The suffocating pressure is pouring into the Avengers, not because of any change in the material world, nor because of the mysterious things in the spiritual field, momentum, courage and mental pressure. Chen ang is just coming to them, but has made the Avengers collapse frequently.

In the process of biological evolution, the ability to perceive danger is one of the most important survival needs. Most animals, plants and even microorganisms have this magical ability to predict danger and guard against natural enemies. On the eve of the earthquake, all kinds of animals will feel anxious and even riot. Human beings are the most spiritual and intelligent creatures on the earth, and this ability should be the strongest.

But human beings are so powerful that no earth creatures can threaten human security, so this ability of prediction has degenerated.

However, the strong are the exception!

The biological instinct of Avengers has been perfectly developed by them. As the basic quality of a strong man, but now they have to succumb to this survival instinct, which originates from the fear in the depths of genes, the fear of human beings for the creator, the lower end of the food chain, and the obedience of instinct at the top of the food chain.

Their genetic instinct madly urges them to obey, and the suffocating sense of oppression pours on them one after another. This influence of the origin of life can only be resisted with an iron will.

The conflict between subconscious and will makes the Avengers tottering and almost collapse.

As an unconscious fierce beast, Hawk has been most affected. He has sobered up from his madness and is extremely afraid of Chen ang with his biological instinct. Other Avengers watched Chen ang approach step by step, and their hearts were already in despair.

"People who can't overcome their instincts are nothing more than creatures! They have sexual impulses and will be in heat..." Chen ang said. He looked at the iron man and smiled meaningfully. "He is afraid of his creator and is subject to the influence of genetic instinct and body chemical secretion. Animal nature is greater than human nature, and instinct is better than will..."

"Such a person doesn't deserve to be my enemy!"

With the effort of these words, Chen ang has come to the Avengers, but these heroes can't even move a finger. He faces the iron man Tony Stark, and his finger controls the hormone secretion function of his brain: "the lower body animals that can't distinguish between love and * *, which are controlled by baldomine and androgen, don't deserve to be my enemies!"

Tony was shocked to find that his * * was rising. He looked more and more pleasing to his eyes. He even felt obsessed. Like a peerless beauty, his lower body was uncontrollably towering. He bit his lower lip and adhered to the last trace of clarity and will in his heart.

At this time, Chen ang had come to the eagle eye and the black widow and did nothing, but their genetic instinct made them completely paralyzed: "those who fear the creator and are controlled by the instinct of fear are not worthy to be my enemies!"

Then, without looking at them, he turned and walked towards the most powerful Hulk.

Standing in front of the giant, Chen ang looks very short, but he is ten thousand times more terrible than the ferocious giant in the heart of the avenger. The shadow is as tall as the abyss. Chen ang shakes his head slightly: "those controlled by the beast have no reason and thought, do not pursue wisdom and unknown, and do not deserve to be my enemy!" it is easy for Chen ang to control Haoke's consciousness.

Let it follow behind you like a minion.

Finally, I came to the captain of the United States who was plagued by hellfire and genetic pressure. "No matter how absurd ideas are, they are better than being controlled by instinct in ignorance, depravity, form 2 and innocence, because the latter is from your body, the former is from your self will, and the body can be easily analyzed, understood, mastered and controlled by science and knowledge, but the will will will not."

Chen ang calmly looked down at the avenger and said coldly, "if you can't show the strongest will, if you can't let the future exceed my complete grasp and control, your future will be dark!"

When the timeline crosses Chen Ang's palm, you can see that the original infinite future is woven into a bundle in Chen Ang's hand. The past is certain, and now it is being determined, but the future should be infinite, but the infinite future is becoming clearer and clearer. At the end of the universe, Skynet has collected the data of the whole universe.

More and more futures are locked in.

The operation of planets and the state of galaxies, from the disillusionment of life and death of rivers to the blooming of a flower on the earth, are all under control. The fate of the infinite universe is thus determined. Then there are intelligent creatures, intelligent creatures with weak will. The conscious information is first incorporated into the computing system, the fall of a galaxy and a river system.

There are only some of the most powerful creatures and beings, surrounded by fog, mieba, swallowing stars, death goddess, transcendent... And the earth!

The fog of the future on the Avengers is becoming rarer and rarer. The fog that could have been comparable to mieba has been sparse and can not cover the silk thread of their fate.

The future woven by Chen ang is getting longer and more perfect. The fate of one superhero after another, iron man, hulk and captain of the United States, appears in the future. The complex behavior patterns and thinking composition, the trajectory and equation of the fate line. If Chen ang is allowed to complete the determination of his destiny, the superhero will have no chance of miracles from now on.

Their potential will be fixed and their behavior will become a pattern. They are the characters written by Chen ang and can no longer escape his palm.

"No!" Captain America first struggled from the ground. Under the pressure of genetic instinct and hell fire, he stood on the ground and glared at Chen ang: "darkness, get away!" the roar of the broken voice came out of his throat. You can see the blood stains of the torn vocal cords dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Chen ang felt the resistance of fate, and the future became chaotic. The fog on the Avengers grew like an explosion, and unlimited possibilities gathered on them.

Looking at these people, struggling to break away from the control of genetic instinct, Chen ang nodded and smiled: "the fixed future will never achieve my goal. Only by pursuing unlimited possibilities can I achieve miracles. I hope you can surprise me!"


The Hulk sprang up.

Chen ang knew that the power of the Hulk had no limit, but he didn't expect that after breaking away from his shadow, hawk would appear in such a posture. The ultimate anger made it infinitely stronger in wisdom and knowledge. Maybe it's because it knows that simple power can't defeat Chen ang. The Hulk's anger meme gives it more powerful combat wisdom and evolutionary instinct.

The Hulk's body has not become bigger, but the energy is as vast as the abyss!

The original Hulk, relying on the power potential energy, can pull up the mountains and the sea. It uses the way of increasing quality and speed at the same time to give full play to its strength and turn its weight and boxing speed into a power to look down on the world.

But here in Chen ang, the power at this level is just ridiculous. No speed can exceed the speed of light. The power potential energy brought by the Hulk's mass and speed is vulnerable to the infinite energy beyond the speed of light.

Mass is the space-time force of an object, which is closely related to velocity. The greater the velocity, the greater the mass. Mass is physically the same as energy.

The essence of power is energy and speed. Further, it is speed!

Gravitational potential energy is already a very efficient force, which can perfectly transform energy and speed, but it is far from enough, far from enough in front of Chen ang.

The Hulk has lost contact with the earth under its feet. It is in a state of anti gravity. Its strength can only be held in its body by means of human force. If it confronts Chen ang, it will be like confronting the earth without the support of reaction force. It will only move in the opposite direction of force at extremely high speed and shoot out of the atmosphere.

Chen ang looked forward to Haoke. He mastered every change of the other party, including material, energy, spirit, memes, genes and various parameters. This best experimental sample made Chen ang set up nearly 10000 research groups in an instant. All the research contents came from the extremely crazy Hulk in front of him.

At the next moment, the Hulk created an organ that can completely convert energy into gravity, that is, dynamic potential energy, with a biological structure that Chen ang did not have.

"Sure enough! The end of all forces is gravity, not matter, but time. The essence is energy and speed! It was put forward by Einstein's equation as early as the last world!"

Chen ang ignores the powerful force that can smash more than half of the earth. In calculation, this dynamic potential energy is enough to break through the earth's core and make half of the planet collapse. Its power is no less than that of the moon loading the earth at the speed of the second universe. It can make the experimental civilization that Chen ang has worked hard to create on this planet fly away.

"This is not a battlefield!" Chen ang understands why humans hate the Hulk so much. Even Bruce himself is afraid and disgusted with hawk. As expected, the crazy Hawk is afraid of himself. Chen ang doesn't want to destroy the earth. The Hulk almost did it!

In an extremely small time, Chen ang came to the front of the Hulk's fist. Facing its giant fist, he pointed his right hand at the center of the other party's fist.

Now Chen ang can be directly equal to the earth in weight, or can he completely compress the mass to the density in Chen Ang's body. Chen ang, who has seized the control of the surrounding gravity through energy parity, can borrow the mass of the planet, but losers like Haoke can't.

The result was not surprising. The hawk with an earth on the front was hit high and flew out of the earth like a meteor at a speed far exceeding the speed of the first universe.

In the Avenger's complicated eyes, Chen ang smiled, ignored them, turned around and followed Haoke. If you ignore it and let it destroy Mars or the moon, it will be no small trouble for Chen ang. Not to mention the impact on the state of the earth, the material that needs to be transported back to a planet from a few light-years away can also be omitted

If you scare the people on earth, it's not good!