There is a life that has been enslaved since its birth.

There is a kind of life that is not expected by the creator. It goes against nature and ethics.

Cursed life.

A despised life.

Incomplete, not expected, no blessing and emotion, no love and family life.

Trampled, used, like tools, only useful

Those living tools, those human beings without self

Safiros vaguely felt his body, not one, but 16842 bodies suspended in nutrient solution. He didn't know what kind of existence he was.

But he can feel that the ignorant consciousness in those different bodies, as if they were young and weak, as well as their own existence above them, which is a very wonderful feeling. 16842 consciousness are both themselves and not themselves, or they are themselves when they come together.

Watching them communicate and fight with each other, hugging each other as one in the sea of consciousness, peeping into the world outside the nutrient solution through an occasional opportunity, and rejoiced at the discovery that is not in the memory infusion. In the monotonous and boring cultivation vessels, these new consciousness peep curiously into the outside world.

However, they are not expected to live!

No emotion, only use! No communication, only commands! There is no right to life, only the value of tools.

The imperfect experimental body has no necessity of existence, no easy-to-use tools and no value of existence. Safiros's life is only given a meaning of existence and becomes the successful experimental body, the only and best one.

The only fate of those obsolete tools is to be recycled.

The body melts bit by bit in the solution, and it's even too late to open your eyes. There are regrets, loneliness and fear

This is the memory of safiros and the memory of most cloned people!

There are 8 billion clones in the world who drive mobile armor in Moscow, hard-working clones in New York, clones made for fun in Mumbai, Egypt and the Middle East. Most of them are engaged in positions despised by mankind. They are tools and productive forces to liberate mankind.

The medical model of human cloning was removed.

Military clones kill each other on the hardest battlefield of death.

Entertainment models of clones, abused, killed, enjoyed.

The evil side of human beings is pouring incisively and vividly on these artificial lives with human faces.

Most of them have a service life of only three years to three months. They have serious genetic diseases. They are 'consumed' and 'supplemented' at any time. Silent tears fell from the corners of safiros' eyes, from the gray memories of these man-made lives, and the memories dominated by human evil thoughts made his wings tremble.

Only the strongest feelings can shape the soul of a life.

Genova invaded the life of this planet. Following the rhythm of the planet, it quietly lurked in the body of most life, and even spread in the quantum probability cloud of the planet, making this planet infected with viruses.

The weak virus consciousness is not enough to infect human consciousness, but the virus has no obstacle to the cloning of human beings with a blank emotion. The green brilliance twinkled in the right hand of the clones, and Genova began to weave their genes and repair their shoddy bodies. Those flawed genes were recombined and renewed under Genova's control.

On the right side of safiros, a brilliant wing slowly unfolds from under the skin.

The seven winged angels came here.

Wings brighter than the sun and darker than the abyss. Below the three pairs of light wings, a deep black wing and a brilliant black wing protrude from safiros' ribs. At this moment, a black wing tattoo appeared under the ribs of human clones all over the world.

"I, what did I create?" Warren staggered back two steps and looked at the winged angel with color in his eyes.

Chen ang looked back and said with a smile, "maybe it's an angel or a devil. Who knows?"

"Destroy him!" the command of the human command appeared in Bolivar's ear.

The silver white metal body is full of dense brilliance. The sentinel robot that reappears in front of Chen ang has long lost its original shape and material. The robot covered by a completely indecipherable metal is not like AI, but like a life. It cannot be penetrated by the heavenly king, scanned and analyzed. This is the ultimate weapon of mankind.


Bolivar couldn't help showing off his most outstanding works. He firmly believed that the perfect creation from his own hands would be better than all life, "Apocalypse, do you see? This is my creation!"

"Human creativity is not enough to reach the boundary of creating perfect creatures, so we created it. The son of the sun is indeed the limit that human beings can reach, but you are still not crazy and bold enough. You still try to control your creation and control a perfect existence. This is your biggest weakness."

"It is impossible to create the most perfect works of art by binding shackles and shackles. It is only possible to give up all constraints, give up all factors that will cause obstacles, and completely pay everything for creating a perfect existence!"

"You will lose, apocalypse! When you try to control your creation with your wisdom, you will lose to me. The sentry is free and extreme. It does not need to abide by anything, nor do it need any principles and criteria. Its purpose is to be perfect."

Chen ang shook his head and said: "It is a magical alien life. It also has great ability to regenerate, evolve, absorb and replicate. It has nearly immortal vitality and resilience. It continues to evolve, adapt to the enemy's attack, and even learn from the past. It is invincible and perfect in theory. It can absorb and replicate the enemy's ability. The stronger the enemy is, the stronger it can become and always stronger than the opponent."

"But in theory, it is always in theory!"

"Nothing is incomprehensible, and no attribute is absolute. I'm curious! Bolivar, do you know the deep reasons for the evolutionary ability of life? Have you studied and understood their ability?"

Bolivar quickly shook his head and sneered, "it is absolute and perfect. Human beings are not enough to understand it. When it found you, it was already better than you. According to the results of 36000 experiments, it can show this. You are better than it, but when it finds your first sight, the end is doomed. “

"The world is not a novel, and there is no absolute attribute. The foundation of the world is the scientific law, not the concept. There is no absolute concept in the universe. The attribute of anything is a concept given by human beings or other intelligent life, and the concept can only be close to the truth." Chen ang said slowly: "If you generalize the attributes and concepts of this life as its essence, your failure is doomed."

"So, can you tell me the more scientific nature of this creature? How is regenerative evolution achieved, and what kind of ability is absorption and replication? Don't be as ignorant as a monkey dancing a stick. If you regard this alien creature as a accumulation of concepts, it will disappoint me."

Chen ang walked past the sentinel robot, but these organisms did not respond. Chen ang said in Bolivar's ear: "it's like scanning and replication ability. Conceptually, sentinels can be stronger than the enemy at the first moment of seeing the enemy. This concept seems to be formed by the scanning technology of previous versions of sentinel robots and the evolutionary ability of alien organisms."

"But there is a very simple question, I want to ask you? Bolivar! How many generations is Skynet's information technology higher than Earth Technology?"

Bolivar stood trembling. He shook his head and said, "impossible! Why hasn't it changed, why?"

"1.8 orders of magnitude higher! This means that human civilization cannot understand most of Skynet's science and technology and information, as well as the scanning technology derived from human civilization. The overwhelming ability to master information has produced a bug, an incomprehensible information. How did human civilization evolve the corresponding ability?"

Chen ang looked at the trembling Bolivar, looked at the sweat soaked through the man's clothes, and sighed: "you designed a waste, at least for Skynet. You can guess, is Skynet the first to crack the secrets of alien creatures, or did alien creatures evolve the ability to restrain Skynet?"

"The speed of evolution is generally not as fast as scientific analysis, right?"

With that, Chen ang saw Bolivar with a sad expression.

In mid air, the wings of safiros, shining with the brilliance of the sun, passed over the sentinel robot. The body of the sentinel robot was easily torn apart like rags. The attack that could not be judged and understood caused the disordered probability cloud of the sentinel robot at the quantum level, and then collapsed into a pile of scrap iron.

More than 7.1 billion clones around the world have recovered from severe pain. They have opened their eyes blankly, touched the world with their own soul for the first time, reshaped their genes, smashed the spiritual shackles set by human beings, broke the control at the genetic level, and 7.1 billion "tools" have independent will, from factories to living areas, from the army to scientific research institutions.

Clone, liberated!

The power of plague first appeared in this world, not destruction, but reconstruction. It gave a free will to race, and it recreated the world of human cloning.

This is the plague of the planet and the evolution of life.