Chen ang stood on the deck and knew what was happening around him without investigation. His legs stopped at the center of the steel plate. The undercurrent waves in the sea beat the bottom of the ship, turned into vibration waves and passed them to his feet.

Although the sea was calm, in Chen Ang's perception, there were countless monsters with huge bodies lurking in the deep sea and approaching the big ship.

The undercurrent they stirred up was chaotic and violent. Their huge body was like a glacier under the sea. A little action would set off boundless waves. Chen ang quietly came to the side of the ship and watched the rising sea. Occasionally, one or two deep shadows passed under the sea and set off huge waves shaking the ship.

Crow and the Avengers found the changes in the surrounding environment. They were alert for an instant. With a not violent vibration, crow felt something lurking on the ship.

"Stark..." Crowe suddenly turned to Tony and said, "is your fighter staying fifteen kilometers away?"

Tony looked up fiercely, "how do you know?"

"Now it's over... What you should think about is - how to go back alive!" crow just smiled coldly and turned his head to stare at a dark place not far away.

A long sigh sounded in the darkness.

"Tony... Stark!"

Tony looked back fiercely, stared at the direction of the voice, and said in a tone mixed with fear and hatred, "Sargeras? Or aochuang?"

Heavy footsteps sounded in the darkness, and the dim reddish brown flame gradually lit up the darkness. A demon made of metal, wrapped in magma and venom, walked out of the darkness slowly. It is just like a special-shaped robot just formed from molten iron. Its heavy body shows a strong sense of power.

"You are still so cowardly, mortal, your fragile will and shallow desire have made me lose my interest in torturing you..." the metal devil sighed: "I can feel your spiritual fragility when I stand so far away, and your will is almost vulnerable."

When the devil comes a little closer, the Avengers can smell the sulfur smell on it. The red electronic pupils show a cold will to destroy. The metal devil just glances around and envelops fear and despair here.

"It seems that you took what I wanted?" the devil glanced at the empty safe next to him and said sideways.

"No, no, no!" Tony waved his hand. He pointed to the direction Chen ang left. "Didn't you pay attention when you came?" the people who walked past have what you want! "

"Are you blaming others? Stark? Or do you think I don't know Adam?" the metal devil asked in surprise, but he suddenly smiled: "I will bring destruction to all of you, fair, smooth and cruel destruction. I don't mean Adam who took Zhenjin, but all of you."

Before his words fell, a sword light tore the heaven and earth and completely brightened the sky.

The huge wave suddenly bumped the ship and hobbled it. The huge vibration made the formation of the Avengers a little scattered. Outside the cabin they couldn't see, Chen angyi stood between heaven and earth. The long sword in his hand split the sea. The violent vibration shattered everything in the sea. In an instant, the drop of tens of meters made the ship almost capsize.

The huge energy transmitted by Zhenjin looks like a ten meter long rainbow, separating the sea water and evaporating thousands of tons of sea water into water molecules.

A huge blind whale howled powerlessly, and the strong vibration shook the giant whale monster hundreds of meters long into meat sauce.

Huge blood bloomed on the sea level. Under Chen Ang's blow, the sea water dozens of meters deep was separated and almost exposed to the seabed. A huge amount of sea water was shocked to the sky and turned into heavy rain from the sky.

But this is far from enough. Dozens of giant whales flapped on the water and rushed up from the bottom of the sea. Their huge bodies hit the water with unparalleled strength, generating tens of thousands of tons of reaction force, making them jump up high to hundreds of meters high. Their huge bodies set off a strong wind and rushed to Chen Ang's position.

"I have a sword..." Chen ang pointed at the long sword and sighed, "the water is surging!"

The strong magnetic field rolls out, magnetizing hundreds of miles of sea water, and the air over the sea suddenly bursts down, while the sea water rushes up like the water, like a huge razor, breaking everything in this range.

The rolling piercing force shuttles through the giant whale's body, cutting the huge body into inorganic matter.

Just for a moment, the whole sea area was stained with blood.

"Don't play such useless tricks! Gehros" Chen ang looked down at the dead sea of blood and said coldly: "this kind of thing, weak and like pigs to be slaughtered, is just to die!"

"The Apocalypse will not create a lump of rotten meat. As his creation, show some real skills!"

"I'll make your death look better!"

"You disperse my body into the water, I am the water, you mix my body into the sea, then I am the sea..." the color of the Sea red with blood suddenly becomes more and more rich, and a strong fishy smell ferments on the sea. The rolling sea water is like boiling blood, and the whole sea vibrates and makes a sound.

In the place with the strongest plasma, a strange three-dimensional eye floated on the water and stared at Chen ang.

"I'm thinking about a problem." Chen ang looked into that eye and asked, "although I can't help you with your rogue posture, how can you threaten me?" Chen ang looked at it, smiled and asked, "what can you do to kill me?"

Chen ang knows without careful observation that gehros infects a certain range of substances with his unique life form. It changes the body from being to nothing, accommodates everything and becomes a part of his body. Any attack that manipulates physical phenomena will become a part of it as long as it does not exceed the limit it can accommodate.

In the words understood by Chen ang, it means "the sea of blood does not wither, and gehros does not die"

The bloody ocean seemed to be angered by Chen Ang's words. It churned and set off huge waves more than ten meters high. However, Chen ang took root in the giant ship at his feet and stood steadily in the storm. It can be seen that a tenon was buckled on all sides of the giant ship and deeply plunged into the surrounding spatial structure, which was not changed by the rage of the ocean.

But the anger of the sea was more terrible than expected. The whole sea was suddenly upside down, and a huge amount of sea water poured up, completely wrapping up the space.

Gehros is surrounded by his body. The powerful erosion force seeps into the surrounding circle, and the sea water shows strong corrosivity and aggression. Gehros's breath surrounds Chen ang and the giant ship under his feet, such as the strange sense of erosion, and frantically sieges them.

The fishy smell of blood fills the space protected by the sea of blood. It is highly toxic, strong acid, corrosion and radiation. The sea of blood, which shows strong infection and erosion ability, plunders everything surrounded in their bodies. This blood red special liquid flows through, and all substances will be swallowed by it.

Greed and madness fill it.