"If you don't think of a good reason, you're finished, you know? Nick Frey."

The capable golden red armor broke the window and fell down from the skylight. Tony Stark wrapped in the armor and said rudely to nick that the security system here was actually designed by him, and only he could break in with weapons. Nick secretly remembered this in his heart and made up his mind to find someone to modify it next time and install the system.

Tony glanced at the room, looked at the familiar faces for a moment, then moved his eyes. His armor helmet popped open, revealing Tony's unhappy face: "there are so many people here. What's wrong with me? I don't think it's more important now than saving those injured in the attack."

"S.h.i.e.l.d. has sent people to rescue the wounded, and where are Skynet's rescue robots! The crisis here is no worse than there. We are fighting for the survival of mankind. Now time is very important to us, Tony! We need you."

Nick's words are very sincere. Now every minute and every second is urgent. He has concentrated more than half of the scientific research strength of the s.h.i.e.l.l.d., but the progress of the results is still slow. Now he can only count on Tony.

"Of course you need me. When everyone can't do anything, who can you expect except me?" Tony smiled proudly. "Now tell me, what makes the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. helpless?"

"Let me have a look. What's this?" Tony pushed Nick away from him and looked at the ancient stone tablet in the center of the laboratory in surprise. The irregular tablet was engraved with an obscure sentence in ancient words, which seemed mysterious and strange to Tony: "Lemurian words! This kind of thing really exists. You should find archaeologists instead of me."

If he had not seen similar things in Howard Stark's relics, Tony would have difficulty recognizing the relics of this ancient, lost ancient civilization, Lemuria. The history and existence of this once sunken continent in the South Pacific between North America and Asia and Australia are a mystery. Human beings know almost nothing about it except that it is a civilization at the same time as Atlantis.

The discovery of suspected Lemurian relics here is an important discovery for world civilization.

"This is the death tablet!"

PIM stood in front of the stone tablet and explained to Stark: "the artifact from the ancient civilization Lemuria. We are sure that Lemuria was once a highly developed and powerful civilization. They had many wars with the Atlantis civilization. However, both civilizations have a common enemy - 'Apocalypse'."

"The Apocalypse is very powerful. After tenacious resistance, the two hostile civilizations were destroyed together. Most of the traces they left in the world were erased from the earth by the disaster under the apocalypse. Only some things that cannot be destroyed were left - this stone tablet is the most important one."

In the last century, the stone tablet was removed from the imperial palace of the Chinese emperor by the European army. After nearly 30 years of wandering, it fell into the hands of the Divine Shield Bureau. It has been stored in the research institutions of prehistoric civilization. Researchers found a large number of super technologies that are incomprehensible to science, and finally became the evidence to determine the existence of Lemurian civilization.

However, because technology is too advanced to be used, it has been sealed in the warehouse of research institutions until the mysterious stone tablet is mentioned on the Obelisk translated by an alien and called it the "monument to death".

"It's really very mysterious. The technology contained in it should not be touched by current humans... We should be careful to touch what we don't understand, otherwise it will bring disaster. Of course, we should exclude me." Tony nodded and replied, focusing on the stone tablet.

"But why is it about the survival of mankind?"

Nick looked at Tony with one eye for a moment and said cautiously, "because the culprit of the demise of Lemurian civilization has reappeared!"

Tony turned to look at him and said, "Skynet!"

"In the records of another prehistoric relic, the obelisk, Skynet is indeed one of them, but the 'Apocalypse' is far more terrible than we thought. Lemuria, Atlantis and even those ancient civilizations that have disappeared for a long time are destroyed because of it. The earth is very fragile, and human civilization is at stake..."

"Do you want to find the power of Lemurian civilization against the apocalyptic disaster?" Tony wondered.

"Yes, according to the records of the obelisk, Atlantis and Lemurian civilizations United at the last moment of destruction to jointly find the power to resist the 'Apocalypse', and successfully sealed the 'death'. They recorded the key message of 'death' on the 'death monument', recorded the power to resist the 'Apocalypse' on the 'monument of life and time', and then went Welcome destruction! "

"Compared with the powerful ancient civilization, mankind has nothing. But now it is getting closer and closer to the arrival of the predicted 'Apocalypse'. Skynet first came to the world and chose dum as the image of mankind. The alien warned us that we will usher in the end like countless civilizations destroyed by the 'Apocalypse'."

We want nothing but survival!

This is the alien's desperate belief. They have experienced too many disasters that destroy civilization. At the beginning, they can insist on starting over and creating civilization. After despair again and again, the alien chose self exile. Give up civilization, give up inheritance, survive in the form of ethnic groups, and preserve the kindling after the Apocalypse disaster.

"I'll try!" Tony was shocked by the news, and he rarely hesitated: "the scientific and technological system of this stone tablet is very different from ours. I'm not sure, so I can only try. Nick, help me find the little pepper!"

Nick nodded silently and patted him on the shoulder.

"Bruce, they're deciphering the obelisk. There's also a lot of vital information there. Tony, let me tell you some deciphered information first." PIM took Tony into the center of the stele.

"Ancient civilization and Apocalypse came from the same universe as us. Tens of billions of years ago, apocalypse and the original ancient civilization came to this world, and then a war lasted for billions of years. Finally, the original ancient civilization and the indigenous civilization of the galaxy perished together, and Apocalypse waited for the arrival of the second ancient civilization."

"Second, in order to escape the 'Apocalypse' and pursue the steps of the original primitive civilization, the ancient civilization came to this universe, but because of the subtle differences between the two cosmic dimensions, there was a difference of tens of billions of years. When they reached the earth 100 million years ago, they only came into contact with the ruins of the original ancient civilization."

"On the ruins, they created a more brilliant civilization together with the survivors of the original ancient civilization. The bright light of civilization lit up the whole galaxy until the 'Apocalypse' came again. The era of the great destruction came! Finally, our ancestors were divided into nine worlds by the 'Apocalypse', and the ancient civilization left only Atlantis, Lemuria, gandaya and mu Mainland. "

"The stone tablet is very important to us. The stone tablet of death and the stone tablet of time and life record the power of Atlantis and Lemuria against the apocalypse, which has been inherited from the original ancient civilization and developed to the utmost."

"Energy and life from the universe where the Apocalypse was born!"

"Is there a clearer message?" Tony said. "It's all vague history!"

"The deciphering of each other's obelisk is still in a vague stage." PIM is helpless. He said helplessly: "according to some more vague information, the power we are looking for is a collection of energy and life. It has about the positive and negative energy of one million stars and the ultimate life form, which comes from a plan called 'sentinel' of ancient civilization."

Tony looked at the obscure words on the stone tablet and said with emotion, "is that the sentry we're looking for?"

"Now the sentry is very dangerous. According to speculation, its complete information is divided into two parts. One part records its energy and soul, and the great miracle of sealing 'death' is recorded on the death monument. The other part represents the life equation of the sentry as the ultimate life, which is recorded on the 'monument of time and life', and it is lost."

"If there is only energy and soul, the sentinel polluted by 'death' is likely to fall into the control of 'Apocalypse' and be controlled by 'nothingness'. Only by forming a complete' sentinel 'with energy and life can we rely on the characteristics of the ultimate creature and get rid of the pollution of' death '. It was only a robot at first, until ancient civilization found a robot in our universe It is the ultimate life of infinite evolution, and after its secret is solved, this most powerful weapon of war is composed of life equation and alien cosmic energy. "