In October, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York fell, a large number of financial data were burned, hundreds of tons of gold were transported away, and the U.S. financial system suffered a heavy blow. The Federal Reserve Banks in Chicago, San Francisco and other places also suffered Skynet attacks and were finally broken. This month is the black October of the U.S. financial system.

The bodies of suicidal bankers can be connected from the streets of Wall Street to the end of the street.

The credibility of the dollar suffered an unprecedented blow and challenge, and stark stopped trading for one month. On the wound of the behemoth of the Federal Reserve, the rotten doves are eyeing and ready to tear off a piece of fat meat at any time.

The American war machine, as if it had been severely whipped, began to operate efficiently. Countless people, materials, wealth and industrial capacity work together for a goal and play an extraordinary efficiency. Under this war machine, I don't know how many heroes have been crushed into debris.

The strength of the organization is beginning to show its power. What terrible results will be achieved with the wisdom of millions of people!

In the North American continent and even every corner of the world, this huge institutional and industrial system began to play its role. This shadow enveloped the whole world. Countless resources, materials, scientists and mutants have been forcibly recruited from all over the world to advance for one goal in 15 bases around the world.

Against the apocalypse.

The New York sub base is the bridgehead facing the apocalypse. There are the most concentrated combatants, weapons and confrontational analysis and intelligence personnel. Originally, a large base only tens of meters deep is now hundreds of meters deep underground. It has a huge underground building complex for more than 50000 researchers to live and study here.

In the underground base like a honeycomb, a powerful energy field envelops here. The electronic instruments arranged everywhere amplify this force field enough to envelop the whole base. The professor looked at the soldiers and researchers in a hurry, and his eyes were full of worries.

"Logan, is this useful for the apocalypse?" the professor looked back at the Wolverine.

"Useless? 'barrier' we have known for a long time that it can shield electronic detection, which is our powerful advantage against Skynet. Unfortunately, it was useless when Skynet evolved quantum entangled radar! That guy knows nothing about physics. He can't learn the knowledge of space physics and energy physics we instilled in him at all, and he can't deeply develop his own energy Force. "

"Such an energy barrier can be found after two days of Apocalypse research!" Logan ridiculed without care.

"I'm not talking about this, Logan, I'm talking about such a system!" the professor said slowly: "The combination of wisdom, technology and power of hundreds of thousands of people, apocalypse, he is only one person after all, and he can't resist such advantages. The U.S. government is full of confidence in this competition. They have the most outstanding scientists and the most extensive mutant gene bank, and they have no reason to fail!"

Wolverine was silent. He looked up at the steel dome above his head and sighed: "it's useless, even for Skynet. Skynet is faster than us. The human brain ultimately limits our ability. The running speed of computers and the ability of scientific and technological research and development are better than all our efforts."

"In the future, we haven't tried, but we still lost! Skynet's thinking may be rigid, but every time it fails, it learns our creativity from us, and then develops and completes it at the fastest speed. In turn, it crushes us. Even if human's innovation ability is far beyond it, the limitation of brain makes us unable to compete with machines."

"The Apocalypse has disappeared in the future, but the four creations he left behind have destroyed many civilizations. Perhaps they are Superman's sudden change, but the Apocalypse has been Superman."

The giant photon computer is placed in the center of the base, and "electronic will" is standing there. Together with the photon computer, it resists the penetration of Skynet into the Internet and provides powerful computing power for the research here. Stryker is standing aside, looking at the report in his hand with a blue face.

When he saw the professor and Wolverine coming, he showed a very gloomy expression.

"Now is not the time for us to confront our ideas!" the professor shook his head and said, "our purpose is the same, ranging from maintaining peace and preventing the Apocalypse to preventing the development of sentinel robot. Our position is really standing together."

"But on a larger scale, in terms of the extinction of mutants, we are like water and fire!" Stryker said without guest: "you want to kill me, but you take into account the views of the government. I want to kill you, but you are supported by the government. You must not mind that I died accidentally in this war."

"This is not the time to say that!" the professor sighed, and Stryker snorted coldly, but did not make a mockery.

A soldier came here with a little girl. He pushed the girl rudely. The little girl looked reluctant and stubbornly stayed in place. She said to the professor, "help me, please!"

The little girl punched and kicked to stop the soldiers from approaching, but she still couldn't stop the soldiers from approaching. The professor nodded and his eyes condensed slightly, and the soldiers stopped on the spot.

"It's a prophet! She was called up too!" Logan said in surprise.

"Do you know her?" the professor asked suspiciously, holding the girl's hand.

Logan looked at her face carefully and nodded. The girl suddenly smiled. She was surprised and said, "so you come from the future!"

Logan was not surprised. He and the little girl looked at each other and smiled. They had a deep understanding. The soldier had recovered from stagnation. He looked at the professor and others and wanted to draw his gun. Stryker stopped him. "This is a new mutant? What's the use of her?"

The tone as if looking at objects made the professor frown.

"She is a mutant from Serbia, code named witch. The locals believe that she can draw a picture of the future. We think she is a rare predictive power."

Logan whispered in the professor's ear, "the prophet can see the future. When she was a child, she would draw what she saw, which caused people's panic. Later, her ability became stronger and stronger. She could hardly be hurt. She could avoid danger every time. It was also the pillar of human beings against Skynet."

"Why didn't you catch it?" Logan asked her with a smile.

The prophet replied, "this is the best result. I can see you. Anyway, I can't escape. I'd better come to you. Would you like to take me in?" she stared at the professor.

"I will never refuse!" the professor opened his arms.

The prophet took Logan's hand, avoided Stryker and whispered, "they won't succeed!"

"Did you see it?" Logan asked.

"No!" the prophet bit his nails and pretended to be mature and said, "it's because there's no fear! I saw the apocalypse and looked at me. He can see me. The war is terrible. You can only promote the early birth of the other three monsters. The Apocalypse is an existence you can't resist."

"But we have no choice, right?" Luo Gen just put his hand on his chest and was severely kicked by the prophet. "Don't smoke in front of children!"

"Protect me. Don't let magneto see me. He's in trouble!" the prophet said in Logan's ear. "Later, you let the professor take me. They have a big action today to tear down the big iron shell. Then you should stay away."

On the other hand, Stryker took the professor to a heavily guarded laboratory, in which all kinds of advanced instruments and weapons, as well as the tense atmosphere, made the professor a little distracted. His old friend, magneto, stood in the middle and looked at him with a smile. Next to him were the mutants of the mutant brotherhood.

The devil shaped woman's face was complex, and there was something unspeakable in her eyes.

"Raven!" whispered the professor, "Charles!" the magic woman greeted him with a smile.

"It's time for us to fight side by side again! Charles!" magneto Wang smiled.

"Well, don't talk more nonsense!" Stryker said seriously: "today, the Ministry of defense gives us the last chance. If they can't limit the apocalypse, they will restart the sentinel plan, which you and I don't want to see. After sorting out hundreds of our intelligence personnel, we have formulated a plan for Skynet's weakness."

On the screen behind him,. A huge picture of the Iron Throne appeared.

"Skynet's only weakness is energy supply. There are only three large power stations in the country that can supply energy for them. The only one in the hands of the Apocalypse is the electromagnetic generator in Manhattan. This miraculous energy station provides hundreds of millions of kilowatt hours of energy for Skynet."

"Intelligence shows that the Apocalypse needs a lot of steel and at least five days to make such an energy tower. Without the large Skynet, we won't give him another chance. This is his only weakness and our last chance."

"But that is the place where the Apocalypse is stationed, and Skynet is most well prepared there!" the professor asked a question.

Stryker smiled at him and gave way behind him. "Meet your old friend! Eric, Charles!"