"Dear mankind, the king of Asgard says hello to you!"

On zetari, Asgard's messengers met friendly with the leaders of the Communist League. This is the other end of the portal for human beings on earth, but for Asgard, it is a clear landmark in the star map.

Since Thor and the people of the avenger alliance met with the Communist alliance, the asgards have known most of the things that have happened on zitari. They have rainbow bridge and are the only force that can have equal contact with the Communist alliance at present.

Although there are many internal doubts about human ability, the asgards have to contact this very mysterious and terrible human force under the increasingly urgent threat. This is the third batch of messengers sent by Odin. When both sides have contact needs, they exchanged a lot of information.

Including apocalypse and doomsday knights.

"Welcome Asgard's friends to the second Beijing. I hope you have brought the promised things!" the diplomat said frankly and directly. His eyes swept from the metal box carried by Asgard's envoy, with a little dignified.

Asgard's messenger handed him the box in his hand very neatly: "the promise of my king Odin is more reliable than real gold."

"Asgard also paid a very heavy price for them. The king broke his oath and lifted them out of the forbidden area. These things are very dangerous. Although they have terrible power, they hide a terrible threat enough to destroy us. If it is not to deal with the Apocalypse... They will not come together!"

In the most tightly protected central area of the whole zitari planet, diplomats carefully opened the metal box. The red solution drilled out of the box like floating magma and swam in the air. A hollow metal ball and a huge gem were placed side by side in the box. Mysterious and powerful forces flowed on these three items.

Make the air full of tension.

"At present, we have a total of four pieces, all of which are here!" the eyes of envoy heimdar seemed to see through everything. The diplomats of the Republic felt that their souls were peeped, cold and very uncomfortable.

"Four in all!" said the diplomat. He glanced at the contents of the box again. After confirming that he had read it correctly, he looked up and said, "but there are only three here!"

Heimdal nodded, "I'm the last one!"

He glanced around with his orange pupil. After confirming that there was no abnormality, he opened his mouth and said to the people of the Communist League: "we are responsible for protecting them and preventing evil from using their power, so we have to hide them. Few people know their true face and how many gemstones Asgard has."

"But this time, all Asgard's gems are here!"

"Etheric particles!"

"Spiritual Scepter!"

"Cosmic spirit ball!"

"Pupil of soul!"

"The magic cube of the universe is still in the hands of the Americans. They are still our allies. We can't plot the time gem in their hands. The time gem is also on the earth, but it is related to the supreme mage, and we have no right to interfere. All the other gemstones are here!"

No one here does not know the terrible power of these gemstones. Asgard people are one of the forces who know the infinite gemstones best in the universe, and the Communist alliance, the Republic that can initially interfere with the timeline and parallel world, probably knows more than Asgard.

For the utilization of gemstones, the two forces present are definitely the top in the universe. Asgard has infinite gloves, which can really restore the true face of gemstones, while the Communist League has the scientific and technological ability and industrial strength to research, experiment and develop infinite gemstones. It is the only party with the potential to peep into the origin of gemstones except Chen ang.

"Cosmic Cube" can open the wormhole to the place you want to go, or move objects to any space at will, or distort or reorder the space at will;

"Etheric particles" can realize any dream according to their own wishes;

"Cosmic spirit ball" allows users to master and control all the forces and energy they try to master;

"Spiritual Scepter" can let users enter other people's thinking, control other people's behavior, and let all dreams and thoughts enter the user's brain;

"The pupil of the soul" on heimdar seems to have only the ability to peep into the soul and reality of the universe, but everyone knows that this is only a trivial ability of the soul gem. A complete soul gem can steal, manipulate or modify the soul, which is more dangerous than the soul gem.

The only time gem that does not show up has the great power to cross other time lines. Of course, now it is not only the most dangerous of the six gemstones, but also the most difficult to use. Anyone who wants to cross time and space should consider the wave of destruction that is taking place in endless time and space. If he is unfortunately involved in the war between the five gods and the four knights of the apocalypse.

Neither of them would mind killing a few mole ants.

"The soul gem is wrapped in the shell, which is a way to protect the gem and to prevent the evil soul power inside from losing control. Unfortunately, when I took the gem back from the s.h.i.e.l.d., this power has leaked out. That's why we resolutely asked for it back regardless of the face of another Ally."

Heimdal picked up the scepter and introduced it. The diplomats on the scene took it and solemnly said, "its power is dangerous, but we are not afraid of it."

"Odin knew, so he gave them to you," Heimdal sighed.

"In those disappearing parallel worlds, your greatness is admirable. From the embers passed in the burning World Torch in the future and the past, you fought with him every time to the end. We hope these can help you, that is to help ourselves."

Heimdal picked up the hollowed out metal ball again. It was quietly suspended in his hand, but anyone close to it could feel its terrible power, the terrible power to destroy everything.

"Cosmic spirit ball!" Heimdal said its name with a complex expression and handed it to the members of the Communist League.

Layers of aperture emerged from the handsome young man. Countless Edelman alloy robots appeared under his wrist and carefully dragged the cosmic spirit ball. "The shell of these gemstones is not only a disguise to hide them, but also a tool to use their power." Heimdal solemnly explained.

"The power of infinite gemstones is very powerful and difficult to control. It is crazy and dangerous to try to possess them with our ability. They are neither good nor evil. They are very dangerous only because of strong power. That kind of pure power should not be what we can possess, so this layer of things is both seal and protection."

"They are the races that once got precious stones. They use the scientific and technological weapons of precious stones. Those races are very powerful. Even we admire their wisdom. They devote all their wisdom to protect and possess them alone..."

"But they were finally destroyed in the hands of gemstones! Right?" the young diplomat of the Communist League took over.

"Yes!" Heimdal sighed, suspended the etheric particles in the palm of his hand and looked at the blood like magic material: "like our old enemy, the dark elves, they once had a greater civilization than Asgard, but the power of gemstones covered their eyes and made them greedy, cruel and irrational."

"They made the shell of real gems - etheric particles!"

"According to our research, the nature of real gemstones is closer to universal matter... Real and magical. There are countless dark matter in the universe. They do not interfere with light, God particles, and even most substances known to mankind, so they are hidden in the dark, just like they do not exist for us. There is no shape, no mass, no color, and all physical quantities known to mankind Can't measure them. "

Heimdal nodded and said, "that's why it's called dark matter!" the divine realm and the earth's technology come from the same source, and there is nothing incomprehensible.

"Yes," the diplomat smiled and said, "we think most of the universe is hidden in dark matter. It is even possible that all we can see in the whole universe is only a gravel in the star sea. Even if dark matter and dark universe are huge, I don't think it's strange, because we are really too small."

"But the real gem, a magical substance, is likely to interfere with most dark matter. Of course, we don't know how many kinds of dark matter can react with it, nor how big a foot it illuminates the dark world. But we can see a world ten thousand times wider than our universe in it!"

"It is said that using this gem can truly and without exaggeration turn these views into reality. This gem is perhaps the most powerful and difficult to use. Using it, people can realize any dream. All scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless in front of it, because it can modify them at will," Heimdal lamented.

He suddenly shook his head: "but who knows how dangerous it is? It does not distort the reality to realize people's desire, but the so-called all scientific codes and natural laws can be distorted and have the power to modify the reality. In fact, it is just an ignorant lie."

"What it actually has is the power to show reality. Under its power, the other side of the universe is exposed. In the shadow of the dark universe, you can realize any wish and see any change you want to see, because that power itself exists there, but it has nothing to do with us, can't be seen, touched, interfered and utilized."

"You think you have distorted the reality, but you just rediscovered it!" the young diplomat burst into laughter.

"Yes!" Heimdal laughed. "The reality is there. You just found it."

"So it's called reality gem, which is well deserved!"

"The dark elves tried to make use of it. They made a shell and could control real gemstones to 'discover' a dark matter - a magical substance that can absorb light particles and has great affinity for the dark elves' Constitution - ether. They even used ether to change their constitution. In order to dominate the universe, they tried to use the power of ether to make the universe fall into eternal darkness..."

"What a crazy and powerful force!" the diplomat of the Communist League sighed at the etheric particles in his palm.

Heimdal also sighed: "so Asgard is alert to them, but today we have to..."

"There is no 'he' crazy in the power of madness, and the terrible consequences will not be more terrible than 'he'..." the young soldier of the Communist League looked up and said: "we have no choice but to fight for hope!"

"May the world wait for the dawn." Heimdal said heavily, "I'm willing to pay all the price!"

He stretched out his hand and gouged out his eyes.

"What are you doing?" the Communists tried to stop him, but Asgard's other messengers stopped him.

Heimdar's eye socket was deep, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down, but he raised his hand to stop him. He opened his palm, and the orange soul gem wrapped in his eye, shining: "this is the fourth gem, take it! My friend, please bring dawn to the world! The darkness is too long, and we are about to bear it!"

Someone said to him, "dawn will come!"