"Where is he now? Where is our army?" general Vic hammered the table angrily. He pulled up the staff next to him and shouted at him: "You tell me, a mutant destroyed our statue of liberty and the Empire State Building in front of the world. Now you actually let him stay in Manhattan. Am I crazy? Tell me, am I crazy or are you a group of waste!"

He slammed the poor staff officer to the ground. "Now, tell me where the army is and where the enemy is!"

"General, the garrison in New York has fallen!"

"What do you tell me? You used the enemy. Do you want to tell me that they were all killed by a mutant bastard?" the angry Vic raised the staff high and stared at him with red eyes.

The staff officer's teeth trembled and his legs were shaking into a sieve. He looked to the left tremblingly. Vic put down the staff officer and walked in the direction of the staff officer. A scrupulous gentleman with his hair looked at the screen quietly, as if he didn't hear Vic's roar like a strong wind and rainstorm.

Vic hit the right hook to hit the damned woman into the screen. An iron hooped big hand grabbed his right fist. A big man with a stiff face firmly grabbed his hand. At this time, the talent turned around slowly.

"I appreciate you very much. In a word, those bastards! They are bastards, monsters, deformities! It's the sin of the world!" the gentleman raised his right hand, motioned the big man to let go of the general, and said slowly: "but that's also a group of powerful monsters, general, take your babies home!"

"This is a battlefield, please give it to the professional!"

"We are professionals! Stryker!" Vic's face turned red. He wanted to take back his right hand, which was pinched into a ball with his teeth.

"Really?" Stryker gently clicked on the screen, and a shaking picture flashed out. On the picture, an armored vehicle and tank crashed into a ball. The driving truck was broken into pieces in the gallop, and fell on the road with the soldiers on it. Countless soldiers in full military clothes howled and were crushed to the ground by a huge gravity.

The fighter plane disintegrated automatically in the air, and the machinery destroyed itself into a mass of waste residue. The burning steel and gasoline gathered into a huge fire dragon in the air, destroying all the fortifications close to it, F16 like a fragile piece of paper, controlled by an invisible force and photographed on the ground.

Vick didn't even see an enemy. The soldiers were wounded by the bullets automatically fired in the magazine, and the machinery and vehicles were destroyed by the power of their own operation. The weapons proud of the United States destroyed themselves under the control of the enemy. No one, even the lone enemy, designed in panic towards the sky, and then was punctured by the falling bullets.

Blood, fire and iron twist in the burning air.

"That's your performance. In front of them, you are helpless like a child." Stryker sneered. "You didn't even see him. You destroyed yourself in the process of looking for him."

Vic's face was livid. He held the table firmly. His nails pierced the solid wood table and stained his hands with blood, but he seemed unaware and still stared at the screen. "What's the matter? Where is the battlefield assessment expert? Where is the intelligence team? I want all his information, everything!"

The staff officer stood up tremblingly and said in a nervous vibrato: "code 'x', nationality unknown, age unknown and identity unknown. According to his behavior habits, it can be judged that the possibility of being a Chinese is 80%. Without all his behavior data, he appeared for the first time and made the live broadcast that shocked the earth in front of the world."

"Ability is thought power. According to classification, it should be the control of gravity in thought power. Omega mutant. According to the data, his ability operation accuracy is nanometer. According to his claim, he has the power to pull down asteroids and destroy the earth..."

With a slap, the staff officer covered his face and squatted down. Vic put down his teacup and said angrily, "what else did you find out except the unknown, waste! Ghosts all know these things! How did he destroy our army? What weakness did he have in his ability? How did we kill him? His relatives, friends and country? Was he a ghost out of thin air?"

"Asteroids are not enough to destroy the earth, but only humans!" Stryker said leisurely, "your data are already most of them, Vic. We know nothing about him. He has no trace in this world."

"But we know that he is a weapon expert, proficient in most of our standard weapons and knows every parameter of the mechanical structure. He is a physics expert. He can exert a small force to destroy a running behemoth. He is an energy expert, a chemistry expert, a high-energy physics expert and, more importantly, a nuclear expert!"

"Don't tell me he can synthesize nuclear bombs!"

"It's not so divine! But if he has nuclear material enough to produce violent fission reaction by himself, our technology can't stop it." Stryker sighed: "the power of wisdom and science, the great power of mankind! Although he is a mutant and miscellaneous, he is more like a human than any mutant. Other mutants are just beasts. He is the only hunter."

"You mean, any nuclear power plant on our land can become a nuclear bomb at any time!" the big drops of sweat on Vic's forehead fell. "What are we waiting for? This is a mob, an unprecedented dangerous madman. Wait, are you sure of all this?"

"How do you think the nuclear power of the aircraft carrier Washington formation was destroyed?" Stryker laughed.

"Washington formation, I saw it in the dock the day before yesterday! Stryker, don't try to deceive me!" Vic stared at Stryker and said fiercely.

"Look at it!" Stryker handed him a document with the top secret mark of two headed eagles and said with his negative hand facing the screen: "the huge heat of nuclear reaction destroyed the core of the aircraft carrier. Now lying in the dock is a pile of scrap iron."

"Our pride, in the hands of X, is a nuclear bomb that can detonate at any time! He can easily destroy all aircraft carrier formations. The Ministry of defense has issued strict requirements that all nuclear weapons are not allowed to face X."

"If so, why didn't he destroy the Washington?" Vic was unbelievable. He questioned.

Stryker was silent for a while before he said, "Professor X, that is, the mutant hybrid, put forward a possibility. He believes that x is promoting the peace between mutants and mankind. He urges the world to face up to the power and value of mutants, and urges mutants to reintegrate into human society."

"To destroy the earth to promote it? To kill to promote it?" Vic laughed wildly.

"Isn't war the biggest driving force of national integration? In the face of such a crisis, mutants and humans can only face it together and communicate with each other. The strength of mutants makes the opposition tremble, makes the people who support them cheer as heroes, and his behavior is very likely." Stryker said calmly.

"You mean, we are facing a saint in human history? Jesus?" Vic laughed. He thought there was nothing more ridiculous. He pointed to the battlefield on the screen and the flying bullets and said, "are you sure Jesus did this?"

"He is Satan. Without him, why do people expect heaven?" Stryker smiled. "Most soldiers are only injured. The real dead soldiers you see don't have a high mortality rate."

"He is Satan to the mutant, but I am not a lamb waiting for the gospel. The only value of those bastards is to lie on the experimental platform. The only end of those monsters will be destruction! So find him and kill him! Whatever he wants to do?"

"So?" general Vic narrowed his eyes.

"So let the professional come and let the hounds behind me give x some color." Stryker looked at the people in black behind him and sneered, "go! My weapons!"

Manhattan is full of beacon smoke, burning fireworks and black smoke. Once the most prosperous and prosperous center of New York, it is like a huge ruin. Once a bustling crowd, elite, now only a few wild dogs, Carnival bandits, have fun in this urban area.

The huge steel structure hovers in the center of Manhattan. These TV towers and steel frames come together from all directions. On the original site of the Empire State Building, they are twisted into a huge steel throne. Chen ang stands at the peak and looks into the endless distance.

"Finally!" Chen ang sighed.

Invisible gravity, like a huge spider web, stretches throughout the United States and continues to spread to other regions. Everything that can affect the quality of gravity is reflected back by this big web and connected through Chen ang and the electromagnetic wave Internet extending in the sky.

Today, Chen ang regards himself as the hub of the global network, monitoring every trace and every millisecond of the world through the wireless network and borrowing the endless amount of computing of the global computer.

Chen ang is rapidly simulating Professor X's telepathy. He is learning and observing the world.

In the distance, Chen ang clearly sensed that several human bodies with strange magnetic fields were approaching here quickly, "Stryker, don't let me down!"