The professor looked at the granulation in Chen Ang's hand and trembled in the depths of his heart.

"At the speed of light propagation, one hour is far from enough to reach the nearest star system. Even photon civilization cannot be so fast!"

The professor stubbornly refuted. He didn't want to admit his fear of the granulation in Chen Ang's hand. Compared with Skynet, this kind of creature is more terrible. Human beings are not afraid of encountering enemies they can't defeat, but they are afraid of enemies they can't catch up with. The fear of super thinking intelligent creatures lies in that normal intelligent creatures have no competitiveness in front of them.

Chen ang seemed to see through his fear and said with a smile: "so it is civilization, not plague. Civilization can create the impossible, break through your imagination and create all impossible miracles, but plague is far from this power! Don't be afraid, Charles, super thinking creatures are not as terrible as you think."

"In fact, most super thinking creatures can not evolve civilization to this extent. I know several super thinking civilizations, in addition to the micro second thinking of helium flash civilization, more are only million micro seconds or even nanosecond civilization. The end of civilization is either evolutionary sublimation or destruction. The sublimated civilization is unimaginable, and few civilizations fall in the first step of sublimation."

"Most of the super thinking civilization is just an insignificant passer-by in the progress of our civilization! When we don't find it, there may be countless such civilizations, rise and fall, rise and fall, and die with us. They may be around us, born and destroyed in the blink of an eye."

Chen ang sighed: "this is the sad song of civilization. It is a shining miracle and their epic that can pull the universe into the extinct super thinking civilization. There are too few such miracles! There are too few super thinking civilizations that leave marks in the normal speed dimension in the whole universe!"

"So you don't have to fear, because fear is useless. Super thinking speed and chaotic intelligence mechanism. Under the joint action of the two, the civilization born can't be dealt with by understanding."

The professor came to Chen ang, looked at the twisted granulation on on his palm, and looked at this creature that inherited the core spirit of super thinking civilization. No matter what template Chen ang used to shape a civilization, it will be the fatal enemy of mankind.

"Is this the relic of the seven second civilization?"

Chen ang shook his head, "no, the seven second civilization is their soul. The genetic code shaped by biochemical technology and the loaded earth's original genes were originally the biochemical weapon I modulated, but the seven second civilization gave it the soul. From then on, it is no longer a weapon, but a civilization!"

"How long does it live?" the professor looked at the twisted granulation.

Chen ang gently put the granulation into the culture tank. In an instant, a huge bacterial blanket spread on the culture medium. In the blink of an eye, the volume of the granulation expanded hundreds of thousands of times. The twisted meat ball appeared in the center and beat like a heart.

"Its life span is infinite. It will not grow old or die. As long as civilization is still there, it will still be there. But for the individuals who make up civilization, super thinking creatures, even if I try my best to prolong it, their life span is only three minutes. This means that the life span of core cells is only three minutes."

However, other sleeping cells can survive for three years without affecting their function, which means that the metabolic capacity of this biochemical civilized creature is extremely strong. Although it can maintain the material conservation of the body, it must find carbon resources to expand the biological population.

"Therefore, it is famine. Chen ang looked at the giant worm and said with a smile:" she is the mother of the Zerg. She is the eldest daughter of famine. On the day it was born, every desert and ice field on the whole earth whispered a name, Queen of the blade - Kelly Gan! "

"The whole world will remember this name!"

The queen of the blade stretched her limbs and hissed. The sharp and low voice spread all over the world from Manhattan. Mosquitoes and stupid insects all over the world felt uneasy. At this moment, they stopped their activities.

Looking at the back of the queen blade, four or five small splits were separated. The Skynet in the laboratory quickly wrapped them and reproduced them. Their sealed metal warehouse was controlled by magnetic beam, and its physical properties were amazing. Magneto Wang looked at all this leisurely, but the professor couldn't hold his breath.

"Stop! Apocalypse, stop all this!" the professor pleaded.

Chen ang said regretfully, "I have helped them make a decision. Now it's time for them to make a choice!"

On Skynet base, five electromagnetic guns are aimed at North America, Texas, Asia, the Middle East, the British North Sea, Central Asia, Caspian Sea and Siberia. These five oil producing areas account for 70% of the world's total oil production and 25% of the world's energy supply. Here is the lifeblood of the world and the blood of industry.

Every year, the chaebols and groups in the declining oil industry will think of today like a nightmare. This is the turning point in the direction of the world's energy and the elegy of old energy. Today, the oil industry has been completely destroyed. Governments of countries hesitating about the future and present, new energy and traditional industries will also find it painful and someone has made a decision for them.

The world's largest resource system, which supplies the lifeblood of energy and chemical raw materials in modern society, enables a nation to lie on the wealth and squander the energy system, which controls war, politics, economy and industry. At present, it is an extremely important energy system in the past, including OPEC, oil futures, oil industry and most of the petrochemical industry, Swept into the garbage of history.

Apocalypse, once again showing his frightening dominance.

In the North American special operations command room, dozens of generals hurried into the command room. The three-dimensional projection of a Skynet base was suspended in the middle, with five red dots flashing on its top floor. The white haired old general came to the projection, and the soldiers around respectfully saluted.

"Skynet has an abnormal response! It is suspected that it is the preparation before the electromagnetic gun. It has been confirmed that the electromagnetic response is a solid metal bomb. According to the opinions of the operation Department, their target is our energy production area! Please give the general an order to protect the production area!"

The old general waved his hand, frowned and said, "go and confirm again!"

"The professor sent information! It is confirmed that it is a biochemical attack against the five production areas of the Middle East, North America, Europe, the North Sea, Central Asia, Caspian Sea and Siberia! The threat level is AAAAA, whether to send tactical nuclear weapons? Clone army to be hit!"

"Apocalypse doomsday strategic power team in place!"

"Nuclear weapons in place!"

"Electromagnetic strategic weapons in place!"

"Space based weapons in place!"

"Directed energy weapons in place!"

"Skynet's space-based satellite sent us a strike, detected the material wave weapons of Skynet's lunar base, and the gravitational wave weapons are in preparation! It detected that the low earth orbit satellite was hit by superluminal particles, and the New York Skynet base detected three-phase bombs and dimensional weapon changes! Skynet sent us a warning!"

In the command room, he fell into silence. Looking at the launching work that Manhattan was preparing to complete bit by bit, the general's order was never issued. His adjutant couldn't help saying, "general, please give the order! Let's have a good time with Skynet!"

"We have no chance of winning. Pass my order and give up interception!" the general said calmly.

"General!" the adjutant said reluctantly.

"For America! Go!" roared the general.

On the Skynet base, with a slight shock of the electromagnetic generator, the five metal silos broke away from the constraints of the magnetic field and were launched in all directions at a blazing speed. The metal silos were launched along the earth's magnetic field line at a speed of up to 95 mach, which was beyond the response of any fighter or missile.

The first to arrive is the electromagnetic gun in North America. The metal magazine slides like the sky along the magnetic line of force. When the height rises to the stratosphere, it falls first and smashes into the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico at the extreme speed. The shell case easily breaks the crust and drills into the bottom, causing crazy waves.

Skynet's precise control capability allows the warhead to smoothly enter the formation where the oil field is located. At the same time, in the Middle East, in the Caspian Sea, in the North Sea and in Siberia, the same situation happened one by one. High speed electromagnetic guns destroyed buildings on the earth's crust and drilled into the stratum.

The metal cartridge case melts silently, exposing the body tissues inside. When the dark oil contacts these tissues, a layer of fungus blanket is spread on the oil and spreads endlessly to the depths of the oil field. The crazy value-added fungus blanket breeds one meat cocoon after another, and some huge unknown tissues grow quietly on the fungus blanket.

A different species broke its cocoon and roared up to the sky