The violent impact pushed Tony deeply into the earth's crust. Chen ang pressed one hand on his chest. High density materials could not stop the force he transmitted. The boiling magma around him was just providing him with energy. Chen ang swallowed the heat of the magma, smashed a large rock stratum according to the iron man and plunged deeply into the mantle.

The high concentration of magma flooded the two people like a tide.

Iron Man crossed his arms into a cross to protect his face and chest. The high-temperature lava material wrapped on his body was gradually affected by the ultra-high temperature and radiation of the outer armor and turned into gold-plated dark red.

The strange patterns of lava cast Tony's Armor now. The parts with high temperature show a dazzling golden yellow, just like the purity with the brilliance of the sun and the place with slightly darker temperature, revealing the true color of lava blood red. She Zhe is very rich and emits the smell of high temperature and destruction. The surface color of armor changes with the continuous change of temperature.

The dark golden red armor pattern that dissolves everything also changes constantly.

The frightful high temperature, hot energy, strong radiation and high-density lava materials not only provide almost indestructible defense, but also madly torture the people in the armor. Its inward energy is output as stable high-energy radiation. This highly toxic substance can make people in a city suffer from incurable radiation diseases after being exposed to the air for one second.

This high concentration of radiation is enough to kill the toughest life - even a modified nuclear man.

Tony can feel the burning pain in his body all the time, which is equivalent to the radiant energy of a whole nuclear power plant being poured into his body every minute. Even the most tenacious nerve is on the verge of madness.

But he knew he had to surrender this power.

A large number of cells in the body died in the high concentration of radiation, and those remaining cells split madly in the environment of high energy concentration. This kind of delayed pain made Tony roar up to the sky. His will was like a diamond, which was polished by pain. For the first time, without thousands of experiments, The artificial nerve cells took root in the high-density material wrapped around his body.

Tony's meaning is combined with his intelligence and brain controlling the armor. He can feel that the flesh and blood on his body gradually has the same nature as the armor material.

In the painful illusion, Tony gradually blurred the self-confidence of the ancient snake Chen ang, enjoying the happy expression of fighting, and fell into the illusion of brain pain protection - in the deep and dark space, a star surging with vast energy is dying, and he "saw" that the interatomic force supporting the star's volume is crushed by gravity, Powerful stars made up of countless atoms collapsed.

With the pole as the center, the gravitational black hole devours most of the material of the star, and the dead star devours everything madly. The powerful and unparalleled gravity only acts on one point - the pole. Countless substances lose their mentality, structure and even energy chain reaction, collapse into the smallest point, and together form a hard and immortal material.

It has the strongest nuclear reaction and the highest density of substances known to mankind!

"Neutron star nucleus!"

Melt the dead star as a armour, wave the gamma ray storm as a robe, the system neutrino wave as a towel, and hang the supernova storm as a cloak.

The immortal armor - Star soul, which is 15 times the mass of the earth.

"My eyes are dark..."

"But I saw the magnificent epic of the star's life, watched those great lives disappear, stood outside the river of time, listened to the hymn of life, let this vast feeling drown me, and I will be one with it - the immortal star soul..."


Tony's arms slowly loosened in front of him. He opened his eyes and looked directly at Chen Ang's blade. His eyes were calm. The rolling bright red and gilt seemed to melt in his body. Tony carefully and tentatively stretched out his five fingers, felt the melting of hot lava 5000 meters deep into the mantle, and listened to the heartbeat of the earth companion with the senses of Titan.

"I'm Cao!" seeing his pure and tolerant eyes, the ancient snake Chen ang couldn't help scolding. This kind of eyes similar to the Apocalypse Chen ang made his hair stand on end.

He quickly reacted, regardless of the iron man who was hit into the mantle by him. When he made a mistake, he jumped away from the space node.

"This kind of look... This is a pill!"

Anti Apocalypse armor - Star soul Titan

The boiling magma surged wildly and stirred the earth. The iron man's body has been integrated into the Titan armor. Every muscle and fiber on his body has also become the color of dark red and gold gilding of magma. Homogenization makes Tony and neutron star nuclear matter melt into one, in a hypernuclear state.

In this amazing density and mass, iron man just raised his hand, which has set off a raging tide of gravity. Before his fist came out, he reversed time and space and confused gravity.

By deducing the pure mass and density to the extreme, Titan has the power to tear the earth and split the planet.

Even without the serenity of the Apocalypse to play with the neutron star between applause, there is also the power of the professor to observe the planet on the palmprint. The whole earth's gravitational field seems to be solidified in this fist. When he punches on the chest, iron man is like condensing the earth 15 times its volume into a fist and smashing it out.

Without the protection of self gravity system, the aftershock of this blow would be enough to overturn the whole American continent.

How can Chen ang, an ancient snake, despise it? When he waved his sword and retreated, he had scattered pieces of time and space in front of him. The boundary of dimensions was fuzzy, strange space, staggered dimensions and chaotic time and space were extremely strange.

The 1200 meter space between them is full of strange scenes that are difficult to express with human technology, two-dimensional expansion, staggered planes, reversal of time and space, distortion of the past, present and future. What is separated between them is not space... But the world!

The fist and sword attack each other across different time and space. Here is the sword waving three seconds ago and there is the fist striking three seconds later. However, it seems that they are really staggered in a certain dimension, making everything begin to collapse and tear apart time and space.

Not to mention the forces sucked away by the surrounding space like a sponge and dispersed throughout the galaxy, only the slightest wave borne by the earth made the people in Washington DC feel a shock at their feet.

The captain of the United States felt the round shield trembling in his hand. The metal that can completely dissolve the vibration energy vibrated slightly in his hand, but it did vibrate at high frequency.

Let the American team with too many bleeding falcons in one hand be shocked.

"Tony, what are you going through?" Rogers looked deep underground, but the broken neutron star armor in front of him was like a natural moat, completely isolating him from Chen ang and Tony.

Chen ang heard a Qingyue chant, and the light blade in his hand had been broken, like a butterfly, flying into the void.

The sound seemed real and illusory.