The personality bleedingimage of pain control can control other people's senses, unilaterally transmit spiritual information to each other, and can amplify the pain. He is like a living voodoo doll. Chen ang will feel his injuries ten times and a hundred times.

Chen ang propped up his chin and looked at him: "it's just an incomplete spiritual connection. Up to now, your ability has no secret in my eyes. If it's the only way, you can't kill me." in the blink of an eye, Chen ang controlled the spiritual connection between the two people and erased a large group of five senses.

"I won't die so easily."

Bleedingimage magnified his true feeling of death countless times and passed it to Chen ang. Man is a perceptual animal. Such a real feeling can completely deceive people's physiological subconscious and make people die physically.

But Chen ang was unaware.

"It's useless, even if this feeling is 10000 times stronger..." Chen ang didn't even disconnect his mind. He let the crowd clearly feel the process of death perception being clearly borne by Chen ang. This makes the next character of a large group die before it appears.

"Don't measure me with your inherent thinking. I am infinite and multidimensional. I am at the deepest point of time and space and at the end of your imagination. Give full play to your strongest potential, radiate your infinite imagination, and regard me as' God 'and everything you can imagine. If you don't have the imagination and determination to kill everything, you can't hurt me!"

"Attack me with the belief of destroying everything!"

"Now, your strength is too weak! It's too weak to even give me a trace of pressure and inspiration..."

Chen ang sincerely suggested that he unreservedly told the crowd the way to hurt himself. This attitude of encouragement or extreme contempt made the crowd more crazy.

"Ah ah!" Lucas, the personality who manipulated the atom, fell from the sky and swept the whole Neptune. His long hair stood high and his huge invisible force field fell from the sky, smashing the ice land where Chen ang was located.

Looking from more than 100000 miles away, you can see that a small part of Neptune's elliptical star is first stripped off, and then one of it begins to collapse until less than half of the planet is broken. But this is only the aftermath of atomic destruction. It is the high-energy wave diffusion of the most central destructive attack. The molecular structure of the whole planet is destroyed.

At the core of the real Chen ang, the huge energy tore apart the atomic nucleus and made the matter disappear.

"Die for me!" Lucas completely distorted the spatial structure of that place, so that matter could not exist at all.

In the storm caused by the violent fluctuation of gravity, the dust at the core dissipated, and Chen Ang's figure was undamaged.

"Just destroying matter is not enough. You need to go deeper and understand the universe, space, dimensions, forces, void and energy. Let's broaden our horizons!"

Chen ang sneered, "do you expect to hurt me if you attack a shadow with great strength?"

"I let you spread your imagination. Don't be limited to the material. My existence in your eyes is just my shadow in the material world. For you, the material body is all, but for me, it's just a shadow."

Lucas's next punch pierced the space in front of Chen ang. When he passed through Chen Ang's body, he could feel the real feeling that his arm penetrated the flesh and blood. He could even perceive that part of Chen ang existed deeper in the spatial structure and destroyed that part of the space with destructive power.

But the time has come.

Lucas's personality collapsed and the personality Styx absorbed by the soul appeared.

The large group of Styx personality broke through the material barrier and came into contact with the outer wall of Chen Ang's mind again. The soul phagocytosis ability was launched instantly. The spiritual outline was visually polluted by this ability, which withered Chen Ang's mind and destroyed his personality. A huge phagocytosis force not only pulled Chen ang's spiritual body, but also tried to copy Chen Ang's meme.

Chen Ang's spirit decayed in an instant, his mind withered, and his material body disappeared. You can see Chen ang opposite Styx's personality, fade and disappear bit by bit.

"You're dead! You're finally dead!" the personality of the group leader is highly vigilant and the arrogance of Styx personality, which makes him look crazy. The group can't see the appearance of human beings. He is dark purple and energetic, and only two eyes still look like human beings. He laughed wildly, and the fluctuation of death frightened the others watching.

Just the sound makes the God of fire, angels and others feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling of life decay. They almost want their souls to get out of body and penetrate into large groups of bodies.

"Did that man really disappear?" no one was sure.

So when Chen Ang's figure slowly emerged, everyone said to themselves, "sure enough!" No one was surprised.

"It's also the first time that I saw my body and soul disappear at the same time. At least in this time and space, you touched the deeper part of me. Unfortunately... You can't see me. Without soul and body, you can't even find me in this time and space. It's just this time axis, a Planck time me."

"You have to go back to the past and the future, cover the whole timeline, and extend to other timelines, move forward in the multiverse, and then move forward, until you trace back to all my past and look into all my future, you can see a part of the complete me, or the complete me to some extent."

Chen ang smiled encouragingly, "even if you kill once, come on! You at least covered my shadow."

"Impossible..." even if there was still time, the Styx personality abandoned by the master disappeared incredibly, and the personality of time sink struggled out of the body.


On the night when the magic four fought dum, Skynet cube opened its door. A hand stretched out from the inside and pressed on Victor's face. Mr. magic looked at it in shock.

At this moment, a crazy dark shadow broke through the void and appeared opposite the portal. A large group of timesink personality smashed the Skynet split that was undamaged in the sun's core, and the space was suddenly torn apart.

The magical four Xia exclaimed, "who are you?"

The crowd looked at them and sighed, "you don't know what kind of demon you released! He will destroy the world!"

At this time, the crowd felt a hand on the back of his head.

The familiar voice sounded behind me.

"Really? Thank you for telling me that. Your name is Daqun? I want your ability!"

From the beginning of the past to the present, in the endless time and space, a large group of people encountered failure again and again, but he finally saw a real part of Chen ang.

The part of the infinite past converging on him represents Chen Ang's existence in the past, just like a behemoth with a corner exposed in the fog. This alone shocked and frightened the owners of the crowd, and even forced them to forget everything they saw in the next second. This is not what Chen ang did, but his essence can't bear what he saw.


And a large group of people who can't find it at all.

In the future, after stepping out of the space-time tunnel, a large group will be evaporated by the light emitted by a golden essence!

He couldn't even remember it, just as he didn't explore Chen Ang's future at all.

Timesink personality, death!