War Skynet is the best scientific and technological carrier carefully created by Chen ang, and it is also the one representing material among the four elements constituting the universe. Chen ang defines it as a qualified scientific and technological carrier, which can realize any technology and represent the industrial elements of the most advanced productive forces. Skynet is not so much a scientific and technological civilization as the strongest industrial system created by Chen ang in theory.

Starting from the most basic aspect of material, it is an industrial system and material foundation constructed from bottom to top. Therefore, what Skynet lacks most is the imagination and creativity based on perceptual intelligence. It is difficult to say that this is not the reason why Chen ang deliberately.

After all, civilization is difficult to control, but the tools are different.

However, these information that seems very important to some terrible civilizations and individuals with a long history and a long time is meaningless to earth civilization. This intelligent subatomic energy can easily change its own gravity, electromagnetic force, strong force and weak force. Although it has only the ability to change simple mutual force, Skynet can realize any miracle within the imagination of human beings.

Just a simple scientific and technological construction, Chen ang even limited Skynet base and did not show the scientific and technological strength of the world for more than 20 years, but the human army was still defeated under this offensive.

The combat effectiveness of the nano robot reconstructed by Skynet shocked the whole world.

The response speed of the US government was very fast. The second fleet left for New York at the first time. The powerful air defense forces and mobile forces enabled them to respond at the first time and intervene quickly.

"Delta, I'm the headquarters! The other side is a very powerful robot force. Repeat, the other side is a very powerful robot force. Our goal is an extremely dangerous person with special abilities. He is under the protection of the robot force and has extremely strong combat ability. Code name: Dr. doomsday."

On a large transport plane at high altitude, the delta troops are ready to go. As the largest and most prosperous city in the United States, New York has the most mobile and combat capable anti-terrorism forces in the United States. They will enter New York by air drop.

"Headquarters, this is delta! The airdrop is in place. Please ask the ground personnel for laser guidance."

"Understand... Delta, our ground forces have been eliminated. The enemy's mechanized forces have blocked the nearest ground support three kilometers away. We can't provide support for you. Please overcome the difficulties. Our casualties are very heavy. Your characters are very important and can't give up. Technicians will locate you through satellites..."

"Latest intelligence: Delta! Your target is confirmed to be level X. nuclear reaction is found at the target location. The headquarters requires you to give up the target and come back immediately! Repeat, come back immediately!"

The commander of the delta did not have time to respond. At high altitude, he saw a silver flash. Outside the fighter plane guarding the large transport aircraft, three aircraft with very strange aerodynamic shape entered the pilot's vision. They are extremely fast and have no response on radar.

The speed of this aircraft even exceeded the pilot's dynamic visual capture ability, leaving only a faint silver light on everyone's retina.

"Delta? Delta? Ground command center to Delta..." from the concealed ground command center, we can see that the light blue light mass over New York harbor is fleeting, the orange fireball explodes in the air, and light fireworks float around. More than 20 aviation teams over New York lost contact at the same time.

On the battlefield, countless such waves are passing through and intertwined. The sky over the Tiankeng is like a black hole, swallowing the electromagnetic waves passing over it. A large amount of dynamic real-time information is translated and played on the huge screen in front of Nick. The underground headquarters on the screen are lifelike. Even the top commander of the government can't understand the war better than Nick.

"You've won," Nick gasped. "But what do you want to do?"

"If you want to prove your strength and swear your right to do whatever you want, you have succeeded! The s.h.i.e.l.d. has suffered the most painful failure in history. You stepped on our bodies and proved yourself. We have nothing to do with you. If you want to destroy the world, we can only fight to the death with you!"

"Are these tragedies, these tragedies your purpose? If not, what is your purpose?"

On the light screen in front of Nick, a picture of the second fleet appeared.

"I'm not a terrorist." Chen ang replied, "I'm curious why the Divine Shield would regard me as a super criminal. Even in the universe, everything I do to you is moral and legal. I said: your biggest illusion is that you think you are free, but you are not!"

"Just like you mistakenly think you have sovereignty over the earth! But the earth and mankind are my property!"

Nick's only eye stared at Chen ang. He could hardly restrain his anger and almost trembled. "Do you think you can do whatever you want? It's a big mistake. Human beings are born free and never controlled and manipulated by anyone! We are not anyone's property. If someone dares to swear like this, I swear I'll put his head into beep eyes!"

"This is a fact!" Chen ang shook his head helplessly.

"Fuck the truth!"

"Don't be naughty..." Chen ang controls a steel needle to pierce Nick's skin, and the blood is introduced into the PIM particle ray exciter. This strange subatomic and microscope can most clearly display DND.

Nick saw his cells magnified thousands of times. Under the scanner, the internal structure was abnormally clear.

"Let the facts speak!" said Chen ang. He clearly showed Nick's chromosome in the scanner, "It seems that humans cannot decipher the genetic information, but not only the deep information is marked. I have prepared some more intuitive marks. Just as you like to wear earrings on the raised cattle and sheep, Skynet's experimental animals also have their own marks..."

"It's on chromosome 23, your sex chromosome!"

Nick's as like as two peas, and even the most illiterate people can see that the gene map will never appear on the normal organism. The appearance of regular patterns is possible. The same thing happens in a gene. It is not impossible. Although this sign is exactly the same as the Skynet, Nick can find himself convincing himself. Reasons for.

For example, Chen ang first discovered this regular pattern, and then took it as the symbol of Skynet.

But natural genes will never write a line clearly on their body in Chinese, hippolytic and Latin.

"Manufactured in the first base of Skynet swallowing star, No. 198027."

"Skynet property, abduction must be investigated!"