"No matter what the Apocalypse did, he was right!" the professor saw the crazy old doctor with greasy hair in front of him, holding up his black finger.

"That's research, science. He really reveals the fact that those politicians and fools have been ignoring. Power is a kind of science, can be studied, and extremely valuable! He proved this. It's a genius!" the old doctor was obsessed and met his only confidant.

"Is there something wrong with the his mind? You just let such a person preside over this operation?" Scott still complained like Stryker.

"He is the best researcher. As far as I know, he began to study variant powers in the 1950s. At that time, he was still a young man. You know, this kind of research has not been valued for a long time and has been excluded by the mainstream scientific community. Over time, that's it." Stryker regretted that if he knew that there was this talent, he would invite him to x-weapon whatever he said.

Scott complained: "in fact, you can choose the second best, at least look reliable."

"In that way, he went to x without saying a word. In fact, when we found him, he was collecting the ticket money to Manhattan to thank him for his poverty, otherwise we could see another outstanding man of X." Stryker sneered.

No matter how unreliable the old doctor looks, his professional level is commendable. He led the professor and his party to the high tower at the exit of the underground base, walked up along the high tower, and the fine metal wire circled into a shape full of strange laws, which made Scott and others feel angry.

Logan thought for a long time. He always thought this style was familiar. When he thought about it carefully, it turned out to be the design style of a generation of Skynet. He was shocked and took Stryker's collar and said, "who arranged these things?"

"It's me, what's the matter?" the old doctor turned back and said strangely.

"This is Skynet!" Logan's liquid metal arm began to deform.

"No, no, no!" the old doctor took her and said in a good voice, "these are just my works imitating Skynet. They are just some wires. You can recognize this style. Isn't it beautiful? The Apocalypse is really a genius. Everything he created is so beautiful, scientific, harmonious and imaginative."

This time, Logan keenly noticed that the old doctor's code name for Chen ang was the apocalypse, not the X currently used. As soon as his pupils narrowed, he raised his vigilance against the frustrated doctor. In any case, people who now know the name of Apocalypse deserve attention.

Scott took Stryker by the collar and said angrily, "have you found me a supporter of the Apocalypse or a fanatical believer? He's about to take the apocalypse as God! You put my life in the hands of such a person."

"You don't know, because of this, he is the one who wants to defeat x most. His victory is incomparably powerful. He will try his best to defeat him if he wants to prove the perfection of the apocalypse. If he loses, he will defend his faith. If he wins, he won't let the faith be destroyed in the hands of others." Stryker said calmly. He pulled Scott's right hand hard and gave him a hard look.

They came to the high tower. A telescope was set up and aimed at the center of Manhattan. It poked out the high tower like a starting astronomical telescope.

Regardless of the confused people, the old doctor pulled Scott to the eyepiece of the telescope, "you are a laser eye. Do you know how the laser is excited?"

Scott looked embarrassed, and the old doctor looked at his face with a sneer.

"Your sunglasses can limit the power of your eyes, but even if you take them off, it's nothing special. The brightness of laser is about 10 billion times that of sunlight, and its temperature is higher than the surface of the sun, but it's only a small matter for the apocalypse. The energy intensity of the laser emitting device he made is much stronger than you." the old doctor smiled.

"Why? Don't you believe it? The energy of photons is calculated by E = HV, where h is Planck constant and V is frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy. While the laser frequency range is only 3.846 × 10 ^ (14) Hz to 7.895 × 10 ^ (14) Hz. This is a great value for the earth, but it is in the hands of a master apocalypse in energy transmission. This frequency can be increased ten times. "

"As long as you are still spreading the laser in the air, you can't compare with the Apocalypse of reaching the peak in space and energy transmission."

The old doctor saw the laser eye holding his hands, smiled proudly and said, "fortunately you have me!"

"Micro particles have a set of energy levels. Particles can only be at one energy level at any time. Particles transiting from high energy level to low energy level will release a corresponding photon, which is stimulated radiation."

"The trigger of this process is another photon with lower energy." the old doctor sighed, "what does this mean? Your laser can stimulate more powerful energy. All energy in New York will give priority to the particle exciter. Come on! Show your energy!"

On the steel platform, Chen ang saw that the lights of New York disappeared from south to north, and the darkness shrouded the earth. Only the glittering and translucent moonlight lit up the world. The magic woman's face changed and pretended not to care. She stepped back a few steps, pretending to be relaxed: "I'm tired. Let's talk about others tomorrow!"

Chen ang looked at her with a smile. "Are you sure you don't wait a minute? A beautiful laser will pass here later. It's a pity to miss it!"

Before the magic woman could answer, she saw that the ground under her feet began to crack. Countless nano robots gathered into a huge ring, flashing electromagnetic light. All metal objects around were strangely suspended. A strong magnetic field was jumping around the electronic energy level. In the void, the electric light began to flicker.

Standing on the high platform, Chen ang looked at the powerful energy condensed in the distance, a hot beam, with heat comparable to the core of the sun, and the energy of the whole new York District. The condensed energy even distorted space and created a strange fluctuation in gravity.

When you see the laser, it's too late. It's a speed that human beings can't respond, reach or even understand. Even Chen ang can't catch up, but the speed of light has no solution, but people are not. Chen ang has already found clues from the gravitational field, and even guessed the way of attack.

The electromagnetic field excited by the nano robot and the transition particles have reached a limit state, and laser can be excited at any time. This is a huge energy field with a range of more than several miles. It directly constitutes the first line of defense against laser. Nano robot particles with high reflection efficiency are suspended in the air.

The semi transparent gaseous metal sol solidified into a colloid was exposed to the first ray of laser. Countless tiny nano robots evaporated into free particles, but they also successfully scattered more than 90% of the laser energy. So that the laser with a diameter of only five centimeters becomes one person's hugging thickness.

The stimulated absorption reaction occurs between the flashing laser and the diffuse low-energy particles in the energy field. A large number of particles transition like high-energy level, so that the particle field is balanced.

Before the laser could even touch the tip of Chen Ang's nose, it was dissolved by the energy field and sacrifice of the nano robot. The suspended nano robot particles bound the huge photon energy, and the particle reverse transformation energy reached the limit.

The spirit of the demon goddess was uncertain. She looked at the laser that was enough to evaporate tens of meters of steel and disappeared into the air in front of Chen ang. She could feel the thick uneasiness and mania in the air.

I only saw that Chen ang gently pointed and clicked in the void in front of her. A little fluorescence was creepy and excited away at a speed that could not even be seen by the devil shaped woman. In the eyes of the devil shaped woman, there was only a vast white fuzzy light and shadow. The strong light broke out without Chen Ang's reminder, which made her suffer hard.

The laser excited by Chen ang was only half the energy excited by the laser eye because of the loss, but it also easily evaporated the tower where the professor and they had stayed. Scott looked at the missing tower in the upper part and showed a shocked expression on his face.

The old doctor quickly got into the underground passage. Logan seemed to think of something and shouted, "come on, go down, don't stay on it, come on!" he picked up the professor in his wheelchair and took the lead in getting into the passage. Scott and Stryker fell behind and saw an extremely frightening scene.

Countless metal torrents, like light and waves, pass from the sky. They hit the high tower, replace the high tower with a metal structure, and receive the radar of radio waves. Reconstructed by them in the tower. Metal material presents a wave state of energy, passes through all obstacles and reaches its place.

Countless scientific and technological creations produce a skeleton from the void, and then countless nano robots flock to form a metal structure. Dozens of ground drilling vehicles are built in this way.

A familiar scream came from the sky. They hurried to the ground. A ground penetrating warhead crashed down from high altitude and deeply penetrated hundreds of meters into the ground, damaging the geological structure. The base collapsed in a large area. The warhead melted into a flood of nano robots and liquid robots and drilled into the base.