Chen Ang's more in-depth exploration of iconography and alchemy is at the cost of those orcs who have lost part of their biological characteristics. They have lost most of their thinking ability and a small part of their organs and tissues. Instead, they have brain images and mechanical structures. They lost something insignificant in exchange for resistance to most spells and more amazing destructive power.

The evolution of soldiers' bodies is much slower than transformation. The cultivation of mages is much slower than the manufacture of magic statues. The former takes time, while the latter needs resources, that is, money.

Most of the decisive factor in the transformation of orcs is the cost, so they have to bear the mechanical construction of goblin engineering and mechanism manufacturing. Their power is very powerful, durable and destructive. The only disadvantage is that they are unstable. In a popular sense, they will explode!

Chen Ang's way to solve this problem is very simple. If he can't change the goblins, he can change the orcs. He asked hellast for a copy of the Lich's information, constant the spell effect of trigger teleportation to the brain demons, and then strengthened their skulls to reduce the cost of explosion to an acceptable level.

After the explosion or attack, the brain demon image will be transferred to a incubator and kept properly. Then it only needs to repair the orc's modified body and can be reused. Healing spells and repair spells can restore the physical condition of orcs, and the cost is low. Chen ang is even considering whether to make Troll images.

Helast believes that orcs are no longer creatures and should be regarded as semi undead demons, but Chen ang proves that he retains orcs as the greatest feature of life, survival and reproduction.

The underground maze built by hailast is connected with the underground world from the underground of the deep water city and the underground hall left by the dwarves. The naturally formed underground cavity is very deep and huge. On this basis, the underground creatures enslaved by hailast have continuously expanded and excavated the city for thousands of years.

Finally, this nearly 20 story underground city system with countless branches was formed.

Helast poured out his madness and obsession belonging to the mage here. Like Chen ang, they all have the romance belonging to researchers, the excavation of endless truth and the exploration of the throne of supreme knowledge. In the palace of magic, their goal has always been the brightest pearl. It is full of his strange magical creations and magical experiments.

Chen Ang's experiments at least have order, rules and context. Chen ang also knows what field he is exploring. His experiments are exquisite and accurate. He always knows what he needs and has a clear purpose. But not everyone is like this. Chen ang regards magic as a science and uses it to understand and explore the world, but some people regard it as an art and stick to exploring magic itself.

Irwin and others regard Chen ang as a crazy and powerful mage like hailast, but Chen ang shows both the common focus of researchers and the calmness different from hailast.

Crazy and calm, science and art, but both express the extreme self.

Dimaimi city is a bigger city than deep water city. The residents here include all kinds of monsters, underground races and magic experiments. These monsters are so dangerous that deep water city always tolerates and fears this crazy mage.

Because once the monsters of dimai city emerge from the ground, the prosperous city of deepwater city will turn into a magic land.

Chen ang integrated the underground abyss of the expansion of the magic addiction Legion into the earth maze in a relatively independent but closely connected way. Fiery red magma spewed out from the ground and surrounded the abyss and maze along the magic network opened and designed by Chen ang. This is also the source of food for the large number of evil legions he keeps.

Mosses and mushrooms.

Of course, Chen ang also considered the food sources of those predators. After all, most evil creatures are not as cheap as goblins. They want to eat meat!

Therefore, goblins whose minds were destroyed by magic addiction came in handy. Chen ang transformed their bodies, making them easy to get fat and reproduce quickly. Moreover, their IQ always maintained the level of plants. Of course, they also retained the reproduction ability of goblins like rabbits. Most importantly, the transformation is the smelly, disgusting meat.

The results were very optimistic. The ogre said it was chicken and crunchy! It's better to bake over fire.

Even so, the ecology of evil creatures in the underground abyss has been fragile to a critical point, which makes Chen ang have to slightly relax the experimental control of Ogre wizards and goblin wizards, so that the population can be consumed more quickly. The failed products of the experiment will not be wasted. Goblins also like to eat meat!

In order to alleviate this food shortage environment, the goblins have played a great role. Although they say they are for the master's great cause, they are more likely to be for whether they are experimental objects. After all, the ogre's experiment is too crazy. They are good at handcraft, engineering and technology.

Underground, they established a small industrial zone and a large number of craft specialties, which strongly supported the business and expansion of xueshoubang in deepwater city. They had to learn to make wine, weave, spin and carpentry. When Chen ang re counted the cities in the abyss, he even found a large ship half built.

It's said to be sold to smugglers in skull port!

After the merger of abyss and maze, Chen Ang's research work expanded rapidly. Helast soon obtained limited freedom, became Chen Ang's chief assistant with irreplaceable advantages, and helped Chen ang control the whole underground maze.

Helast stood in front of the core mage tower and seemed to have some emotion. He gently touched the stone wall of the tower. A mage tower is another life of the mage and the most important existence. He doesn't want future generations to get involved in the imprisonment when he dies. Although he hasn't died, the mage tower doesn't belong to him anymore!

He could feel the resistance of the tower spirit to him. Although it was still the mage tower built by himself bit by bit, he didn't know when it was completely controlled by Chen ang.

"How can you do this, my lord?" asked helast curiously, shaking his head somewhat dejected.

Chen ang ordered taling to open the forbidden door. Helast saw two extremely dangerous blade demons at the door step aside and reveal the plain door behind him. Chen ang took him into the mage tower and said, "you shouldn't ask why, but how to do it! You can do it as long as you have enough time."

"Research, hypothesis, example, experiment, repetition, summary..." Chen ang paused and looked back: "isn't this the way to solve the problem? The road to the end is different, but the direction is always similar."

In essence, the mage tower is a magical object whose appearance is a building. The design purpose and structure of this building is to gather magic. The appearance of the tower and the tall and upright structure are all designed to meet this purpose.

The mage or the builder of the mage tower can establish a connection between the tower and the master of the tower, so that their magic can flow with each other, and gather the surrounding magic on the mage tower. In many ways, the mage tower is not so much a residential building as a gathering and guiding device of magical energy.

Helast could still vaguely recognize those familiar arcane geometric structures, but most of them were beyond recognition. He could feel the resistance of the mage tower to him, just like facing a strange mage. There is strange magic flowing here.

For those engineering highlights reflected in the details, hailast has to admit that, at least in architectural engineering, he is far behind Chen ang. More reasonable spatial structure, more professional stress design, and those imaginative structural designs are beyond his ability to complete, and even some designs are difficult for him to understand.

In terms of arcane magic, Chen ang retains most of the magic flow and spell structure, and only adjusts the core. However, helast can see that this is still an unfinished framework. The reason why Chen ang does not optimize the spell structure is only because he retains the space for transformation and reconstruction.

The only thing that makes hailast despair about the destination of his own mage tower is Chen Ang's improvement on the plane space of the mage tower. It should not be subversion. Hailast's mage tower is an underground mage tower, but now it is completely embedded in the plane structure. He could feel the chaotic sea in the mage tower.