Although Chen ang has a deep enough understanding of Titan, after all, this species was not created by Adam himself, so there are still some errors in his understanding of neutron star life.

In Chen Ang's original understanding: since Pauli incompatibility principle prohibits different constituent particles from occupying the same quantum state, particle matter cannot exist in the form of superposition state, then in the state of high-density matter - degenerate state, there must be terrible pressure between particles, that is, degenerate pressure.

When the stellar mass is greater than 1.4 times the solar mass (chandraseka limit), the electron degenerate pressure can no longer resist its own gravity. The star will further collapse. The electrons are pressed into the atomic nucleus and combined with the protons to form neutrons. When the neutron density exceeds a certain degree, it enters the neutron degenerate state.

The Titan is the master of simplified life.

Its body size should be about a sphere with a diameter of 10 kilometers, with a density of about 100 million tons per cubic centimeter. The temperature generated on the Titan's body surface is about 10 million degrees Celsius, and its possible magnetic field strength is enough to make Chen Ang's yuan magnetic force helpless.

If Tony really dies to build his armor with the remains of a complete neutron star, this force alone will be enough to destroy the entire solar system.

But now the situation is worse than expected.

"Neutron star three state war body - this wants my life!" Chen ang looked at the huge ship with gnashing teeth. The trace of gravitational wave revealed in it made his face change miserably.

Yongdu was curious and wanted to test it. After all, although the legend of the Apocalypse was terrible, except for Ronan, who was beaten into a dead dog, he didn't feel how cruel and powerful Chen ang was, which seemed different from the legend. There are not many powerful beings in the universe that can hang Ronan, but there are not many. If Chen ang is only a strong person at that level... Then they have more choices.

After all, although this power is still terrible for them, it is difficult to say who is strong and who is weak compared with mieba.

Yongdu asked cautiously, "master, what power is it that makes you have no confidence to protect us? This primitive planet should not have such power..." as if he was worried that he was wrong, he added: "I'm not saying that your power is not great enough, but that it will affect our search for gemstones..."

"What power? Ah..." as if he saw through the opposite in his heart, Chen ang sneered: "melt the dead star as a armour, wave the gamma ray storm as a robe, the neutrino wave as a towel, and hang the supernova storm as a cloak... How much can you understand this power?"

"You know nothing about this power!"

"Dead star refers to the core of Titan - neutron star core, which represents the neutron degenerate state in the three states of neutron star, that is, the stable state of high-energy material. The gravitational pressure and degenerate pressure are equal. The material stability of Titan's body can make them play unimaginable power. This is the strongest power you can imagine in the material world."

"Supernova storm is another state of the three states of neutron stars, that is, aggregation or decay - it refers to the state in which protons and electrons undergo electron capture reaction in supernova explosion, and protons and electrons fuse into neutrons."

"It also means that the neutron degenerate matter loses its gravity and forms free neutrons after explosion, and the free neutrons decay and become the decay of protons and electrons again. It is the motion state of Titan and has the powerful energy to burst gamma ray storms."

Chen ang sneered: "it crushed you, just one look!"

Yongdu and Nebula really can't understand this power. After all, for them, neutron stars are just a special celestial body, and almost no one can see them. They even imagine how terrible this celestial body will be when it has consciousness. After all, they lack intuitive feelings. Only Chen Ang's last sentence made them a little uneasy.

"You can kill us with your eyes?" nebula was quite angry.

Chen ang glanced at them: "it's not killing, but crushing you like an insect. I don't think you can leave a whole body under the bombardment of neutrino waves... By the way, I forgot to tell you that this Titan is a pulsar. Its eyes are pulsar waves. Whether it's radiation, photons or electromagnetic waves, it can crush you a hundred times."

"The reason why you emphasize neutrino waves is to avoid you from having delusions beyond your ability. Even if you are 10000 times stronger, you are also crushed by neutrino waves."

Imagining what Chen ang said in his mind, Yongdu and others couldn't help shivering.

"There are so many perverts on this planet. Which bastard told me that Tera is just a primitive planet?" nebula was wronged and frightened. She stared at Yongdu and others and asked in a low voice, "is this what you call a backward and primitive planet? What did you find on this planet?"

"I don't know! When I brought xingjue back from Terra, the people here had just landed on the moon, and they couldn't even find us. I found some relics here, but it has been abandoned for a long time. I didn't know it was so dangerous here..." Yongdu felt very innocent.

Nebula asked, "are you sure that the Tera civilization has not exceeded the normal situation, and there will be no such problem again!"

"No..." Yong Du patted his chest and said, "they have no resistance at all."

Next to Chen Ang's smile, I don't know what I'm thinking.

When the surrounding space became more and more strange, the professor's spiritual power couldn't control the overflow and twisted the surrounding void into a strange state, Yongdu and Nebula really felt bad.

They saw with their own eyes some changes in the scavengers around them, and some redundant organs representing power and even spiritual and blood symbols appeared in those scavengers. Chen ang explained: "this is spiritual visualization. Now some changes have taken place in this space, so that you can not affect the spiritual level of reality and reflect it into reality."

Chen ang rowed out in a circle of about tens of kilometers and said, "in order to prevent the Titans from destroying the planet, someone projected their spirit into this space, making it in a relatively isolated state - generally speaking, we are in someone's dream, but his dream includes the whole world."

Looking at his flesh and blood body again, the nebula trembled and asked, "whose dream is it?"


Nebula and Yongdu stayed for a moment until Chen ang spoke again. They didn't come back and took a look at the changing environment around them. They couldn't help themselves with fear.

Chen ang smiled: "now you can't go if you want to go! Stand away, maybe you can survive."

Looking at the expansion of the space where the giant ship is located bit by bit, the powerful breath is revealed from the cracks that appear from time to time in the surrounding void, which almost collapses the surrounding space.

A trace of golden flame seeps out from the crack, from time to time * * * * at the edge of the crack, looking at the pure power without a trace of impurities, Yongdu and others' hearts can not help raising instinctive fear and despair.

Suddenly, a one person wide gap opened in the middle of the cabin, and several embarrassed figures fled from the gap.

The first man dragged a * * * * body and a round shield with star stripes. He looked back anxiously. The remaining people were injured. They were like an ancient monster chasing them. They just hated that they didn't run fast enough.

Yongdu and Xingyun crowded into a hidden corner of the cabin, and Chen ang didn't look at them. He stepped out of the ship step by step and lifted the long sword. A broad and desolate breath appeared on him.

The surrounding magnetic field fluctuated violently, and a trace of lightning came out of the void and stuck under Chen Ang's feet.

Across the space, a giant thousands of meters tall and Chen ang looked at each other silently. The fierce fighting in their eyes was almost ready to break out. A magnetic particle condensed to the extreme in mid air rubbed with the magnetic hub of the whole solar system. Tens of billions of powerful electric energy brewing wantonly between them. In a rage, countless lightning rubbed Chen Ang's body and split it, Make this space like a thunder prison.

The powerful neutrino wave rushed to Chen ang, but was silently dissolved by the resonance field that enveloped him and connected with the whole universe, the Milky Way galaxy and the earth.