On the long yellow sand of the Sahara, the long team trudged hard.

The people with frosty faces have calm faces. Difficulties and suffering have left traces on their faces, but they have failed to conquer their spirit. They are calm and calm. From their expressions and eyes, we can see that it is not empty and numb indifference, but the joy and liberation of facing everything calmly after peace of mind.

Most people in the crowd have the same face, and their bodies are even deformed. Only a few people have sound limbs and their faces are relatively special. This is normal. A few days ago, they were still a tool in human work. It would increase the cost to modulate human clones with different faces. Therefore, only a small number of customized human clones are lucky to get such a special honor.

The clone team is occasionally mixed with some people who look blank, have richer emotions, and even have more natural expressions and looks. They are human beings who follow.

Although most human beings have decided to leave the earth, there are always some people who choose other roads. Compared with the voyage of the star sea, quantum immortality does not seem to be a bad thing.

The wind, sand and cold in the Sahara are enough to destroy metals, freeze and crack steel. Of course, it can also destroy a person's steel will. After dark, the temperature of the earth's surface has dropped to minus 20 degrees, and the environment in the Sahara is no worse than that in other regions.

Humans huddle in 281 giant cities. There are occasional rumors that China, the Soviet Union and the European Communist Union have begun to migrate cities and populations, but most humans are still building their future home - spaceships. All relations of production are no longer meaningful. In the process of arduous tasks and labor, mankind is reorganized according to the functions and division of labor of the fleet.

In this world, most governments have lost the meaning of existence. Except for the four sovereign political bodies with capacity, other human countries have to form the earth United Nations government to deal with this unprecedented disaster.

However, unexpectedly, the coalition government did not play any role. When these politicians and dignitaries tried to perform their functions and rights, they hit an iron plate - the Sailing Committee. Full name: "construction and Preparatory Committee related to civilization departure and space survival"!

The working class is the most advanced class. The fact is no exaggeration to prove this. In fact, the working class that can build spaceships has thrown off the streets of parliamentarians and bureaucrats as early as the management and administrative construction. They released one that could easily destroy their existence!

At first, with the help of the four political actors, the spaceship construction team has more than 90% of the productivity of the four actors on earth. The strength of organization and management required by such a high-end and sophisticated project as spaceship, which is unprecedented in human history, can also be called Hell difficulty.

After organizing and building the team with great difficulty and managing more than 3.1 billion workers, the monsters of the organization found themselves the most powerful and advanced. The Dalits in India have found that they have already built a new country, a perfect ideal country, distribution on demand, communism and the self liberated working class in the process of beating, exercising and forming!

These ridiculed ideals, these despised forces, when the government and capital ridicule and despise this force, they never know what kind of monster they released from their cage!

More than billions of labor!

Millions of engineering teams!

Unprecedented strong and centralized management organization!

With the help of human cloning, mankind has finally completed this incredible miracle! At the same time, they also obtained complete liberation and overwhelming power, which was so powerful that the original government could only tremble under it. Workers' organizations that can build spaceships are far more powerful than governments in the industrial age.

No Communist Party! But after the liberation of the working class, there is no need for the Communist Party. For the first time in history, unconsciously, the group of people representing the most advanced productive forces completed the great cause of changing the world.

The Dalits spent only three minutes discussing it at the engineering meeting and expelled the remnants of the old era. The masters of higher castes and Shahai found that the obedient and pious Dalits were not obedient, and the bureaucrats and bosses were at a loss. They felt that there was no place for them to intervene in social management.

What makes them powerless than being suppressed is being ignored.

There is no revolution or violence. Because the completion of a project for all mankind is more difficult than revolution and violence, and also more completely changes them and the whole world. Construction is undoubtedly more terrible than destruction. The former will destroy their bodies, while the latter is destroying the foundation of their existence.

When mortals build the tower of heaven, even God will be afraid!

Spaceship engineering and future interstellar navigation need workers, engineers, farmers, scientists, teachers, even writers and directors, code farmers and waiters. It welcomes all workers, but only does not need capitalists and bureaucrats.

They were abandoned by the world, and even the only surviving American Communist Party in the old world did not welcome them*** They also need more workers. They need workers and scientists, not waste food with them. The waste that a country can afford is always limited! Capital has no motherland, but the motherland has capital.

At this time, even the smallest and foolish people have to join this new world. In the great project related to human survival, all relations have been smashed. Everything in the past, about identity, education, religion, race and social order, those deep-rooted things, were roughly dug out and smashed.

At the most dangerous moment, mankind has finally completed the transformation of rebirth.

Burn up the stench of ignorance, dirt, blood and pus! Those disgusting things, those evil * *, those ridiculous existence crowned with human nature, and things about selfishness, greed, laziness and * * are finally exposed to the fire and give off the stench of burning. If these bad habits are blown as a matter of course, they will be praised as human nature.

Then humans might as well become gods!

Only labor can create human beings and the world, and only labor can recreate them! This is another purpose of the wall facing plan. Labor creates everything in human society and can reshape the world according to productivity.

Heroes and greatness are always small. On the contrary, only the smallest can achieve great eternity.

In China, in the Soviet Union, in the European Communist Union, in the Sailing Committee, in the United States, huge projects and unprecedented large-scale transformation and construction in human history will profoundly change mankind and everything related to it. The dawn of another era has been rising. Even the most conservative old forces have to admit it.

The ropes that hang it will be created by themselves.

This is an inevitable and inevitable outcome. No one can do anything in the face of such a general trend. Except Chen ang!

Clones flocked to the Sahara, where Chen ang promised eternal life and liberation. They are eager and incomparably looking forward to everything that will come. Life exists in another form and civilization exists in another form. Clones long for civilization and their time.

On the desert, nearly 6 billion clones and a small number of human beings look into the distance. Some clones choose to integrate into human society, while others want to create the future with mutants.

The professor and magneto stood at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters and watched all this.

When it was time for Chen ang to promise, the professor saw that the sun rose again in the East, and the hot, golden fireball reappeared in this dark world! No, it's the sun. It's a more terrible sun. The radiation intensity of star explosion is far beyond the limit that human beings can bear!

Under the sun, in the dazzling light of the sun, more than 200 huge shadows rushed into the sky from all over the earth. The metal ship body larger than the mountains reflects the sun, like more than 200 suns!

In the sky, the moon slowly began to rotate and set off huge waves up to hundreds of meters in the ocean, but human beings don't care. On the back of the moon, a huge mechanical body reveals the real body that shocked the world. The whole moon doesn't know when it has been replaced by a huge mechanical body. It is Skynet, and only Skynet.

The earth set off endless material, flew high into the sky, gathered into meteorites, asteroids and satellites, finally hit the moon, and then merged in incomparably harmoniously.

On the earth, countless huge human shapes with blurred faces burst into the sky from various oil producing areas. This alienated biochemical warship easily broke through the atmosphere. Behind them, the huge Zerg mother nest slowly broke through the ground in the Middle East, and the huge organisms tens of thousands of miles in diameter rushed into space under the protection of countless alien species.

Behind the moon, the sun's light and shadow become more and more intense, and the temperature of the earth's surface instantly rises to 70 degrees. Behind a huge light and shadow, there are endless wings. It is infinite. Each wing is more brilliant and great than the moon. It can't look directly at it. No matter what observation means humans use, they can't see through its brilliant light.

Sun angel safiros!

In the earth's ecosystem, an invisible wave swept into space and rushed into the endless distance.

When all this left the earth, safiros looked at the earth, looked at the clones waiting quietly in the Sahara, and looked at the trembling apes in the Amazon forest. If the earth's ecosystem could survive, they would engrave a terrible species in the depths of their genes - terrible upright apes.

Ape man also deeply engraved the crazy and terrible creature of human beings in their spiritual inheritance.

Once upon a time, there was a planet called Earth. It spent about 4.55 billion years. It was still a young planet. About a million years ago, a tiny creature called upright ape was born. In a twinkling of an eye of about 200000 years, human beings evolved! Then, there's no then!

In just tens of thousands of years, they evolved from animals into intelligent creatures. It took them 50000 years to enter agricultural civilization, only 3000 years to enter industrial society, and 20 years to enter the information age, the cosmic age and the microphysical age. Then, after the arrival of a human called apocalypse, they destroyed the earth within two years.

In just a few seconds, the solar radiation broke out to the highest peak. The immeasurable radiation madly destroyed the earth and ocean. In the center of the Sahara desert, a huge spherical lightning with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers flickered for about one tenth of a second, and then destroyed the largest and oldest natural relics on the earth.

After dark, there is a shining era.