The lightsaber is slightly longer than the one handed sword. On the dark silver handle is the blade with red and gold light. It vibrates with a very high frequency. When it is close, it can always hear a sound similar to the hum of the magnetic field. Although it is shaped by primitive magic, the lightsaber is not invisible. It is shaped by a similar force field.

Chen ang was able to shake open the weapon that stabbed him, and when the physical balance of the two Paladins was damaged, he stabbed them into their bodies along with their small flaws. He blocked the priest's magic with their bodies, then stabbed the lightsaber under his ribs and quickly wiped the second man's throat.

When the paladin was cut along with his plate armor, a very subtle force came from the hilt, just like a hot knife cutting butter, but no blood splashed out. The wound opened by the original magic was dehydrated and contracted due to strong radiation. Where the plate armor was damaged, the steel melted slightly, making the wound under the plate armor mixed with molten iron.

In theory, such a wound would make him struggle for a long time without directly destroying his brain.

Without rapid blood loss and destruction, it is difficult for the injured to die immediately. They will feel the severe pain from the nerves and suffer in this pain until they die. Just like a very cruel punishment - waist cutting, if you are cut by a lightsaber, the injured may struggle for three days before dying of organ failure.

With the help of priests, they may alleviate their pain, but most still die. Healing magic has poor radiation effect on the original magic. Even if it is "healing fatal damage", it is difficult to reverse their fate of death due to radiation disease. Because the magic power pollution brought by the lightsaber will torture them forever.

Therefore, when Chen ang kills people, at the moment when he stabs into the human body, the hand holding the sword will always vibrate slightly and imperceptibly, so that the original magic of high-frequency vibration can quickly destroy the human cycle, and make the enemy die silently and painlessly.

Looking at his companion's body, he fell unconscious, and then several people roared.

The priest who has been in battle for a long time cooperates with the paladin skillfully. The priest swings the hammer with his backhand to give full play to the weight of the hammer, but there is still a trace of toughness in the fierce. When he hits, the power suddenly erupts and can smash the enemy into meat and mud through a layer of heavy armor. The priest's muscles contracted into small pieces, and his strength was as tight as a spring. In this way, he released nearly a thousand pounds of hammer force.

The priest's warrior must have a high part-time level! Warhammer's restraint against one handed weapons is also very obvious.

But Chen ang was not once. He just twisted the priest's sense of space and let the hammer hit the teammates next to the priest. The blood and flesh exploded like fireworks. The right body of the companion in heavy armor was short, and the blood and meat mud splashed out from the gap of the armor. The priest's powerful perception is not enough for the Tao in the face of the distortion of the force.

"Higher charm human beings!" Chen ang said three words gently.

His left hand was shrouded in a spell light, as if he had really used the spell. Even though there were many flaws, the interference of the force made the paladin behind the priest firmly believe in the scene. He sadly stabbed his two handed sword into the priest's back. To get rid of companions controlled by charm!

But the priest's unbelievable eyes woke him up.

"No!" the paladin roared in despair. His sword shaking hand tried to hold the priest's shaky body, but was stopped by the remaining two companions.

"Manipulate the body!" Chen Ang's voice was still calm. He threw a mass of magic light on the priest's body. Of course, the force let them see the "magic light". When the two priests watched the corpses and Chen ang on the ground with vigilance, the paladin's blade pierced their hearts from behind.

Chen ang sighed, "the will is uncertain, the force is confused!" he easily relieved the paladin's confusion about the force. He ignored the lost Paladin and walked straight past him. Among all paladins, the youngest one selected by him does not have rich experience and firm faith like other middle-aged paladins.

He is too young. Passion and faith are his strongest strength and his most fatal weakness. When his own mistakes personally caused the death of his companions, the shaky Paladin made a fatal mistake. Being absent-minded on the battlefield will not only harm yourself, but also endanger the lives of your companions.

The sky in deepwater city is getting darker and darker. Ilminster can feel that this is not a normal night. He found some clues in the shadow of the surrounding buildings. In the deepest and darkest place, a creepy distortion was taking place. His silver fire trembled violently, and the power of the voters warned him.

Ears sounded as if there were no low Nan, like a lover's sigh and lingering. The voice from the shadow had a deep-rooted power to the bottom of his heart, which confused his mind. He seemed to hear many names of memory, their whispers and whispers.

The trouble of shadow is everywhere, which seriously affects his will. Ilminster knows that this is a bad joke of the dark lady. As the sworn enemy of Mistra, the shadow goddess doesn't seem to want to let him go. But he was not afraid of the lady's plot and plot. Such a thing never happened for the first time in his long enough life.

What worries him most is another voice, the voice from the human heart.

He can feel that with Chen Ang's approach, this power is becoming stronger and stronger, and this temptation is gradually polluting his mind. What really scares him is that he has forgotten 'that thing'. Ilminster couldn't remember what was tempting him? Where did he put the 'that thing' he forgot?

"Darth morgos!" Ilminster's voice echoed in the haze. His momentum was like thunder and his voice was like thunderbolt, rolling away, dispelling the broken whispers in the shadow.

"Your strength is like an abyss, but I can see the dark essence under the shining stars. It contains warmth and peace, but also hides real terror and danger, just like those really old legends. Where the glory of the gods cannot shine, where the stars cannot shine, it is your territory!"

"Why does the darkness invade the brilliance of the stars? With your greatness, you should understand that everything has its promised place, just like the rotation of the sun and the moon and the alternation of light and darkness. I know that everything will eventually return to darkness, but the dawn will never sink..." Ilminster calmed his breath, stood at the front of the wind and rain, looked directly at the lonely shadow, and his loud voice trembled slightly, Loudly said, "this is the land of dawn promised by the gods. Darkness cannot pass!"

The sword battle of Ilminster's left hand and right hand intersected, and a strong light tore the sky and the earth. The thick clouds rolled back, and the sunlight on the dark clouds cast down, dyeing the deep-water Castle golden. The magic net stretched and folded freely under his battle, and the sun with strong positive energy drove the shadow and darkness away.

The power of the disaster lock was torn open by the divine power of Mishra. The magic net extracted the rolling original magic power to block and infect the power of the lock. At least the brilliance of five gods attacked the three precepts lock together and shrouded the power over the deep-water castle.

"Maybe you think so, but my knowledge tells me that there has never been a promised land. Never!" Chen Ang's voice seemed to come from a distant place, "Nothing is true, all existence is reasonable. Just like one of your Dostoevsky heroes, dominated by your nihilistic gods, you destroy me without hesitation, just like a pure sacred act."

"However, you should think deeply: when the hearts of the world blindly follow the so-called truth of the gods, remember - there is no absolute truth in the world. When the behavior of the world is constrained by divine dogma or inherent cognition, remember - any constraint can be broken. Darkness is not born to serve light, it has its own meaning in this world."

The blasphemous words aroused the anger of the gods. In the light of tearing the sky, the darkness swayed like a lonely boat, but it was as firm as a rock and stood against the surging tide of positive energy. Chen ang seemed to ignore it. He didn't even look up at the kingdom of the gods shining in the sky, but continued in a calm voice:

"Are laws inviolable? Or are those orders truth?"

"The gods describe the reality of the world to you and stipulate that all things, even the abyss and hell, are safely in place in order. The world is like a set of precise gears running in fixed rules and order, which even makes you think that this is the world itself! But there is always a deeper reality under the reality, and I never stop chasing the truth and seeking 。”

"When the order collapses, when the throne shakes, and the hypocritical truth breaks into ruins, the more real truth will be exposed. Because only movement and change can make us closer to the essence of things." Chen ang smiled: "remember: everything is empty, everything is allowed!"

Ilminster felt his silver fire and sent out the strongest anger. It seemed to burn him up, and the sun was overshadowed by the brilliance of the gods.

The gate of heaven mountain appeared on the deep-water fort, and the surging positive energy ocean seemed to be out of control. Ilminster felt the brilliant shaking of Perot and other gods, and the brilliant ocean gushed out endlessly from the sky. At this moment, he clearly found that they seemed to have fallen into an exquisite scam.

The mountain of heaven is shaking, and the violent ocean of primitive magic is beating this plane. The original force of light and goodness - the light force, hovers at the top of the mountain of heaven along the flowing soul River, making it a bright ocean.

At the core of the ocean, the purest radiance condenses into three gemstones, tearing apart the essence of heaven and becoming their form.

Three brilliant diamonds fall from the sky!