"Do you remember the first time we met, professor?" Chen ang stood at the top of McKinley mountain and looked down at the dark world, just like when he first set foot on the world. From here to the distance, human civilization has been performing brilliance, decline, extinction and rise for thousands of years.

But just like the light that never goes out in the eternal night, although mankind has been dying, the happy progress on the road of death and death is still inherited. They have been limited to small-scale fighting. So far, they only have the ability to die with the whole earth's ecosystem. Chen ang believes that this is far from giving full play to human potential.

They need a bigger stage.

They have unique conditions!

Black phoenix atom dissociation, Professor X mind control, magneto manipulation of basic forces, phantom cat through time and space, but what are the tangled dreams of these heroes and villains? From microcosm to macrocosm, from multiverse to dimension, from the past to the future, they run through different cosmic time and space, and destroy dozens of parallel worlds. They are fighting for the liberation and ambition of mutants.

Chen ang felt that it was time to end all this fuss.

Before he bent his fingers and started, he could not tell clearly. The way was unknown. The electromagnetic wave particles surging in the air suddenly changed into different states outside the two image states. Visible light, invisible light, electromagnetic wave, dark matter wave, gravity and nuclear force were gently fluctuated, controlled, mastered and combed by this hand. Chen Ang's fingers moved slightly, and the world changed.

With the help of the scientific and technological power of the global war Skynet, the jump strength of the different species of hunger, the quantum state of the plague virus Genova, the dark radiation covering the earth, and the jump into the abnormal fluctuation of light quanta, the ability of particle motion is locked at the molecular level, and the movement above the atomic level is solidified by this power.

The world stagnated at this moment.

The monsoon in the air, the tide in the sea, even the sound waves of children laughing and shaking, the dynamic potential energy of girls flying skirts, the chemical reaction of combustion, and the moving fluid molecules all freeze at this moment. Only sunshine, long lost, sprinkles on people's faces, and the current is still moving in the copper wire.

At this moment, the interaction between the materials of the whole earth has reached a stable equilibrium state, that is, the entropy between high-level and low-level reaches the maximum, and the energy is completely evenly distributed. Without affecting the bright material, the abnormal activity of light quantum is used to achieve the infinite state of entropy value in a short time, so as to create the relative balance of known energy at the micro level.

Relying on the almost endless energy supplement of solar radiation, when the total energy controlled by Chen ang completely exceeds the total energy available on the earth's surface, Chen ang really reached the relative maximum entropy of the molecular state at this moment by using the compensation effect of the absolute majority of energy. Of course, this is the limit that a medium-sized star can reach.

Chen ang calculated that if the entropy reaches infinity at the nuclear level, it needs to burn the mass of the whole sun in an instant to stop the energy movement of the earth for a tenth of a second.

Therefore, time is fixed at this moment.

In other words, the molecular motion on the earth's surface is in an absolute zero state, and everything is frozen.

"Hello, everyone! See you again! I'll say hello to you at McKinley mountain, the highest peak of the Alaska mountains!" a wave of spiritual power spread to the whole planet. No matter where you are, people's hearts can't refuse to show this familiar figure. Chen ang stood on the top of the snow peak and looked down at the whole world with his eyes.

"Once upon a time, before I came, the world operated according to an understandable law. At that time, Manhattan was prosperous, the financial industry was strong, gold was still hard currency, oil was also the black blood of the world and the lifeblood of industry..."

"In that beautiful era, the United States was free and democratic, Saudi Arabia was rich and prosperous, and the biggest threat to world peace was the militants curled up in the hot land of poverty, or a peace loving world policeman who specially created a hotbed for terrorists. He maintained world peace and did not need to fight with robots."

"At that time, police didn't need to drive mobile armor, soldiers didn't have to fight with artificial intelligence, biochemical biology and quantum life, mutants didn't need to learn advanced physics, and humans didn't need to use memory infusion devices to learn to manipulate nanoworms and physical constants. Most importantly, there were no asteroids falling from the sky, no major plagues all over the world, the sun wouldn't go out, and molecules wouldn't go out The movement will not stop at any time... "

Chen ang said here and gently clicked the three strange beings beside him.

"No war, no famine, no plague, no death!"

Countless lives on earth, including but not limited to Americans, Europeans, Soviets, Chinese and Indian animals, mutants, intelligent apes, aliens, etc., did not praise this honest and true summary in their hearts. Chen ang had no idea what they were thinking and was not interested.

"Apocalypse! What do you want to bring to the world?" at this time, the only one who can speak is to master the existence of spiritual power, and the only one who can cross the whole earth and contact Chen Ang's spiritual ability as far away as McKinley hill can do it.

"From the beginning to the end, my behavior is consistent and the purpose is clear at a glance!" Chen ang said with a smile: "if we can make the world more possible and more wonderful, then whether it is survival or destruction, rise or extinction, and no matter what form and road we go forward, let me witness the brilliance of civilization!"

"Whether the final result is sublimation or destruction, I will witness all this."

Chen ang looked at the people whose expressions stagnated at the moment of freeze frame, felt the fluctuations caused by their fierce emotions in the void, and said with a chuckle: "as for your ideas, I don't care!"

"What do I do? What do you do?"

Ignoring the shocked eyes of the professor and the fierce resistance of all mankind, Chen ang answered their questions and solved their curiosity in the face of silent questions.

"What do you want to do?"

Facing the void and the eyes of the world, Chen ang smiled and said, "first explain to you a word - dimensionality reduction critical point. This concept involves a series of complex and difficult things, such as information barrier, conceptual dimension, cognitive structure and sudden change of dimension."

With a snap of a finger, everyone's consciousness sinks into the deepest darkness.

(at first God created heaven and earth)

Chen ang is like the only order, suspended in chaos.

(the earth is an empty and chaotic abyss, and the spirit of the dark god runs on the water)

"Have light!"

This voice sounded in everyone's heart. No matter how extreme human denial and struggle, the concept of light in their consciousness was repositioned. Before Chen ang, there was no light in the world. After Chen ang, there is only light in the world as he defined it.

"This is the first step in dimensionality reduction. Information coverage represents my cognition. It has covered your concept of light by more than two orders of magnitude. Before that, your understanding of light has been covered, which means that you can't distinguish between true and false, so you didn't have light before."

Chen ang sighed: "after that, all you can explore and know is my light. My definition of light, my will and ideas have paid countless. What you can study may only be my setting, painstakingly study, and understand is my fabricated falsehood. At that time, I am the truth and I am the law."

Everyone's heart is like falling into an abyss.

"The second step in dimensionality reduction is the two realms of truth and illusion. Science is a whole system, and cognition is a complete world. After information covers a race more than two orders of magnitude, the race will have no future. Because their direction is a false and controlled road of truth."

With Chen ang telling one sentence after another, the shadow of the real world began to emerge in the dark abyss. Flowers, grass, trees, wind and air, water and fluid are the same stagnant world and the same tiny self. Most human beings can't distinguish what is the world controlled by Chen ang and what is real?

"The last step is to reduce the dimension! When human beings are a part of these dominated and controlled information, the existence of human beings will be assimilated and constitute everything about you. Those things about information, memory and personality will also fall from your dimension as a part of the controlled information world."

"Human beings will become a nightmare existence, a low dimensional creature that can be recognized and controlled."

Chen Ang's smile is like a devil in the eyes of the world.

"Just as I once showed!" in front of Chen ang, the original gravel floats again: "power and energy are easy to obtain. As long as there is enough knowledge and control, they can be obtained easily. When wisdom and control reach a certain level, it will be a nightmare."

"It's the same whether it's information, material or energy control." Chen angton said: "you still have two weeks. You still have two weeks to buffer from the information level of the sudden change of the dimension. During this time, struggle! Work hard! For the freedom of your soul and life, maintain the real dignity."

"Whether you want to be a dominant NPC or a free player depends on your efforts, on the critical point of the information explosion of the whole civilization, the transition of understanding and the sudden change of civilization. Fortunately, you also have the plan of facing the wall. It is your only choice to achieve the information transition before the critical point of civilization."

Civilization is facing the final crossroads. It is no longer allowed to linger. No matter where the road ahead is, we must move forward. To rush out of the earth and realize the sudden change of civilization, countries are about to start the final and craziest plan to face the wall.

And Chen ang also gave his choice, the eternal quantum civilization of death, the star spirit civilization of void and secluded energy