The wind raged, and the disordered air whipped everything around like a whip.

When a big tree with two palms in hand beside the port was pulled in two by a "wind whip", Chen ang stood beside and the branches wrapped in the strong wind were like strong arrows, enough to penetrate two layers of lock armour. In such weather, going out has become a very dangerous thing. The deep-water city is empty like a ghost.

For the citizens here, the safe underground world has been bloodwashed by unknown forces and is being rebuilt. They dare not risk their lives to test it in a short time. The world on earth is ravaged by the wind. The believers of the God of natural disaster also have his own wind elements, strange monsters, supporting the wind to attack everywhere and spread fear.

Everything seems very calm, but some things Chen ang needs are fermenting in this calm!

"Since that night, everything has become very wrong. I can feel an undercurrent surging around me. Some young children had great prospects, but now their eyes are stained with something else! Ambition and desire} hope..."

Standing where Pierre Galen used to be, kelben black staff looked at the raging wind elements in the sky and was talking to the great sage from afar and Ilminster, who was also the voter of the magic goddess Mistra. Ilminster shook his head and said, "children's ambition is not a bad thing, old friend. You know, who didn't make mistakes when he was young? Ambition is the pride of young people..."

"But some mistakes are irreparable, and young people are more vulnerable to temptation! Once they make mistakes, they will go farther and farther on the wrong road. We should correctly guide them instead of watching them fall into darkness..." he sighed for a moment of silence: "three children have deviated from their oath and committed the great mistake of murder."

"Old friend, we can't do it! The good road is too tortuous, but the evil temptation is close at hand." Ilminster took a deep breath and sighed: "Impatience is a mistake that every young person will make. You can't let them adhere to goodness and love, equality and understanding like us. They can't see suffering as pearls, torture as wealth, and don't realize what is really important to themselves!"

"They naively believe in justice and seek it from the outside world, but we all know that justice is in our hearts, but it doesn't exist with Phelan. From bode's gate to deep water city, from AMM to ice wind Valley, fairness and justice never exist! But the belief and persistence in justice are the most precious..."

"Do you still recognize the man in black?" Kelburn asked with wide eyes.

"I felt the shivering cold three months ago. At that time, I thought it was an illusion. Until a few days ago, I heard the abyss trembling and the gods crying. At that time, my ears echoed the tide of primitive magic and the hymn of the origin of evil. Until finally, the whole world echoed that name..."

His eyes wandered for a moment, and he said, "that name you can't say!"

"Please allow me to call him Mirko by the divine name of the one on the black staff Tower!" Ilminster smiled. He looked at the weak kelben black staff tortured by the shadow of fear and winked at him. "Yes, Mirko is just! Old friend, have you forgotten? Here, you let death practice itself. The God of the dead has become a lonely ghost..."

Ilminster laughed as he spoke. Kelben was stunned and laughed. They seemed to go back to the time of the holy Holocaust, the thrilling adventure. At that time, they sent milkoden, the God of death, to the deep water city together with kelanwo at midnight. That was the adventure that made them famous all over the world!

"Ha ha! Old friend, I've almost forgotten that past..." Celtic swept away the gloom and fear before. The memories of his youth made him energetic and flushed. They sang the works of bards praising that great history, and the epics of the magic goddess midnight and the God of death Walker Lanwo.

Walk with God!

The happy singing made Celtic get rid of the shadow that had been hanging over him: "old friend, after contacting you, I peeped at the name without authorization."

Ilminster shook his head seriously: "recklessness is not a good habit of mages, old friend! You should not try to spy on this evil and powerful existence. His name is the king of darkness, and his name is the Lord of evil. Those who spy on him will be cursed! Caution is the most important persistence for us to protect ourselves."

"Yes, Darth Mirko! I shouldn't try to spy on him!"

Celtic said, as if there was still a trace of shame, "Darth, is the dark side of the universe. I have never looked directly at such pure darkness. The rich pure black makes my silver fire dying. I try to peep into the deeper side of the name, but I feel a lot of evil and powerful souls..."

"They represent this name and dye the name with dignity with blood and power. Many of them are extremely evil. Their wisdom and power make me feel small and ridiculous. When I touch the deeper darkness they represent, Ilminster, my soul is tortured..."

"The crazy thoughts in my mind kept me awake all night. During that time, I was chaotic and indescribable. I was sure I fell into a deeper abyss than the abyss. A monster named Darth Celtic was in my body. What made me most mentally painful was that I despised the gods. They were mean and ignorant..."

"I think I have touched the great existence of the universe. The world tells me that it is called the force!" Celtic curled up and looked old and tired. "I have my soul to resist its call. Every day I wake up, my soul is covered with wounds."

"It's all over, Celtic!" Ilminster hugged him. His voice was hoarse, but the power in his words was very warm. He comforted his poor old friend and said, "the goddess still cares for you and protects you under his glory."

"But I'm afraid, old friend!" Celtic murmured, "the force is like my mother..." he buried his head in his arm and didn't want to hear Ilminster's explanation: "I'm hesitating. If the gods are shallow, where will my soul convert? In my craziest days, the gods make me sick!"

Ilminster can feel that kind of torture and uneasiness, because truth is sometimes more terrible than blasphemy. The reason why the mage is difficult to be godly to the gods is simply because of a desire for truth. For the gods, revealing their truth is more evil than blasphemy, because the former makes them angry, while the latter makes them afraid.

It was a master who played with human nature. The old master smoked a few mouthfuls of tobacco to warm himself to dispel the lingering cold. The man in black, or milko, could always grasp the most vulnerable place of human nature. He knows that lies and deception can only last for a while, but truth can change a person forever.

It is more terrible to let a person know the truth he should not know than to deceive him. Ilminster knows how that truth can destroy a person, just as the city guards who are manipulated, ruled and used know the truth of nobles and councils. They must understand their situation and the deception they have been deceived.

The fact is that they have no future, or most of them have no future. They serve and survive in danger and war. Finally, they retire as the backbone of a moderately rich family to support a warm home. Young people can't accept a future without a future, and they don't know the value of plain and warm.

Ilminster is willing to trade what he has for it, but he also knows that those young people give unremitting attention to it. They are chasing power, wealth, prestige and dignity. They are eager to become masters, but the fact is, it is impossible!

Businessmen, nobles, guilds and councils, those who have stood there cannot make room for them.

This is the truth that they should not know. It will certainly arouse the ambition they should not have, and then feel angry about injustice, suppression and framing. Finally, this anger in the pursuit of fairness and justice will burn everything.

Those smart young people, those children who have been instilled with conspiracy and power by milko, will use the weapon given by evil to pursue their dreams and ambitions. Ilminster feels sad that there will be no winner in this game of power, and the hypocrisy and justice exposed by milko will eventually destroy these children.

Together with deep water city.

Ilminster tightly pressed the bronze ring in his palm. He was a little afraid. It was because of this fear that he was able to keep alert to the ring.

"How did you finally get rid of these crazy visions?" Ilminster looked back at the silent Celtic black stick.

Celtic raised his head, shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "ring!"

"What are you talking about?" Ilminster asked a little seriously as he walked quickly to him.

"It's a ring! Nineteen rings!" Celtic began to sing: "the elves in the world cast three rings, the underground dwarfs got seven rings, the mortals hold nine rings, the demon demon world is under shadow, and the dark king sits on the supreme ring."

"You're wrong, black stick, you're very wrong!" Ilminster warned, "give it to me!"

"It's not with me..." Celtic shook his head.

"Give it to me!" Ilminster snapped. "Give me the ring in the name of the goddess!"

"I can't do it!" Celtic responded angrily. He soon realized his gaffe, remained silent for a moment, and whispered to Ilminster, "I feel its control over me, but I can't leave it. I need it to protect me against Darth Celtic. That ring has magic..."

"So that night, the night I told you about the crisis of deep water city, when I was briefly awake, I abandoned it and threw it into the deep sea, just downstream of the port, which was swallowed up by strong winds and waves."

"I hope what you said is true!" Ilminster said seriously, "but you have to tell me why you came to me in great fear today? Darth?"

"No, it's an eye!"

"Above the high tower, it has the eyeball of flame rolling. It is red and like the iris condensed by magma. It is like a crack in the blood red flame, leading to the deepest darkness. The eyeball is like a flowing flame, but the iris is more like fine blood. In the middle is the darkest and most evil soul! That eye!"