A finger crossed the space of the venue, just like pressing the pause button. The following expression, or sarcasm, or dignified members solidified in the air. Nick's mouth on the stage was slightly open, and his expression was suspended like a stone carving.

On the other side, Nick, who was already white haired, took back his right index finger.

"It's really interesting. I remember it was like some time twenty-seven years ago, but I know it never happened in my memory." all the effects of solidification turned into a silver light and went into Nick's palm, but it looked like a colorless crystal.

"This is certainly not what happened in this world, but it has indeed become history." a mysterious man wrapped in a black robe stood next to Nick. "This is the history of other parallel worlds!"

"And the only history!"

"Oh?" Nick, who had been very calm, finally raised his head: "why?"

"Because the world that doesn't belong to this world line has been completely destroyed!" the black robed man said a little louder: "don't you often wonder why there will be irreparable disasters in this world? It's because your history is wrong, not in that person's script, you are a parallel world line, and you don't have this past!"

"I think we are not alone in a world with a different past!"

"Yes, but you are the last!"

The black robed man's voice was hoarse. He looked up at the sky. At this time, he could not tell whether it was day or night. The sky was as bright as day, but the sun occupying half of the sky had disappeared without a trace. Instead, countless large or small, dim or dazzling stars covered the whole sky.

"There are as many parallel worlds as there are possibilities, but now..." he pointed to the projection crystal in Nick's hand: "in the history before this, there are only two possibilities. Soon, there will be only one."

"That's an infinite world!"

"So darkness and destruction are infinite!" the black robed man's voice was dry like sawdust in his throat: "from that moment on, there is only history! Unchangeable, past history! From the birth of the earth, from the origin of mankind... From his arrival to the moment you see, there is only the world line he chose, which can no longer be changed."

"So we will be destroyed." Nick said bitterly, "because our history is not the one he chose. Only by erasing our existence can the world be controlled by him on a fixed track."

"Yes, kill the infinite possibilities of the universe and leave the multiverse with only a fixed destiny."

"But I don't understand why you came here?" Nick looked up at him and wondered, "we fought against death and destruction. Why are you fighting?"

"For hope!" the man in black looked at the sky and said with emotion.

If you look far away, Nick's place will shrink rapidly, and a penetrating earth yellow sphere will appear, which is the dry earth. If you look far away, you can see countless stars distributed in millions of light-years.

Hundreds of millions of stars converge into an endless sea of light, just like a concentrated sea of stars. Countless stars burn nuclear fuel and gather light into a high concentration of photon colloid, so that mankind has to rely on the distorted space barrier outside the earth to divide the solar system and the Milky way into two universes, a black zero light speed dead line, Protect mankind in thousands of planets around the earth.

There are tens of thousands of stars the size of the earth, which crack like an egg shell. The high concentration of burning nuclear material quickly tears from the star, and then diffuses to the void in light years at an unimaginable speed, just like a black gap swallowing the material of the star.

Then there is an extremely brilliant wing, extending from the star and unfolding in a dark vacuum.

Then the second, the third, endless.

If human beings are asked to describe such sudden astronomical units, they may use angels, because they are too similar, and because these celestial bodies or life are completely composed of highly materialized light.

But the real name of these things is safiros.

That is, "divine outflow".

Or a more tongue twister name, a term simply defined by human science: "stellar quantum phenomenon, evaporation, cloud collapse, intelligent life". In essence, it is the intelligence formed by the collapse of the part of the quantized evaporation of stellar matter under the condition of high energy, which can also be said to be the soul of the sun.

Life is like a plague, born in countless stars in the universe. Their survival is in exchange for the destruction of other life.

"The load of the space defense system is 13%. The gravity around safiros is too strong. There are many hundreds of thousands of solar stars. Within 90 light-years, their gravity has distorted space! Our space barrier won't last long!"

"Find a way to stop it!"

"This kind of exploding supernova is about to form a black hole! How to stop it?"

"According to the data, there are only six giant celestial bodies in the whole universe. The headquarters has numbered them, gc268, Michael, ke907, Gabriel, bd342, Raphael, ak213, Ulli..."

The powerful material force distorts the space and makes the barrier protecting human beings crumble. Only with pure quality, the "safiros" with the closest six quality almost collapses the fragile barrier. But now the situation will not be as good as half a minute. The strong gravity has distorted the light around tens of thousands of light-years.

As if the dead line were spreading, large areas of star territory suddenly became dark in the universe, while the earth was on the contrary. They found that the light in other parts of the universe disappeared... This means that they are already in a forming black hole.

Light has been difficult to escape from this area.

"How's it going?" Nick frowned and asked a staff member nearby.

Although he had experienced despair for several times, the staff still couldn't calmly face everything in front of him. He took a few breaths and said in a cramped voice: "They have surrounded us. Tens of thousands of safiros appear outside the warning line. The reason why they are not close is because of the existence of blazing angel. The gravity around them is so terrible that even other stars will be torn apart accidentally."

"They are not inaccessible!" the man in black suddenly interrupted.

Nick stared at him. "What do you say?"

"Don't forget their essence. Safiros is a quantum life, which was formed after the quantum plague - geno method infected the stellar light source. Although later, the stellar matter intelligentized by the war Skynet was used as the body, it was just a layer of clothes. Their essence is quantum life, which has no mass."

"You mean they can rush up with their bare arms?"

"If you have to use such a metaphor... Yes!"

"There are more stars in the universe than people. Human beings have been relying on the interaction between stellar gravity to prevent us from meeting several safiros at the same time. You know, once the celestial bodies with similar mass approach, the orbital energy changes between them will soar geometrically. The limit that humans can calculate is three celestial bodies..."

"I know, three body problem!"

"The limit that safiros can achieve is six. They can control six stars with close mass seriously affected by gravity. If the mass difference is relatively large, it is bound to happen that large mass objects will tear apart small mass objects. This is also the advantage of human survival."

"But this is an illusion..." the man in black shook his head and said, "human survival power has never been in his own hands. It is he who really determines our time!"

"You have been unwilling to tell me what kind of disaster we are facing. Now it has reached this point. Can you tell me?" Nick asked calmly.

"Safiros... Or the archangel disaster, is just a disaster in this world. In other worlds, there are five gods, the Avengers have not been eliminated, the Star Gods have returned from the depths of the universe, and the mutants have reappeared. They are not a disaster of despair at all, and many can exist as their enemies."

People in black are like immersed in old memories: "even the four knights who made them are not irresistible. Many times, we have destroyed the Skynet of war, polluted death, fought with famine, Zerg war to the end of the universe and fought hard in the plague."

"Although I lost a lot, I didn't win."

"We have defeated the Talon Zerg, the queen of blade, eliminated the high-speed civilization whose time axis is 1200 times that of us, destroyed the source of fire, strangled the scourge of the dead, fought a decisive battle with the Titans, killed the whole universe - the whole material world intelligentized by Skynet, and polluted the quantum thinking of death with hundreds of millions of victims."

"From the beginning of the big bang to the end of the world, we have created countless miracles and lit a spark in the endless darkness, but these worlds have only one end and are erased from the timeline by him."

"This is the enemy we have to face, the most dangerous disaster in the multiverse."