"Is this Russia?" Tony looked at the magnificent city in front of him and turned to ask.

Several huge steel prisms pierce the sky and surround a city. On the huge ring-shaped open space in the middle, the city main body with steel as the base is dotted with dreamlike gardens, and some regularly staggered metal buildings form a complex and three-dimensional building complex.

"It can't be Volgograd!" Tony shook his head and smiled. "What appears here should be a typical medium-sized Russian city, rough and a little shabby, not this fortress!"

"Fortress?" Rogers looked at stark with some confusion.

"Yes! Fortress!" stark pointed to the steel prisms and said, "we should sneak into a small city composed of small buildings with an average of less than 100 meters on the Bank of the Volga River. It is like a broader town on the Bank of the river, rather than a warship composed of vector magnetokinetic energy engines, energy plasticizing devices and nano robot factories!"

"Do you see those tall steel buildings?"

"That's the power and defense device. Under our feet, at the center of the huge circle, the underground of the most central part of the city is a sub space energy core with energy output comparable to some micro stars. The three-dimensional steel structure city we see - especially the ecological life support system of the flying ship..."

"Those strange looking architectural designs..." stark asked Jarvis to project some drawings in front of the people, pointing to the illogical geometric figures in the Soviet city. "It makes sense only when the gravitational layout is scattered."

"We're going to sneak into a spaceship fortress to destroy their leaders... And you haven't provided any information. I swear by the scientific and technological strength of stark industry, this is to die!"

"Einstein Rosen bridge..." Rogers looked at the eagle eye as if he wanted to ask something.

"The hyperspace transmitter can't directly enter the city. You know, the Soviets have Chinese as allies, and the Chinese have space technology... If their organization is not relatively independent, Rosen bridge can't even be close, it will be detected. We tried it once in Beijing, resulting in the destruction of the first bridge."

"If there were such a good invasion, they would have sent a nuclear bomb in. Do you need us to come out?" stark shrugged and sneered.

Rogers looked at the eagle's eye and keenly grasped the clue in his words: "you said China destroyed our first bridge? Do they know about Rosen bridge?"

"When we tested the transmission to Beijing, we were connected to a completely empty city. Soon we realized that we had fallen into the space-time defense trap, but it was too late. Beijing anchored the bridge and dropped a dimensional shock bomb... Then Ontario had an earthquake!"

"But the defense systems of Beijing and Kremlin are partitioned. Although they cooperate in defense, they have little direct involvement. Our space technology is ahead of the Soviets... This is an opportunity!"

The eagle looked around at the silent Avenger and whispered, "we have no choice!"

In addition to more in-depth intelligence, the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. provides all resources, including the choice of time and the creation of opportunities... The time of day is always in the initiative, and the weather sometimes becomes the help of sneaking in.

The continuous rain falls slowly from the sky. The big bean raindrops are connected into lines and surfaces, dense and continuous. When they fall over the city, the speed slows down and disappears a little, and the water droplets are suspended in the air. With the adjustment of urban microgravity, they slowly converge into layers, layers and layers, passing through the water curtain and clear flow between buildings in the sky.

Eagle eye walked in the front. His steps slowed down. No matter how big the action, the landing was like stepping on a sponge. Iron man changed his armor with changing colors with the surrounding scenery. On the loaded armor piece of special materials, the aerodynamic shape changed continuously with his movement.

Stark is like a shadow without sound, shuttling between steel structures. The central urban area of Stalingrad is a three-dimensional city, with a diversified gravity system, very complex structure and high utilization efficiency of space.

There are many soldiers in this city. They live and relax like normal residents of this city, but the Avengers do not dare to underestimate these soldiers in civilian clothes, not to mention those star soldiers who are more than two meters and five meters tall. Almost everyone here has traces of scientific and technological transformation. It is known that the Divine Shield Bureau of the development of biochemical science and technology of the Soviet Union wisely abandoned the plan to create chaos and attack.

"It's a beautiful city, as if war had never come here," Bruce exclaimed.

"The war has never left here!" stark looked at the surrounding metal walls and corridors with a serious face. His face became more and more serious until he couldn't help asking eagle eye: "Damn, how many things are you hiding from me?"

"We don't know many things!" said eagle eye bitterly.

"Don't you even know what's around?" Tony felt abandoned and pointed to the metal city: "Then I'll tell you that the surrounding metals are connected to the energy core of the city. They are not dead objects, but modules without startup... Every complete metal unit, probably only a metal block as big as a little finger, is a complete system."

"These micro systems and the surrounding systems form a larger system, just like Lego blocks... They are controlled. Every soldier passing by us may have the authority to start these systems... This means that they can get the maximum weapon support at any time... We have seen this system..."

"China is like this. The difference is that there is no space technology like China. The Soviets have made factories and materials into cities. No, they are spaceships. We are now in the belly of a terrible intelligent creature. There must be a super AI controlling all this. We may have been exposed!"

Steve Rogers, who first came to the corner, suddenly stopped and looked at his front with a complex face. Stark's face changed. He quickly covered the armor, pasted the armor on the metal wall and gradually disappeared.

Tony and Bruce hurried to follow. As soon as they leaned out of the wall, they saw a familiar figure standing in front of them, still with short red hair, but their usual black leather clothes had disappeared. Natasha in military uniform stood in front of them. She doesn't look as gorgeous as before.

If the black widow is a gorgeous and dangerous poppy with poisonous thorns, Natasha now has a strong and lovely military temperament like a pine tree on the Siberian Plateau.

With a silver sniper gun on her back, Natasha stood candidly in front of the Avenger's former comrades in arms.

"You've changed a lot!" Bruce whispered.

"Because I'm no longer a spy, I'm a soldier now," Natasha said with a smile.

"I live in the sun now..."

"You used to live in the sun..." Bruce couldn't help interrupting her.

"No, it was impossible before... If it was not forced, no one would like to be a swallow. It was for faith, and then for survival... Now I return to faith, but this time, I have the right to walk under the sun." Natasha shook her head.

"You can give up and go back to the life you like. You are with us for something more worthy of your pay..." Bruce growled in a low voice.

"That's just because I only know how to survive like this..." Natasha looked into his eyes and said softly, "I only know how to survive as a swallow. I can't go back to the world of ordinary people. That's all. It has nothing to do with justice, faith, love! Now is my real choice from my heart..."

"For the Soviet Union?"

"For faith!"

Bruce silently put down his tight right hand, closed his eyes, slightly turned his face, some difficult and painful... Roaring up to the sky!

The green muscle swelled and tore up the tough cloth. At this moment, the white shirt turned into a broken butterfly. Bruce's thin body and sent out strong strength. The shriveled muscle expanded to an exaggerated extent, breaking the clothes on his body. Hulk jumped up and crossed a distance of tens of meters in a few steps. People haven't arrived yet, The overwhelming surging pressure makes people breathless.

Natasha just shook her right hand in the air.

The surrounding metal walls are pressed like mountains and seas, and countless metal units like fibers are entangled together to form tough and powerful muscle units in an instant.

More than 50 meters around, hundreds of tons of basic metal units were combined into a giant hand. Before Haoke jumped up, he stopped at his waist and pulled him in his hand. Under the unimaginable energy output of the urban energy core, the metal unit released powerful and unparalleled work and held the Hulk in the palm with the towering power of 100000 tons of hydraulic press.

The giant hand made as like as two peas Natasha did.

"Can you violate my faith!"


"No, the Jews have not violated my faith. But their existence undoubtedly makes people uncomfortable..."

A not tall figure, sitting in the most confidential base of Hydra, frankly said to the existence opposite: "Jews have a lot of outstanding talents. They have made outstanding contributions to the country. I am excited and happy about this. Please believe me. I don't mean any harm to anyone. Everything is just for consideration."

"Yes! Consider!"

"There are many innocent Jews, but there are also more people who are not so innocent... The people hate them for a reason. They have original sin!"

"Their love of Finance and capital is their original sin. They earn wealth through lending, and they are so greedy. We all know that loans can easily destroy a family, and greed makes this destruction unlimited... More and more people realize that they are harmful to this country."

"The back door of Jewish lenders is soaked with the blood and tears of the European people. They have succeeded in making everyone hate them, whether Communists or nationalists, Americans or Germans, upper class or lower class, beyond the disgust of the state, nationality, gender, class and race."

"Moreover, they are too close together. They are like a group of people who can't integrate with our country at all. They are like an existence that doesn't belong to themselves in my body, which makes us feel sharp pain... They adhere to their own customs, devoutly believe in their culture and religion, and their life circle is quite closed, just like the nation of another country."

"Even if they are your neighbors, you will only think he is a foreigner."

"They reject the true master of this country, but live in this house like the master. They encourage childbirth, stick together, discriminate against non Jews, support their own religion wherever they can get an advantage, and discriminate against people of other nationalities and countries."

"Greed, unity, exclusion, isolation and discrimination were the impressions of all people at that time, which made other nationalities always vulnerable when facing them. I really think they don't belong to any country. They are only loyal to their elders and God."

"I welcome anyone who really works for this country, but I also reject anyone who doesn't belong to this country." the not tall figure sat right on his body: "but please believe that I don't mean any harm to anyone. Everything is just consideration. What the people need to wake them up."

"Generally speaking, it is iron and blood. There must be innocent people suffering in the middle, but let me choose. Between the country and a group of people, I will definitely choose the country. Between the people who love their motherland and a group of closed people, I will only choose those patriots! Between greedy usurers and bankrupt farmers and citizens, I will only choose farmers!"

"If there must be sacrifices on the road to rise, I am not afraid. If I can choose who the victims are, I will certainly choose myself. But when the country needs me, the country needs sacrifice and the people need redemption, we will not stop. Even if the blood of Jews is drained, as long as Germany can rise, I will bear everything!"

"I am Hitler! The Third Reich, the head of the great German Empire!" the shadow stood up: "the devil in the eyes of the world, the source of evil and the axis of evil, but now, your Excellency the apocalypse, why did you pull the evil me from the end of time to the world?"

Chen ang sat opposite Hitler: "don't make yourself look great, Mr. Fuehrer. We all know that if you can represent the Germans - it's only ambition and strong desire."

"Yes! But is that wrong?" Hitler asked frankly.

"There's nothing wrong. Crazy progress is better than stagnation, decay and retrogression. The most evil country is not the aggressor, but those decadent residues. I hate decadent rule and decaying countries more than crazy war... But it doesn't mean I like you."

"But I am such a person. Even if I hate you, I am willing to give you a chance to prove to me that I am wrong and where you can go... The reason why people are great is that their creation is unpredictable and there are infinite possibilities... Please show me your infinite possibilities..."

Chen Ang's fingertips crossed the world map: "China, Europe, the Soviet Union and the United States are all powerful organizations and regimes with unlimited potential. Now there are two regions where I can't see the potential to create miracles. Without this potential, there is no value..." Chen Ang's fingers fell on South America and Africa.

"So I give you Hydra and your past glory. Hydra has great influence and political potential in South America. I hope you can surprise me."

"Give those imperialist countries some color to see! Teach them what imperialism is!"