Standing at the top of the tower in Paris, Chen ang overlooks the city. Under the brilliant lights, it is difficult to hide the desolation. This world-famous romantic capital has a rare taste of desolation.

Skynet monitors the world. Naturally, it will not let go of the secret base underground in Philadelphia. The magneto is controlled. It really can't surprise Chen ang. He has no intelligence capability, logistics and lack of pertinence. Magneto, who has nothing but power, is a very strange thing if he can control humans.

As early as when Chen ang first stepped into the universe and looked up at the starry sky, he had a question: Why are there always so many carbon based monkeys on the earth who think they control so many billions of resources of such a small planet, and have so many billions and billions of capital measured by the ridiculous currency of mankind, so they regard themselves as monkeys on monkeys.

Their self righteous systems, a series of behaviors and rules that transform the world and obtain resources, in addition to giving them a sense of superiority, what else can they bring. In terms of productivity, from the beginning of human history to today, their achievements in transforming the world are not comparable to those of entering the sky net of the universe and working for an hour.

Those assembly lines, those repetitive production, those wealth earned, is it meaningful?

The Soviets, in a month's time, with crazy scientific and technological speed and production, have built the achievements of Europe and America for 20 years. They have made every effort to build 13 iron and steel base groups centered on Moscow, and all the people can fly out of the earth immediately.

Most of the time, Chen ang always chooses to respect the development process of mankind. After all, he has eaten the seventh steamed bread, and he can't deny the significance of the first six steamed bread. The development of human history has its own internal logic. Chen ang doesn't want every world to be branded and run according to his own will.

The diversity of the world and the diversity of civilizations is a very valuable asset.

Therefore, in order to maintain this diversity, Chen ang sometimes pushes them before the fork in the road to get some different results and enjoy some different highlights. At this time, the complicated systems and rules that stood in front of him and safeguarded the current social order and the interests of the ruling class were no more meaningful than a broken cobweb in front of Chen ang.

After all, people who have seen the stars and the sea can hardly see the labor achievements and social wealth accumulated by the piecemeal capitalists like mice on a small planet. It's like a feudal businessman with incomparable wealth, showing off his tens of thousands of kilograms of wrought iron and salt and his millions of loads of grain to the big businessmen of the 21st century.

Or a primitive man, waving his stone tools, proud of himself.

Can you buy a star ship by selling all the man-made things on earth?

Therefore, is it necessary to care about the system that ties the earth's 6 billion intelligent creatures to this production system, painstakingly transforms a little of the earth's resources, and is fragile enough to lose a little of the body minerals deposited by paleontology? Study insect sociology?

Both Chen ang and Skynet are systems that transform hundreds of millions of tons of resources in one minute. They are magnificent systems that master the lifeline of the resources of the solar system and stamp their feet to affect the future survival of stars in tens of thousands of light seconds. The wealth of hundreds of planets is no use. Those who hang out with the power on the earth have no resources and strength. They can't even influence the earth's mud legs. They play with human rights and talk about power.

What does Chen ang want to do? Can anyone object?

The Milky way has an average of 20 billion star systems, only one intelligent creature, with an average of 100 million planets per person, and there are still some left. But now, on the edge of the sea of stars, a group of self indulgent fools try to pull all mankind to play mud with him on the earth, just to meet his sense of superiority and vanity.

Or, resource allocation power? Personal power? Influence others and dominate others' sense of superiority?

In order to meet the power of these monkey kings, we have to stop the development of the whole society. Are you kidding! The system they are maintaining and the things they do their best to guard are such a great and ridiculous existence.

6 billion intelligent creatures, liberate their brains and creativity, what brilliance can they create under unlimited resources, and how many discoveries that trace back to truth can appear, and what kind of tree of science and knowledge can grow in such soil.

What kind of choice should we make? There is no doubt that mankind is ready for new construction and development. What Chen ang has to do is to destroy some stupid existence trying to block this development and let mankind run forward with joy. No worries, no worries, move forward bravely.

As for what these people who have easily destroyed everything think, do you need to care?

In Paris, mankind has finally taken the long-awaited step. Mankind focuses on its own liberation and the explosive progress of science and productivity. Unlike the Soviet Union, Chen ang is directly involved in the existence of influence. France is an independent flower from the economic ruins.

The French Communist Party was elected as the ruling party of the Parliament and holds more than 80% of the seats. In addition to the 29 members who committed suicide, most of the members who were bankrupt and had nothing withdrew from the election. The rest have also become firm supporters of communism, planned economy and big government, which have become fierce slogans of the French.

Revolutionaries on the streets even rushed into large enterprises and forcibly started machines and production. The revolutionary enthusiasm of the French, their love for subverting the government since the great revolution, made them attack the military and police forces fearlessly. They did not respond to the formation of the Communist government until the French Communist Party won the election.

Unlike the collectivism of the Soviet Union, the French movement is more like a bottom-up social improvement. The core of this movement is closer to organizing production and labor liberation.

Observer hablin Petrovsky of the Soviet Union said: "it's not like a socialist movement, but more like a carnival of little bolshya."

From the EU's cutting-edge laboratories, the French first applied their nano insect robots modeled on Skynet. Although the Soviet Union was willing to support them with a batch of eliminated mobile armor, the very rational French chose to develop their own production tools. The Soviet Union's brutal memory instillation equipment and the unethical human cloning plan were abandoned by the French for the first time.

Biological computer-aided and nano insect controlled production became their first choice. The French who were ideologically close to the Soviet Union received the first batch of support for the construction of nuclear fusion power plants. Soon, the French who preferred nuclear energy opened the power plants all over France.

The precise machinery and exquisite mechanical design and structure maintained by nano insects have become the development direction of French science and technology. With the help of biological aided computer, the French who liberated their brain carry out high-tech work with the help of computer programs. Nano insects let them liberate their hands and carry out production with high efficiency.

Just like magic, the French control nano insects, create all kinds of precision machinery, and even copy more exquisite nano insects for direct production. Although the efficiency is far less than that of the Soviet Union, the scientific and technological content of high-quality products and products is far better than them.

The same people who dared to hinder this liberation and development were put in the Bastille prison by the French whose revolutionary enthusiasm was no less than that of the Soviet Union. The Internationale sang in Paris, and the Marseille sounded outside the triumphant gate.

When mankind is facing the outbreak of science and technology and the economic crisis at the same time, as long as we choose to abandon the old system, we stand up again without exception. From Paris to Berlin, from Greece to Rome, a huge Communist alliance has been established, and the fourth international, headquartered in Paris, has played the role of the European Union at this moment.

Red flags have been planted all over the European continent, from Eastern Europe, which has once again stood in the shadow of the Soviet Union, from welfare society to Communist Western Europe. Two seemingly the same but different red alliances are connected to the Eurasian continent.

Europe to the left, the United States to the right.

The destruction of the old system first brought about differences and struggles.

The new system first determined by Paris, after moderate tolerance and the old system, first spread to Berlin. The German Communist Party holds a majority of seats in the parliament. Because of the German French Union, the two EU brothers under the coal and steel community are the first to unite. The White left are elated and unite to strive for the ultimate humanitarianism such as communism.

However, this international spirit did not affect a special group among them, the believers of truth. On the contrary, because of the conflict between materialism and powerful religion, even the virgin of white left was difficult to resolve. The refugee tide and uterine weapons made the believers of truth on the European continent develop and grow. Finally, some of the second generation of immigrants chose the belief of communism, The Comintern had a fierce conflict with them.

The Communist Party of Europe tried to appease the believers of truth with peace and Special Administrative Region, but the believers of truth supported by Turkey vowed to establish eurostan. With the believer region as the core, they first United and were hostile to the entry of non believers, and then the massacre broke out.

The first was to drive out non truth believers in the religious area, and then moderate believers could not stop the animal outbreak of extremists. Then moderate believers became extremists, and religious conflicts broke out. The European Communist Party tried to keep the situation calm, but everything soon got out of control.

As a last resort, the Communist Party of Europe asked the Soviet Union for help.

The next day, the steel chariot crushed everything.

At the top of the Eiffel Tower, Chen ang saw a real bloody dusk of violence crushing faith. The cruel and inhuman Soviets mercilessly crushed all the people who dared to resist into slag. Adhering to the steel and cold will, they let the truth believers know what the Soviet model and Soviet thinking are.

How did the Soviets deal with dissidents? That's really a popular plot.