"Professor, hang it up for you... There's no need to play now!" Chen ang said helplessly. "Crow, bring them in!" he turned and returned to the cabin.

The Avengers on the Kun fighter had come to Tony and protected him nervously. The Falcon stared at crow and asked Tony, "I can't see clearly from above. What just happened?"

"Nothing..." Tony didn't want to answer, "some... Gifts!"

He stared at crow and observed his skin, nails and cornea, which were exposed to different human tissues. The results surprised him. Crow's nails had been obviously metallized. Although they were still translucent, Tony had no doubt that crow could cut any obstacles with it. The texture of his hair has also changed, but there is no data from the appearance.

"You transformed yourself and Zhenjin together?" Tony said to Crowe in disbelief.

He opened his hand and asked sympathetically, "you look... Like a sculpture. Hey, brother, can you still enjoy your lower body?"

"Tony Stark, don't laugh at me!" Crowe pointed to Tony and smiled with brass teeth in his mouth. "You're worse than me. I heard about you from my boss... It's said that the nuclear radiation of your body fluid is comparable to the boiling water of a reactor. The girl you sleep with will get cancer!"

"And I... hahaha!" crow laughed, "I've become more lasting."

"Vibration brings infinite happiness to women."

"Feeling every movement in a woman's body will be very happy? I hope you can feel the feces in their intestines wriggling and be happy." Tony immediately mocked back.

Rogers interrupted their rude words. He stopped stark who was about to spray poison and said, "gentlemen, we can talk about these topics later. Now it is important that we should have the same attitude." he turned to crow and said, "we are not enemies. On the contrary, we have the same enemy - the common enemy of mankind."

Tony didn't want to listen to the advice of the US team. He said angrily, "I used to treat you as a friend, but now you almost killed me!"

"Friend? Come on! I knew from the first day I saw you that stark won't have friends. No one can stand your temper except those unpredictable people. Those who love you will leave you, Tony. That's my advice to you... In order to compete, you asked the navy to seize my goods and wanted to send me to prison." crow became more angry.

He stared into Tony's eyes: "make your enemies and friends rich together? You're blocking my way..."

Tony was not ashamed: "how dare you say you haven't made money from me? As a law-abiding businessman, it's my responsibility to report the illegal arms trade."

"That's why I've been enduring your arrogance. Now I've had enough. I don't need to endure you anymore. I have a new boss. And you do ten times more illegal transactions than we do."

"But I just have the ability to make it legal with the permission of Congress."

"Stark..." Crowe's voice suddenly became low. He looked at Tony deeply: "You once stood high, wearing white gloves and free from fine dust. But we all know what you did? When a group reaches the position of stark industry, its existence itself is evil... Because the foundation of this country's existence is based on deception and blood and tears."

"Don't say you don't know what your arms are used for?" crow lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "we all stayed up all night..."

Stark looked at him calmly.

"I knew this when I found that my weapons were used by terrorists. I couldn't decide what my weapons were used for? At that time, I vowed: from now on, the weapons I created can only be held in my own hands... That's why I put this shell on!"

"I broke my oath. I thought I could control aochuang, but it turns out that if you can't control what the weapon you created is used for, it will cause great disaster."

"Don't deceive yourself!" crow sneered. "Didn't you create those terrorists?"

Seeing that the two people had a tendency to fight again, Rogers quickly stopped between them.

"Stark... Crow, it has been detected that the infected person is approaching here, and we have no time to entangle in these details." he turned to crow and said, "I think the professor will tell you how much trouble we are facing. If you don't want the earth to become like hell, we are standing together!"

"I listen to the boss..." crow stepped back and said to the Avengers, "come down!"

The spiral ladder under the deck is no longer that ragged look. It looks safe and stable. It is composed of a three-dimensional duplex structure with a sense of design.

Crow took the avenger from the spiral ladder to the captain's room. When passing the 'goods' piled up in the freight yard, stark couldn't help looking more: "you fool people with Russian goods again..."

"What's the matter with Russian goods? They are solid and durable. They are the best friends of militants all over the world. I don't know how many people have been saved in the critical moment when the infection disaster hit the world. However, business has become more and more difficult recently... Because without you Americans, there will be peace without Americans!" Crowe sneered.

Rogers couldn't help asking, "do you know your boss?"

"Boos?" Crowe sneered, "of course not, but I'm in awe of him." he looked at the captain of the United States and said meaningfully: "sometimes what you see may not be true what I see. For a person's understanding, it's best to contact in person rather than hearsay, especially when this person is your boss."

Having reached the door of the captain's room, crow knocked on the door frame. After waiting for a moment, the door opened automatically.

The magnetized vibrating gold powder surrounds Chen ang like a star ring. Most of the vibrating gold has been forged into a flexible sheet and rolled on Chen ang like cloth. When the Avengers come in, they can just see the "star ring" around Chen ang, which shrinks into a ball like breathing, quickly forming a new structure skeleton.

The blade spread forward, and the hilt was held in Chen Ang's hand. The sharp cold light made everyone see it.

It's like a real weapon against them.

The sword was suspended on Chen Ang's palm. It swam lightly for two circles. With Chen Ang's gentle wave of his hand, it pasted on his back like a silver light.