Human adaptability is indeed very strong. Soon, the people of the earth got used to the "Moon" that came out overhead at night. NASA held a national naming campaign to name the satellite that suddenly appeared outside the earth.

After rejecting the discordant names of "Skynet", "terror", "war", "destruction", "broom star" and "Blood Moon", the satellite was named "moom".

Yellowstone Park - after the low earth orbit campaign, the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. completely stopped its hostile behavior against Skynet. On the one hand, Nick tried to find the relics left by ancient civilization, decipher the information on the death tablet, and try to find a powerful force against the "four knights". On the other hand, within the Avengers alliance, those outstanding talents in science, It is committed to developing super weapons against Skynet.

They all realize that Chen Ang's current strength is not enough for mankind to resist. If they rashly provoke an incident, they will only suffer the disaster of destruction.

After a relatively peaceful time in the world, an uninvited guest came to Nick Frey.

"Dr. strange!" Nick looked at a middle-aged man dressed as a street magician and was slightly surprised: "what can make you get here from the Himalayas? I remember you haven't been down the mountain for three years!"

"Nick, the supreme mage is an important force to maintain balance, and we have the same responsibility to protect this planet." Dr. strange doesn't care about the hidden exclusion and hostility in Nick's tone. He smiles gently, and the whole person has a mysterious and peaceful atmosphere. Even if the clothes are strange, the sense of existence is not strong.

Nick smiled and pulled his one eye. It was very ugly: "why did you come to me this time? Did new evil forces invade the earth? Or did you finally make up your mind to deal with the 'great', 'non direct looking', 'our creator'? Or did you strengthen your faith in being his running dog and come to war with us?"

Nick opened his arms, spread his hands, glared at Dr. strange and sneered.

"Although the supreme mage was the messenger of the 'Apocalypse' in the past, our personality is independent. We have our own position and belief. We have always adhered to the principle." Dr. Qi explained that he did not get angry because of Nick's aggressive, but repeated his position "I will not fight the Creator for you, and his position may not stand opposite you."

"I mean, you are dedicated to fighting against the creator, but in fact, the relationship between human beings and the creator is not so simple. The Apocalypse has destroyed many civilizations, but it also protects human beings from living on this planet. The creator is the creator of human beings, and we still believe in it sincerely..."

"Shut up!" Nick roared unbearably.

He glared at Dr. strange and squeezed a sentence from his teeth: "he is not God, but an alien who created us."

"In the first year of AD, the 'Apocalypse' came to the world as a human being. He preached the word about the 'creator'. He and his 13 disciples told the world everything about the 'Universe', 'soul', 'destiny' and 'spirit' in the Roman Empire. No matter how you deny it, the person you worship is the apocalypse."

Dr. strange ignored Nick's beating blood vessels and said the fact that no one dared to accept: "that man, he is the Lord and our father."

"If you come here, you just want to tell me this. You think you can let me accept that a crazy alien who is no more noble than anyone, even a tramp on the street, is our Lord, and then surrender from soul to body..." Nick's violent anger in his eyes was about to break his reason. He lowered his voice and shouted, "that's a big mistake!"

Dr. strange was silent to be right.

He tapped his index finger and fell into thinking. As the successor supreme mage, his teacher Gu Yi told him something about the apocalypse in his inheritance. The supreme mage obtained an endless stream of powerful power from those great beings in the universe through some channel. The four riders of the Apocalypse is one of the most powerful beings borrowed by the supreme mages in the past dynasties.

He understood the purpose of the apocalypse, so he tried to persuade mankind not to fight, but to get rid of this force.

"The supreme mage is a long tradition. Before me, the supreme mages of all dynasties were not 'humans'." Dr. strange said slowly.

Nick didn't understand why he turned off the topic, but he keenly found the hidden information in Dr. strange's words. He believed that it was related to the birth of human beings and the mysterious ancient 'human beings'.

"Before 'humans', there were humans. Of course, they despised us as ape people. We stole the name of humans, and they were the real' humans', from another universe. At that time, we were just apes who obtained wisdom by accident. The apocalypse brought us to this world and recreated it."

"Those alien humans, of course, despise us intelligent beasts. For a long time, we were like pigs and dogs. The supreme mage is a great wise man among alien people and the ancient wisdom inherited. It has always been held by real alien people, Atlantis, Lemuria, China..."

"Your teacher Guyi?" Nick's eyes twinkled.

"He is the last alien on the earth, breaking the barrier between alien humans and humans, and passing on the power of the supreme mage to me." Dr. strange's eyes are slightly empty and recalls the past bit by bit. He just stared for a few seconds and returned to reality. Looking at Nick, he said sarcastically, "what do you think the aliens will do when they come back?"

He leaned to Nick's ear and whispered, "the first thing they come back is to kill all our orangutans who steal their homes and falsely call humans!"

"But they have been destroyed by the Apocalypse!" Nick said, "we are the heirs of their will..."

"No!" Dr. strange interrupted Nick. "You thought they were destroyed, but no, the Apocalypse did not destroy their civilization. They will return to the earth sooner or later. I believe it will never be far from this day. Ancient humans and their derived civilizations. Now do you still think the Apocalypse is just our enemy?"

Nick obviously couldn't accept the fact for a moment, and Dr. strange didn't say more to him.

"The four knights of the apocalypse, ancient humans and the five gods of the universe have complex relationships. If humans want to survive, they can't simply decide their own position. The Apocalypse wants to destroy humans, maybe! But ancient humans don't mind killing us all. The universal God, mieba, is suffering from the anger of destroying the earth all the time ……”

"Wait! Where did mieba come from? What ghost?" when Nick heard this, the whole person fell into chaos. He never thought of calming the earth. One day, so many dangerous factors suddenly appeared. It seems that the whole universe is plotting the earth, a small planet that is insignificant in the Milky way. How can he de receive so much attention.

"Mieba is a powerful overlord in the universe. It secretly loves the goddess of death and the 'death' among the four knights of the apocalypse. Although it now has the upper hand, mieba is worried that everything will change after the Apocalypse comes." Dr. Qi explained.

"What does this have to do with the earth?" Nick couldn't believe it.

"The earth is the home of ancient humans, the mother star of alien humans, the birthplace of the apocalypse, the back garden of the creator, and the place where mieba always wants to destroy. It hates it."

Nick felt like he was lying down and shot.

Nick had some difficulty breathing, he asked struggling.

"In other words, the creator and the Apocalypse are the gentlest of the three. They just use us to carry out some experiments, while our predecessors want to kill us all from the earth and recapture their mother star. Another cosmic God will destroy even the earth!"

"The Apocalypse is the enemy of ancient mankind, the mortal enemy of mieba, and the dictator of mankind; the alien humans have the enemy of expulsion with the apocalypse, and they are hostile to mankind because the earth is also the mortal enemy and wants to return to the earth; mieba wants to destroy the earth, so it is the mortal enemy of everyone; and the earth humans, the unfortunate earth humans, all want to step on it?"