Nick's face is still calm, but if someone can see under his suit, he will find that every muscle on his body is tight now, just like a full bow. With only the last straw, he will release all the accumulated energy and give a blow that will be a stone breaking shock.

He mobilized every potential in his brain to try to maintain the balance between two dangerous extremes - whether it is the military or code named ancient snake 666. As long as one party makes a change, it will lead to an all-round conflict.

Nick stood between Chen ang and the military representative and stressed in a very severe tone: "this is the base of the s.h.i.e.l.d., and I am the person in charge appointed by the Security Council. I have the right to make the decision I think the person in charge, without listening to the question of a person without authority. Mr. Anderson..."

He turned to Anderson and said to him, "s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. is only responsible for the Security Council. If you don't have authorization, please go back and question my practice... The Council will ask me about it! But now..." he turned to look at Chen ang and continued to emphasize: "listen to me here!"

Anderson, the military representative, seemed noncommittal. He just looked at Chen ang with a poisonous look at prey and goods.

Chen angminrui felt the insidious and greedy in his eyes. This kind of malicious eyes seemed to stimulate the instinctive response of his body, which divided his personality into two different cores at this moment. One was as rational as Bibo chengtan, and reflected all kinds of mysterious thoughts and emotions in his eyes as a mirror.

The other person's personality is high and contains all his emotions, but he pulls away from them. He is like an abyss like God. While grasping himself and emotions, he can perfectly see the other half of his personality and reflect all kinds of messy and disturbing emotions and thoughts of everyone around him.

Nick's tension and uneasiness, Anderson's greed and malice, and the tension, hostility and doubt of other s.h.i.e.l.d. agents.

All kinds of complex human hearts and human nature are seen by Chen angxin tan at this moment.

"Well... I'm familiar with Anderson's greed! It's not the greed caused by ordinary people's physical desire, nor the sharpness and tyranny honed by soldiers between life and death. On the contrary, it's more like the indifferent and extremely conceited greed of those rotten aristocrats and Wall Street vampires... This calm and crazy smell has a smell of financial vampires!"

With the stripping of the dominant personality in Chen Ang's heart, Anderson's most secret and unbearable thoughts and fantasies were exposed with the appearance of the dark side of his heart, "This kind of tedious calculation and resourcefulness, with sinister negative emotions, seems not to appear in a soldier. There are tyrannical warlords everywhere in the world, but sinister soldiers are rare... This is the temperament of those conspirators hidden in the dark side."

"It's not military at all!" Chen ang smiled and provoked a trace of Anderson's emotion in his heart

It has to be said that Nick's efforts were successful. He almost maintained the fragile balance on the scene - if Chen ang didn't make trouble

The surface of the ancient snake Chen ang has not changed, but his personality originally reflects the personality of Chen Ang's noumenon. This most sensitive reflection is not stable. Even a little malice from the outside will stimulate his personality to change. More essentially, it reflects that Chen Ang's noumenon is ruthless and lustless, like God and devil, grasps all things and runs the sun and moon.

When Anderson's hostile eyes aroused his instinctive reaction, Chen ang had a deep sense of killing in his heart.

This emotion is reflected through the heart Tan, and pulls the whole emotional reaction chain, that is, everyone within Chen Ang's sight, to the malicious hell created by Chen ang.

Chen ang passed on this malice only through his eyes, quietly evoking the negative emotions in the hearts of agents of the Divine Shield and military personnel.

Anderson loosened his tie a little impatiently and replied with a strong sense of tyranny in his heart: "procedural justice... Yes, sir, I understand your power, but I must answer you... I have authority..."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Nick felt his fragile balance a little out of control.

"I said I had the power... Sir... The Council gave me the power to take over the monitoring of the monster when necessary..." Anderson repeated, staring into Nick's eyes.

"Mr. Nick, it is obvious that you have not been trusted reliably. Your willful behavior has disturbed the Council... No report... No permission... No request, you are too self assertive. And the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. is not your toy... What we want is not the psychoanalysis of the monster, not the sentence 'careful influence and control, do not use violent hands Warning for paragraph ''

"We need results... The monster's genetic transformation, brainwashing, mind control, study the source and ability of his power, collect his genetic material and make batches of 'weapons'. Organ transformation, gene transplantation, cell mutation... Please, we are studying the replica of our enemy... We need to find out his powerful secret..."

"You have accomplished nothing in this precious time... Nick... The Council has no patience... Isn't this a humanitarian Research Institute? The s.h.i.e.l.d. hasn't done dirty work..."

"I submitted a report of more than 3000 pages!" Nick looked up angrily. "What do you think we are studying? Superman serum? Or the cosmic cube? Who do you think our enemy is? Hydra or * *?"

Waving the drawing on the stage, he threw it on Anderson's face: "look at your genes... When the shadow of the Apocalypse shrouded the universe, your ancestor was still a monkey! We humans have not solved the collar tied by him for more than ten centuries. I provided them with a comprehensive report and the most reliable analysis..."

"All our allies... Asgards... Mutants warned us, 'if we treat his replica like an experimental object, we will be slaughtered like a monkey'."

"I won't pay for your stupidity... So I'll take care of it here!" Nick's momentum suddenly rose like a high mountain. His face was dead. The agents of the Divine Shield bureau had faintly met the people brought by the military. Between the two sides, the scene was imminent.

Anderson just sneered.

"The report is good, but it is meaningless! The idea of the Council is very simple. If you can't do it, I'll do it!"

The military agent behind him handed over the suitcase. Anderson unlocked it through the iris and displayed all the authorization documents and videos of the Security Council in front of everyone: "Now I'm procedural justice... Nick, you have two choices. One is to lead your s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. to betray your rules, violate its original will and completely tear its face with the Council..."

When he said this, he deliberately paused, looked out and appreciated the struggling face of the agent of the Divine Shield Bureau, and then continued: "second, get out of my way... Let me take the monster away, and then you can continue to study according to the conditions here... No one will disturb you again, and I will pay a price for my behavior today..."

He made a gesture: "now... Please choose!"

"You're opening Pandora's box!" Nick looked up. "And there's no last hope this time!"

Anderson shrugged: "maybe!"

Nick didn't answer. He just stood between Anderson and Chen ang and closed his eyes.

"Tony has five minutes to come here. He can delay the arrival of the captain. The Avengers ignore the Council. They can deal with this problem..." although Nick's brain is confused, he still keeps a clear line: "Anderson, fool!"

Anderson looked at his watch, smiled and said, "I'll give you time to think about it... Ten... Nine..."


There was a dead silence in the air, only Anderson's voice counting down in the cold.

Nick's head was covered with sweat, because he saw the crazy look in Anderson's eyes, and suddenly had a clear understanding "he really dares..."

"If only the professor were here!" Nick also felt a trace of regret. The professor's mind control ability can almost solve all the troubles of human society. The only thing that can limit him is the moral code of his conscience. Usually Nick is very alert to the elder with different positions, but now he needs his help.

"I can't help it, son." Nick felt a sudden voice in his mind at this time: "I've been watching here, but I can't do anything... This is the field of apocalypse. If I interfere here, it will trigger his more violent reaction... If I spy on his mind, he almost... No, he will show his spiritual ability."

"Every time we intervene, we approach 666 to the Apocalypse... Every malice will stimulate a hundred times the evil consequences... They were originally two personalities, and we are shaping them into one. As I said last time, the best choice is to let nature take its course."

"Three... Two..."


Nick opened his eyes and looked at Anderson with meaningful eyes. He silently stepped aside, and the agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. also stepped aside.

Anderson walked in front of Nick, only paused slightly, and ordered the soldiers behind him: "grab the experimental body!"

Two soldiers, one strong and one thin, walked out from behind him, passed through the separate channel of the agents of the s.h.i.e.l.d. and walked towards Chen ang. Nick saw the strong soldier's face, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind. A familiar feeling made him fall into memory.

When the soldier's face corresponded with the information, he roared, "stop!"

The soldiers did not respond and reached out to catch Chen ang.

"No!" Nick exclaimed.

Facing the capture of the soldiers, Chen ang has always had a calm face. He has always maintained a lazy state that knows everything and has all kinds of emotions, but he is too lazy to respond, but this does not mean that everything is going well.

The researcher behind Chen ang pulled out two modified colt M2000 from behind his white coat. The boiling blue flame in his eyes seemed to be burning his life. He leveled the two guns and pulled the trigger with the hand speed of the best gunman.

Two bullets were shot into the eyes of the two soldiers. One went out from the back of his head, and the other was flashed by the strong soldier and embedded in his brow bone. However, the researcher did not cease fire. He steadily carried a gun and shot anyone behind Chen ang like a typewriter.

Some s.h.i.e.l.d. agents had their skulls removed, and other military soldiers were shot and fell.

One after another, in slow motion, the researchers standing behind Chen ang seemed to perform magic tricks and took out various weapons from the white coat. Some were shooting and some were firing. They easily reaped one life after another. Direct bullets and bouncing bullets intertwined a beautiful fire net in mid air.

It is full of mathematical and physical beauty. If someone can calculate it, he can find that the bullet marks in the whole laboratory follow the most beautiful mathematical laws and give full play to the killing and power. It is very scientific and violent aesthetics.

Those scientists and doctors with eyes, dull faces and almost stupid in long-term research calculated the trajectory indifferently, controlled the muscles of the body, and sent bullets into the vital points of the body of elite soldiers and agents. The whole scene was full of humor and contrast.

Chen ang gently twisted down a bullet that accidentally crossed his eyes and put it in his hand to play slowly.

He walked slowly past Nick and Anderson under the accurate and terrible ballistic escort. Nick hid in the dead corner of the trajectory with his superior reaction speed, and Anderson also hid in the corner under the protection of the strong soldiers who retreated quickly. The bullet hit the big man and could only be deeply embedded in his muscles, Soon it was squeezed out by the healing muscles.

Anderson was almost scared crazy. He looked at Chen ang with crazy eyes. Seeing that Chen ang had stepped out of the laboratory with one foot, he shouted at the top of his voice, "bronsky, catch him!"