After the rain, the road was muddy, mixed with broken grass leaves, excreta, hair and some strange shapes. Even Chen ang could not see the origin of the object. It was trampled by a horse and stirred into mud with extremely strange color.

Standing on it, a mixture of rotten vegetation, feces and bloody smell makes people want to stay away from this place. When you step on it, the splashing mud makes the eyelids of pedestrians jump, and there is always a disgusting stench in the air. No one wants to come to the slum after the rain. The nobles don't exist here, even their dog legs don't want to come here.

The slum after rain is a hell of a nightmare, but it's not much better when it doesn't rain.

Therefore, it has become a place that tax officials can't avoid. These greedy shriveled bones would rather go to the wharf area to collect and scrape the last copper NAR in the sailor's pocket than go here to dig through these poor bones' rotten shacks. Everyone knows that there can only be some waste and garbage, or moldy and smelly food, hoping to find something valuable here, It's better to sweep the streets in the temple area. Maybe you can smelt a little gold dust from the dust. When the goldsmith next to the goddess of wealth smelts gold, the dust of gold is often blown into the street by the wind.

Of course, such a good thing has been monopolized by the gang since it was discovered. The cheap people in the slums still work, but the gold they fished from the acid prepared by the wizard can only be exchanged for some meager food from the gang at a low price.

Such a place that is despised by the nobility is often an active place for gangs.

They can get everything they need from here: cheap human life and manpower, desperate poor, murder, betrayal, theft and evil, and faith! The only thing to be vigilant is those paladins who don't know when they will go crazy. Except them, who cares about the evil in these forgotten corners?

When Chen ang appeared here in his cloak, the numb looking poor people on both sides of the road quickly got out of the way. They all knew that people wearing cloaks were not easy to mess with, let alone the adult.

"Bloody hand" and "human butcher" are his beautiful names.

Although it has only been a few days, Chen Ang's reputation has been known among the poor in deepwater city. Although I have heard of tyrants who do all kinds of evil in distant countries, lichs who manipulate dead bodies, and dragons who turn cities and towns into ruins, these are too far away from the poor. Instead, they have no "cruel and bloody hands" and are more deterrent.

The leader of the Yalin Gang, who is entrenched here, made the best comment on the reputation of your bloody hand. More than one witness vowed that they saw your bloody hand and cut the leader into meat and mud with a smile. But others also vowed that the bloody hand didn't do it, but smiled and asked the original members of the Yalin Gang to chop Yalin into meat sauce.

Whatever the process, the final result is the same anyway.

Yalin died without a whole body, and some of the original Yalin gang were crazy, while others became members of the bloody hand gang. A loyal, determined and never betrayed member.

There were several muscle knots in the beaters behind Chen ang. It was obvious that the beaters who had been transformed by magic were dead in their eyes. They could smell the bloody smell with their eyes. They didn't know whether it was their own or someone else's. With such a group of people swaggering through the market, no wonder no one dares to offend Chen ang even though he smiles and looks good to talk.

The reason why he came here, Chen ang has his own plan.

"The eyes of the gods will not leave the main material world in a short time. They have enough patience and time. They also have a very strong influence on the mainland. Major churches will pursue my traces like bloodhounds."

When Chen ang thought of this, his eyes showed a look of interest. He would not feel emotional distress, anxiety, tension, anger and fear because of this little thing. These normal emotions for others have not happened to him for a long time. The good news is that his heart is stronger, while the bad thing is that he is more unlike a person.

So he was curious about the gods. The knowledge he was most interested in the whole multiverse was the knowledge about the gods, followed by arcane and magic. Originally, according to Chen Ang's style, he would certainly create some interesting things for the world and create some waves for the calm and chaotic world, but the rules of the universe limit this.

In the macro world, the physical rules seem to have changed little, but in the micro world, the universe subverts most of the laws known by Chen ang. The laws of the world are so strict and strange that Chen ang has to start learning and experiment again in most of his knowledge. Magic net, spell position, plane and gods, this is a new world system.

Dangerous seeds breed in the dark, enough to shake the change of the foundation of the world. It is gradually formed because of the visit of an alien visitor. The restless gods look at the material world in the upper world, and they feel that the throne under them is shaking.

"Boss!" the little leader guarding the dump looked down in fear when he saw Chen ang.

This is the garbage dump of the deep-water city. The river passing through the city carries the garbage to the sea. The river designed by scholars has fast water flow and strong carrying capacity. It has several functions of garbage transportation and cargo transportation, which is of great significance to the deep-water city.

This is also the Yalin sect. Now it is an important source of money for the bloody hand sect.

Several poor people in rags peeped carefully at Chen ang. They stood in the chest high river and used hooks and baskets to select useful parts from the garbage. A dry body floated down the water. The eyes of the nearest fisherman brightened, quickly hooked it with hooks and tied it behind them.

Here, the body is also valuable. And it's the most valuable thing.

Because of the Church of the king of the dead, the Lich and the dead are in great shortage of spell materials. As a god of death, kelanwo is extremely hostile to undead creatures. Therefore, it is particularly difficult to desecrate the corpses that have performed the death ceremony. It can be said that any undead creature trying to make an idea of these corpses will be pursued and killed by the death cult.

Of course, even if they don't, they will, but at least they won't be paid special attention.

For example, the bodies that died unexpectedly and were abandoned in the river are very expensive. A strong adult male can even sell for a high price of jindler, while the bodies of children, the elderly and patients can also sell for five silver Sikes. The price of women is variable, sometimes higher and sometimes lower, while the incomplete and rotten bodies can only be sold at a low price.

In the slums, the bodies of all dead people belong to the Yalin Gang, unless their relatives are willing to pay the priest in the city to be buried. Even so, they have to endure the gang's beating and extortion, and each person has a silver Sike's dead money.

"Colin!" Chen ang stared at the person in charge, which made him kneel down in fear.

Colin doesn't know whether Chen ang is a strong man who hates desecrating corpses. It's not terrible to change the boss. What's terrible is that he doesn't know the character and temper of the new boss. If Chen ang is a believer of kelanwo, he's over! Under normal circumstances, the boss will not wantonly kill his men, except in two cases.

1、 He is the new boss. He has not established a bloody reputation and needs to maintain his brutal reputation.

2、 Boss, he doesn't care!

Unfortunately, Chen ang occupied both situations. Fortunately, Chen ang didn't believe anyone. So Colin was forgiven.

"You did a good job!" Chen Ang's praise let Colin breathe a sigh of relief, "but there is no doubt that you can do better. You should work hard, and the shipment is the same, even the Lich is in demand. The customer's demand is our demand. We need to be urgent and think of the customer. In order to better provide the necromancer spell materials, we need to improve the quality of shipment."

"Corpses are low-grade raw materials that can't earn much money. How much can you earn from a corpse? Mages don't lack money. They lack time. We want to sell their time into our money."

Chen ang stood up and motioned: "In the face of such a corpse, any valuable part that can sell at a high price should be continuously decomposed into its constituent value elements, and all the value creating parts and their factors should be found out. The heart, liver, spleen, lung and skull should be specifically and finely divided, and we should deeply study the Necromancer's magic materials, so as to strive to make the materials we supply reach the level of standard spell casting materials."

"We should actively contact customers and know what they need. Whether the bodies are fresh or rotten, whether the skeleton is large or small, as long as the customers of organs can accept dry organs? High quality materials should be analyzed specifically. For example, bones in youth are the most valuable, but organs in adolescence are not bad."

"We should not only provide standard materials, but also provide in-depth special materials, such as the bodies of mercenary professionals, the bodies of first daughters, bodies full of resentment, murdered bodies, murder weapons, hair and blood of the dead. We should further develop these neglected materials. In this way, it is the basis for the growth and prosperity of the gang."

Cole is a gloomy young man. At the moment, he has stared at his new boss with shock and admiration in his eyes. He is already a red and purple extreme evil under the detection of evil. What will Chen ang, who is more cruel, cruel and evil than him, show?

It should be a dark evil!

"Cole, evil is not the purpose, but the result!" Chen ang seemed to see through his idea and said with a smile: "think about your purpose, Cole. You don't do this for fun, excitement and fun. That kind of person is crazy. You are a normal person. These are just work, money making and profitable, which can let you have fun."

"There is no difference in survival! It has nothing to do with justice and evil. You just want to live better, don't you?"

The smile on Chen Ang's face made Cole feel a deep fear. He quickly nodded and agreed, for fear that a huge axe would fall on his head after one step.

"You are very smart, Cole. Welcome to join our family." Chen ang said with a smile: "I don't care about your faith and position, but pure evil makes people confused, right? No one likes to live with madmen. Those who are obsessed with murder, abuse and betrayal don't seem to like the world. They are so obsessed with death..."

"So they were sent to see Shrek and bane." cole thought of the source of Chen Ang's reputation as "bloody hand", which was dyed red with the blood of the most terrible and crazy group of people in the slum.

"Skinner", "beheader", "bloody skull", "black hand", "crow"

More cruel than the disabled ninja, more tyrannical than the tyrant, and more evil than the evil. This is the bloody hand that makes everyone fear. It is a serious boss full of evil ideas that makes everyone fear and obey.

"Business is business, Cole!"

Cole hurried back to reach: "business is business, boss, I know!"

"Turn around and send out the statue of Shrek!" cole thought silently. "I shouldn't have studied those doctrines some time ago. God! I'm crazy about those things, and the golden Chandler is our faith!"

"Go back and talk to sanlinta and the people of the country of the dead, and ask them to provide some magical materials or equipment for preserving the body." Chen ang motioned cole to write down what he said.

"But..." Cole was a little embarrassed. The existence of magic on the mainland was very expensive, which was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Cole! Tell them that this is to provide them with better materials and ask them for payment with materials. The bottom line? Just 80 healthy male corpses!" Chen ang said with a smile.

In this way, the transaction may succeed, but now they don't have so many goods.

Cole looked up puzzled, but saw Chen ang looking in the direction of deep-water City, where there were far more than 80 thieves' associations and gangs.

Cole raised his pen tremblingly and wrote down Chen Ang's order.