South America - Hydra headquarters.

In South America, Hydra's political influence is deep-rooted, and even its military strength is extraordinary. On this land known as the back garden of the United States, poppies named * * grow. Under the aegis of Hydra control, it is growing like a cancer.

After the end of the Second World War, a considerable number of * * war criminals fled to South America and were sheltered by many countries in South America. Because Brazil once sent expeditionary forces to join the allies, it took a clear-cut stand against * * *. However, this is not the case in other countries, especially Argentina, which has accepted many fugitives and provided protection for them.

Of course, there is the shadow of Hydra behind this.

"Wolfgang von sittrek!" Adolf calmly looked at the nervous man in front of him: "you really let me down! When you commanded the leader of the" skeleton commando "and the * * air force wing, it was our shame. Now it seems that you have made no progress after so many years."

"Your Excellency the Fuehrer..." sitric opened his mouth to explain.

Hitler raised his hand and stopped him. "You don't understand the difference between me and you. Even today, my motherland and my people regard me as a demon... I firmly believe that what I do is just! I'm not a perfect leader. I used to think, * * doctrine has many mistakes limited to the times... But I've always been committed to fighting all decadent things!"

"Sitrik, you never understand that victory and failure are not the final point we pursue. The road we should adhere to is struggle and fight!"

"Others think that German chariots are naturally powerful, but don't you know, sitrik? At the beginning of the * * Party's coming to power, how weak Germany, which has been exploited for 20 years as a defeated country, was in essence? Corrupt government, greedy aristocrats, incompetent generals, greedy soldiers, standing on the opposite side of our whole Europe, this country has rotted for 20 years..."

"But are we afraid of these? No, they should be afraid of us!"

"We let them know that the end is near! We revealed to them that judgment is coming!"

"Because we always fight against these rotten things, we naturally have everything. On the battlefield, the boys die for * * not because we brainwashed them, but because we fought for them and now led them to fight! We are not for ourselves, but for Germany!"

Hitler looked at sitrik and saw him sweating. The little man stood in front of him, but he was taller than the tall man: "sitrik, you let * * have no motherland! Then we don't know who to fight for! Now the German people have chosen communism, and we... Have no soul to rely on!"

"Fuhrer..." sitrik was more afraid. Although Hydra was under his control, this unarmed man had the power to frighten him.

Hitler put on the hat of the old military uniform, ignored him, opened the door and went out.

Sitric pressed his hands on the gun at his waist several times, but his trembling hands and inner fear made him dare not make up his mind. The man who once shrouded his head came back, and this time his shadow was stronger. Even as an ordinary person, sitrik has no power to fight back.

The door was full of Hydra agents. They looked at the familiar man standing in front of them at a loss.

"Loyal * * fighters..." Hitler looked deeply at the soldiers who followed his thought, lowered his head for a moment and covered up the tears in his eyes. "You have fought for me long enough. Today, it's my turn to fight for you! I will stand up and create a new world belonging to you, a world under the sun!"

"Today, you don't have to pay loyalty for Hydra. Hydra should pay loyalty for you, * * subject pays loyalty for you... Let's create a new world, welcome the coming of apocalypse and fight against the Apocalypse!" Hitler raised his hands and roared. No one doubted his sincerity and determination.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live Hitler!"

Everyone shouted wildly, and the Hydra was boiling at this moment.


Half a day later, he took off the Hydra emblem, and the * * soldiers wearing the * * * mark took over the whole Hydra base. This group of hydras without leaders had a real poisonous dragon head.

"Things are smoother than expected!" Hitler, standing in front of the mind controller, looked at Yuri's big bald head on the projection, smiled and said: "you remind me of Stalin. He fought all his life and finally lost to what rotten things. Steel - tough, strong, firm, but difficult to resist corrosion and oxidation..."

"German head of state, maybe I should call you the dictator of South America and Africa now." Yuri sneered: "communism will never recognize * * one day, and we will be sworn enemies."

"But we still have the basis for a deal when the enemy is present." Hitler said calmly: "like the Soviet German treaty, we all know that it will be torn up one day, but this does not hinder our current cooperation. Moreover, the Apocalypse has paid you the reward."

"When I met the apocalypse, I once said: since the ideal requires us to cooperate with the devil, why not find the most powerful one? Now you are not the most powerful devil..."

"What did the Apocalypse give you?" Yuri asked, spreading his hand.

Hitler put a translucent tablet in the palm of Yuri's virtual image. With the slight fluctuation of Yuri's illusion, the translucent tablet gradually became transparent, and finally became the same illusion as Yuri and fell on Yuri's palm.

"This is nzt-48. From the results of component analysis, it is a stimulant, but it has serious sequelae..."

"Can you overcome it?" Yuri carefully observed the gift from the devil in the palm of his hand.

"It is difficult to alienate the nervous system of the body and affect the brain, but we have confidence in the impact on organs... That is, it will not damage the body, but cause irreversible changes in the human nervous system, and people who take this drug for a long time will no longer have negative emotions. In fact, they will become rational and indifferent..."

"It's hard to say whether this is a side effect or the main drug effect, but it can really help us concentrate and even make our will stronger. Of course, if we stop taking it, people will feel anxious, afraid, uneasy and angry. It's a kind of brain crippling pain, which turns into a mediocre pain physically and psychologically."

"If the nervous system is not completely alienated, the user can deeply feel what hell is!"

"In general, how long does the alienation of the nervous system take?" Yuri asked.

Hitler was silent for a moment before he replied: "it only takes three years... But there is still a direction for improvement..."

Yuri paused for a moment and said to Hitler, "I will send Soviet scientists to you. I have some other things here that will help our cooperation projects."

**In the laboratory, numerous researchers work in an orderly manner in the huge laboratory. Scientists walk between the test-bed. In the central area with the most tight security, a row of liquids of various colors are carefully placed in the constant temperature safe, which is labeled as follows:

Super warrior serum

Infinite formula

Lizard serum

Osborne body strengthening agent (unfinished)

Professor X serum

X-weapon serum

Mutant human serum bank

Sentinel plan (incomplete)




Vacanda unidentified plant extract

Desperate virus

In the middle of these precious samples, there is an empty test tube with the same name as the experimental project - new hope.

This is the new hope of mankind and the Savior of apocalypse.

Yuri hopes to find a new hope for the next stage of human evolution, while Hitler is looking for a new hope for creating a new, perfect Aryan race that surpasses the old humans. They almost exhausted their ability, searched all the successful and unsuccessful human strengthening drugs in the two worlds, and tried to find a new direction in the crystallization of these human wisdom.

Look for new hope.