the integrity of 'Hawk'."

"But that integrity is the integrity of an object, a system, not a person?"

"Adam, it makes me wonder if you are still human?" the professor asked excitedly.

"It has nothing to do with human nature. To be honest, as an experimenter, I don't pay attention to what you call human nature. If this is the disappearance of human nature, I have already disappeared dozens of times. Which time will our exploration of truth not change ourselves? Holding the attitude of preserving human nature and self will only turn myself into a fixed frame of the past."

"In my opinion, such fools who do not change, do not exercise, do not progress, and live in memory and human nature have no human nature!"

"In my opinion, yes, hawk may become something else, ruthless, devoid of human nature, and emotion and reason are distorted in the transformation, but so what? It's like who hasn't experienced it?"

"Your perspective is still in the low latitude, in the mortal period! If you go back to time and cross the past and the future, you will find that he has not changed. If your consciousness covers all parallel universes and omniscientism, you will also find that he has not changed. This is just a 'future', a possibility..."

"For you, memory doesn't matter, as long as it exists in the past... Even tracing the great existence behind you doesn't need the past, but for us, memory and emotion are everything we have, it is ourselves. You can put forward all paradoxes to prove that we are killing the past all the time, but for the moment, 'I' exists "Yes!" said the professor sadly.

"You and the Apocalypse stand too high! You have forgotten everything that is most precious as a mortal..."

"I think so I am!" sighed the professor.

"You can't think, you can't move Bruce's memory and emotion!" the professor said firmly. He glared at Chen ang, and his will in the void firmly refused Chen ang to approach hawk.

"One day, you'll understand!" Chen ang didn't insist. He just looked at the professor and Bruce and said, "the idea now is that you're not mature enough. Professor, we are one kind of people after all. When you understand, you'll sing this song with me!"

Chen ang rolled up the design drawing, handed it to Haoke and put it in his hand: "I hope you haven't opened this design drawing one day, but the fact is often unsatisfactory. When you open it again, I hope you can understand that whether it is Diablo or Haoke! He is you and has never changed!"

"Fifty years of life, compared with heaven and earth, is only a small thing..."

"Fortunately, I still have a backhand..." Chen ang sighed. He turned to the professor and said, "now only you are not trapped in the universe, and I can temporarily erase my existence in this time period, jump to the future, re cut in and read files for rebirth."

"But the avenger and the alien friends over there may disappear forever. Do you have any way to save it?"

"I really can't, I can only recreate them... But there is a logical flaw that is easy to be locked by the apocalypse, and these experimental products are worthless!"

The professor's consciousness seems to be paying attention to other places. He transmits all the chaotic pictures to Chen Ang's consciousness. They are fragments of light and shadow. He can only see some photon remnants when they move rapidly, but Chen ang still decodes some things.

He waved a pair of incomplete light and shadow, pointed to a figure passing by and said, "someone is on the way?"


"Welcome Professor X, an old friend of the Republic!" Luo Ji said with a smile: "since the Apocalypse disaster, there have been two worlds. It's rare to see an old friend... Of course, apocalypse doesn't count. It's really unlucky for us to see him all the time!"

"I didn't expect to see you in this world," the professor slid out of his wheelchair and smiled.

Luo Ji shook his head and said, "such a coincidence worries me. I'm always afraid. We didn't get out of the universe, but got lost for some time, and then returned to the nightmare. Now it's only more than 100000 years, or even millions of years after the disaster... We're always struggling under the control of the apocalypse."

"That will make us despair, because we have no way to escape. In the timeline with apocalypse, the longer the time passes, the longer the nightmare. We can't get rid of it..."

He cast a questioning look at the professor, as if expecting his answer.

The professor seemed to fall into a memory: "after you left, the whole world collapsed. At that time, there were only a group of ghosts, some surviving humans, our mutants - and a group of monkeys. Caesar! Remember it? Monkeys frightened by humans."

"The Apocalypse created the Messiah and gave its name to him. He left the broken world and completely destroyed the earth before he left. The Messiah Apocalypse led us to this world. He first came to the earth. At that time, the world was still barren like dry soil. He was in the upper reaches of the long river of time. Before the birth of the solar system, the Milky way was still chaotic When he was born, he shaped the galaxy. "

"He created the earth and life. After countless years, he always created the world in the form of the earth, cleaned the whole universe, and brought death, famine, war and plague to the whole universe. It is the Eternal Shadow and the most terrible legend of the whole multiverse."

"It was not until 3 million years ago that he gave the key to the evolution of apes. Only those orangutans who had already multiplied all over the nine planets could evolve like us and finally get the name of human. Since then, the Apocalypse has maintained his established timeline and can not deviate until the Apocalypse returns!"