Chen ang gently pushed open the glass door of the Federal Reserve Bank. The smooth marble slab reflected his shadow, and the crisp footsteps sounded on it. People in the hall turned their heads in surprise. A young customer service staff greeted Chen ang and said, "sorry, sir, the bank stopped business today. We..."

"Hey! You stop!" a man in a police uniform yelled.

Chen ang stopped and looked at him with a smile.

"Take off your glasses. We suspect you have something to do with terrorists. Now, hold your head in your hands and lie on the ground!" the policeman scolded severely, in a very bad tone.

He frowned, watched Chen ang raise his hand, put his right hand on the frame of his glasses, and impatiently raised his pistol: "I told you to get down! Now! Hold your head with both hands!"

The female customer service beside her turned pale. She said to Chen ang, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" and asked him to do it according to the requirements of the police officer.

Chen ang took off her glasses. The impatient police officer stepped forward, but saw the customer service open her mouth and looked at Chen ang in shock. The young woman's legs trembled and almost couldn't stand stably. Her glasses shed tears. She opened her mouth several times and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, I don't know anything! Don't kill me!"

The policeman opened the woman and raised the gun in his hand. He was surprised to see that the silver mirror frame in Chen Ang's hand turned into gravel, slipped down from his hand and disappeared on the floor.

"Put your hands on your head, or I'll shoot!"

"No! Don't!" the customer service has recognized Chen ang and the young man on the roof of the Empire State Building a few days ago. She wants to stop the impulsive behavior of the police.

But it was too late and the bullet went out of the gun.

The shiny brass bullet rushed out of the gun chamber at an amazing slow speed. The female customer service clearly saw that the bullet was deformed, softened and twisted at the muzzle. The mechanical parts were quickly combined to form a thing like a micro aircraft and rushed back into the gun chamber.

Then, the whole pistol in the police officer's hand began this series of changes. The deformed machinery wrapped around his wrist like a snake, rapidly improved and deformed. In front of the female customer service, it was renovated quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the structure became extremely complex. The police screamed and shouted for help.

The surrounding security personnel, police and special service personnel quickly gathered here. However, drastic changes have taken place in the hall. All metal objects, whether safety doors, decorations, even pen tips and belt buttons, began to deform and attack.

Metal particles, while attacking the recent human beings, quickly aggregate and combine into small mechanical insects to rush at others and drill their own bodies into their bodies, causing coma and syncope. Dozens of security personnel collapsed on the marble slab. Their guns quickly crawled on the ground and gathered in front of Chen ang.

A huge metal pillar appeared in front of everyone. It inserted its tentacles into the wires, absorbed electricity and energy, and turned into a hot electromagnetic furnace.

Silver nano robots rushed out of the furnace, gathered into dozens of exquisitely structured combat robots on the ground, and rushed into the hall. Chen ang gently waved and pushed the people who fell to the ground in the hall to a safe place with gravity. He gave a slight sign in his eyes, and the female customer service followed timidly.

"Relax, I'm here to rob the bank!" Chen ang smiled.

In the disbelieving eyes of the people, Chen ang stepped forward and shouted to the people inside: "you have been surrounded. Please don't give up tenacious resistance. Resistance will have no good results!"

"You are provoking the dignity of the United States of America. You can't afford its anger!" | a man in black came out of the hall. The surrounding robots were torn apart by an invisible force. Next to him, a young woman smiled coldly at Chen ang, suddenly opened her mouth and looked in the direction of Chen ang.

His companion skillfully took out a headset and put it on his head.

A powerful sound wave broke out, and the sweeping sound explosion shattered all the objects in front of Chen ang. The glass within dozens of miles suddenly exploded together. The hostages in the hall screamed, but were pressed down by the woman's sound wave. In their panic, they didn't find that their surroundings were clean without a piece of glass.

Chen ang found a chair and sat down leisurely.

The nano robot breaks in the sound wave, then quickly adjusts the structure and reorganizes, and forms some instruments in front of Chen ang to measure the physical data of the sound wave. The surrounding concrete rustled down in the sound wave, revealing the reinforced structure, while Chen ang only had a messy collar.

"Interesting ability!" Chen ang commented.

The elite agent of s.h.i.e.l.d., mutant Banshee and tear, looked at Chen ang with unbelievable eyes. The Banshee took back her sound wave and looked at Chen ang with calm expression. They could hardly suppress their anger‘ A trace of ferocity flashed across his torn face, but he soon suppressed his impulse.

He glanced at those strange nano robots and sneered: "clean up these garbage first!"

There is no shock wave, no high temperature, and no sound and light images. A strong pressure is pressed out of thin air, pressing the surrounding robots into scrap iron.

"You shouldn't provoke us. We are not the army's waste." the tearing voice is calm and cruel. "You should know who the real master of this country is and their power can't be provoked! Don't think that the waste that defeated the government is great. You can't imagine the power of capital!"

"Choose who to be your friend, you should choose clearly!" the Banshee smiled. "Mr. Morgan is very willing to meet you. He is very interested in your mutant theory. Mr. Morgan believes that the global mutant, as a new political force, has stepped on the stage and can give you unexpected support."

"You've gone too far in Manhattan, but solving this problem is just a piece of cake for Mr. Morgan. He can give you a new identity and let the U.S. government let bygones be bygones." tearing is the tone of a typical white elite, with an irrepressible sense of pride and charity in his tone.

"In the days to come, you will know our strength! The public does not know us, but you need to know us, otherwise..." the Banshee smiled and handed over a document, "look at our strength, you will know who must be friends and what are immovable interests."

Chen ang glanced at the document and didn't pick it up.

The Banshee's face became gloomy. She said with a sneer, "don't die indistinct. If I were you, I would read it carefully!" she had never seen anyone who dared to refuse the terrible power to control the capital of the world. This terrible power can frighten anyone to death.

It can be said that as long as these people are not satisfied, even the leader of the only superpower can only die quietly.

They control the world's eight layers of wealth and six layers of capital. They are financial pride, the real master of the world and the hand behind the decision of political power.

There is nothing such a force can't achieve on earth.

Unfortunately, the earth is too small and the world is too big.

"I don't need to know this!" Chen ang said faintly, "I'm not interested in the ants that were trampled to death, and I won't ask about their strength. Is there a difference between weak ants and stronger ants?"

"For the same reason, why should I understand a historical residue? It is full of stale taste, erosion and stupidity. The forces that can not promote social progress and hinder the realization of science will eventually be crushed by the general trend of history or me."

The Banshee's face showed a sneer. She even stepped back and came behind the tear, but Chen ang was not even interested in raising her hand.

Hearing the sound, there was no explosion or flame. A huge steel dome in front of Chen ang blocked the atmospheric rolling of the "tear". The "tear" who controlled the air pressure turned red. The huge pressure in the air still couldn't move forward. Chen ang looked at them quietly.

Around, countless nano robots like ants gathered into a huge wave. The Banshee opened her mouth and a huge sound wave swept out, but they failed in front of the sound-absorbing structure of the nano robot. Countless agile mechanical insects rushed at them quickly, tearing their faces and raising their hands to form a huge pressure area in front of them.

The insects were pressed on the marble floor by the air pressure, but they still scratched and pulled the small mechanical forelimbs and crawled towards the two people. It can be seen that the robots on the ground quickly changed their stress structure and adapted to the great pressure. He even found that many robot insects had reorganized the stress structure before they came.

More and more insects came up, getting closer and closer to the two people. The "tear" even turned their faces blue. The surrounding marble floor could not withstand the huge pressure and cracked the slightest cracks. However, the mechanical insects with rapidly changing structures were close to each other and combined into a more reasonable bearing structure, pressing firmly against the two people step by step.

The reorganized robot's electronic eyes glittered with cold light.

Their faces turned pale. The Banshee clenched her lower lip and shouted at Chen ang, "you will regret it. You never know what a mistake you have made. What a terrible enemy you have provoked. There will be no place for you in this world." she scolded Chen ang hysterically!

Chen ang ignored her and looked into the distance. A real army was on its way here. Elite soldiers who had undergone X-gene surgery, mutant clones, were approaching here with guns made of plastic and high-tech weapons from several major technology companies.

The power of capital represents the world's most advanced technology, the most powerful weapons, the most whimsical and unimaginable technology and army. Some black technologies even Chen ang can't help looking at them. Many human body data, even Chen ang, have not been studied. These data, which are difficult to master without bloody experiments, have been applied as science and technology here.

From a high altitude, you can see that it has been surrounded by countless elite teams. If you look further, Chen Ang's position is the collimation center of countless destructive weapons.