"What do you think of this scene?" Chen ang said to the shadow of the building behind him, playing with the soul gem in his hand.

Slowly out of the shadow came a man with a typical black face and a black eye patch in his left eye. It was Nick Frey. What happened here today will cause turbulence in the world security situation if it is leaked out. Who could have thought that the director of s.h.i.e.l.d. would walk with the biggest enemy at present.

"I vaguely feel that there are ghosts in the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., but the deterioration of the situation is far beyond my expectation. Hydra is really like a poisonous snake, crippled but not dead, dead but not stiff. If you lose one head, there will be other heads to replace it... Up to now, I can't hide it from you. The situation has been beyond my control to a considerable extent."

Chen ang listened to Nick's words and didn't take a word to heart. Nick would cooperate with him, which was not beyond his judgment, but he also knew that there was no trust between s.h.i.e.l.d. and him.

The s.h.i.e.l.d. will seize every opportunity to try to kill him, and Chen ang... Doesn't think the s.h.l.d. has the right to talk to him. Chen ang can destroy the Divine Shield Bureau, even the United States and the earth at any time, which is the basis of their cooperation and the reason why they have no trust at all. All this is completely based on Chen Ang's unilateral overwhelming advantage.

It can be said that Nick cooperates with him with the mentality of self abandonment - probably, anyway, Skynet can destroy the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. at any time, so you might as well put down your hostility and look for other opportunities.

Chen Ang's eyes peeled off the shell of the spiritual gem layer by layer. Under the blue shell, the mysterious gem exudes a trace of energy, which makes people feel the cool feeling from the gem.

While analyzing the energy samples, he asked Nick, "if you still want to control the situation, the avenger alliance is probably your only hope. If they know that the Divine Shield has taken refuge in Skynet and the great enemy in their eyes, they will not be controlled by you. When you came to me, you didn't have any worry and hesitation?"

"We are the decision makers, as for the Avenger's idea..." Nick shrugged and said indifferently: "who cares? The Divine Shield bureau is an organization born to protect the interests of mankind. We don't care about cooperating with the devil, as long as there are interests between the two sides."

"But you don't get much benefit from me."

"It is in our best interest to keep peace with you!" Nick said flatly.

"Do you know Asgard?" Chen ang suddenly turned and asked.

"You mean people in the divine realm? Yes, we have their relevant information." Nick answered frankly, and seemed to have nothing to hide from Chen angquan: "they have disappeared for too long, but as long as they have appeared in human history, we can find their traces. Odin, Thor, rocky, and the prophecy of the gods at dusk, Nordic mythology spread widely, and we can't know nothing."

Chen ang smiled and motioned, "such as the universe cube?"

"The artifact that the people of the divine realm left on the earth. In order to find it, * * and the red skeleton took great pains, and the s.h.i.e.l.d. couldn't know anything. We were entangled with the Hydra for so long, but their heads were cut off by you." Nick sighed: "the red skeleton is a troublesome member, but his death is as insignificant as smoke."

"Jinhe, red skull, Zola, Baron, are all big people who break our brains." Nick shook his head and sighed.

"I will help you solve the hydra. I think Alexander pierce will sell me a face. You can also borrow the power of Skynet, which will cooperate with you to the greatest extent within its authority. On the eve of this storm, may these bring you some sense of security."

"Alexander pierce? I didn't expect that the former director was a hydra..." Nick looked a little gloomy: "I remember him, a very good man."

Suddenly Nick's cell phone rang. He said sorry to Chen ang and went to the side to answer the phone.

But if Chen ang feels it, he looks south in the direction of New Mexico.

Silent waves swept across, and some radiation and physical data changed significantly, which not only surprised Dr. Jian and her research team thousands of miles away, but also made Chen ang feel the rainbow bridge from Asgard. Lightning, spatial fluctuations, and the God of thunder falling from the sky.

Chen ang turned his eyes to there, and a star map of the divine domain appeared around him.

Heimdal swept by Chen ang, but he didn't feel it. Even those mysterious eyes that could see the souls of the creatures in the nine regions could not find Chen Ang's shadow. Around Chen ang, he couldn't even see ordinary people like Nick.

"Interesting eyes." Chen Ang's eyes stayed on heimdar's orange eyes for a moment, then shifted his eyes, starting from Asgard and sweeping across the nine realms, the solar system, all the way to the end of the Milky way. Heimdal felt the trembling of the power of his eyes. Under the influence of the power of his soul, he even went blind for a moment.

The terrible power like an abyss and a prison made him give up resistance from the depths of his heart and stand where he was until the feeling disappeared without warning as it appeared.

For a short time, he thought it was an illusion.

Chen ang regained his sight. Just at that moment, his eyes had swept the whole galaxy and had a detailed impression of the current situation.

Thor was not punished by Odin's seal divine power because of his arrogance and arrogance. On the contrary, the ruler of the divine domain had felt the smell of the storm. He sent his son to the center of the storm to control the situation. So Thor didn't lose his power. He was still the grumpy and conceited prince.

His brother, rocky, naturally could not send only a destroyer to remove the contender for the throne. He took refuge in mieba and personally came to the earth before that. Prepare to finish the task assigned to him by mieba and kill Thor at the same time.

Rocky controlled most of the hydra's power. Now he uses the power of the spiritual scepter to brazenly infiltrate his will between the Divine Shield and the U.S. government.

The poison stream infiltrated the earth secretly. With the help of Hydra, rocky controlled other forces and developed his own forces smoothly.

The s.h.i.e.l.d., which is controlled by Hydra, has come to New Mexico and can conflict with Thor at any time, which will involve the whole s.h.l.d. in the action against Thor, and Tony has deep hostility to Thor because of his wrong inference.

If the situation develops as Rocky hopes, there will be a fierce conflict between s.h.i.e.l.l.e.l.d. and Asgard, and the internal contradictions of the Avengers will intensify to an impassable level. Under the control of plot master Loki, the two conflicts will of course alternate at the most appropriate rhythm.

Thor will be the most powerful hit by s.h.i.e.l.d.

And the avenger will definitely be weak to the most dangerous position because of the civil war before Asgard's revenge.

Asgard and the earth will bleed in the war, and then when the rocky army comes, conquer both.