The misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, originally a lingering scenery, coupled with the fragrance and wind, makes people intoxicated.

Chen ang stood in front of the still water Pavilion, holding a book and a light tea beside him. In the light green tea water, there were dark green tea grains floating like beads, full of fine fluff. With a slight swing, there was a burst of fragrance.

This pearl shaped tea is a specialty of the mountain near Taihu Lake. It is called "frightening fragrance" by local people and "Biluochun" in later generations. Incense, books, green tea and Chen ang look leisurely, surrounded by clouds and misty rain, with a smell of dust.

At this time, the books in Huanshi Pavilion and langhuan jade cave were stacked beside him. Although the Murong family had kept these precious classics well, they never sorted them out carefully. They regarded these martial arts secrets as forbidden. How could they easily let people in to sort them out and read them? Murong Fu, alone, only picked up some famous martial arts to read. Naturally, there were many omissions.

Langhuan jade cave still maintains the classification method of the Xiaoyao sect. Many empty talk about martial arts principles, and even some strange and secret things are classified as chores. Ling Ling is disorderly lifted on the bookshelf. Many notes and sentimental words are not sorted out. It seems that since the Xiaoyao sect, these things have not been valued.

It is also thanks to the overall relocation of Langfu land.

Facts have proved that many times, pearls are always hidden in the mud. In the process of sorting out these martial arts collections, Chen ang and huang shang often find them.

Sometimes the title of the book can mislead people. Chen ang found many miracles in a remnant of the golden bell jar of the Tang Dynasty. After careful consideration, he found that the golden bell jar is basically a remnant of not bad the golden body. It has a familiar name. There are even half of the more than 30 golden bell jar in Shi Shuige, and the contents are different.

These scripts are good and bad, crude, and have subtle and magical thoughts. Most of the time, they are just the author's own two sentences of preface, which do not match the later words. In Chen Ang's view, they are extremely precious inspiration and wisdom. Especially those martial arts widely spread in the Jianghu, including 37 versions of iron cloth shirt and 51 versions of eagle claw hand.

Even Cao Shangfei has 12 sects and 29 different versions, many of which are completely different except for their names. Chen ang records the tips on a stack of white paper, often three or two pages. He reads thousands of martial arts classics every day, and the white paper in front of him is getting thicker and thicker.

After reading a part, Chen ang will sort out his reading notes and summarize those abstracts, cores and discussions into a thick stack of white paper, which becomes the height of more than ten pages and dozens of pages. Often the more to the back, the slower the increase of white paper. Many classics can not be divided into different types, so they have to start another type.

During this period, time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, more than a month has passed. Chen ang has completed more than half of his reading process. His notes are also thick. For the summary and summary of ancient books, he has accumulated personal notes.

Countless martial arts wisdom, some principles summarized by third rate experts, secret scripts handed down and revised from generation to generation in the sect, as well as exclusive martial arts and practice notes of some experts, were scattered, understood and mastered by Chen ang. Together with the library in the University, they became his rich accumulation.

Even if these were not included, Chen ang rediscovered hundreds of valuable books in the two collections. To his surprise, xiaoyaozi had many inscriptions on many secret scripts, but it seemed that he was the first to find them. In the palm and fist secret scripts, there were some arguments mixed with more than half of the Tianshan plum blossom folding player.

In some notes, Chen ang even found a few words about Beiming divine skill, eight wastelands and six harmonies, self respecting skill and little Wuxiang mental skill, which linked these martial arts and had a clear martial arts context. Xiaoyaozi also read these secret scripts before sorting out the unique skills of Xiaoyao sect.

Chen ang copied this path and even grasped the idea of xiaoyaozi. Many pieces of wisdom that did not form the flash point of martial arts thought have become Chen Ang's most precious harvest. It is like an exchange between the two people across time. The sparks of wisdom collide and shine.

With Huang Shang's help, Chen ang quickly summarized the classics at huanshishui Pavilion and langhuan jade cave. A total of 36814 complete classics and 3021 volumes of fragments were eliminated. The inconsistent versions were sorted into the most perfect version, revised the errors and omissions, found the errors, and finally there were only 9063 volumes of books.

Chen Ang's reading notes alone have 67 volumes, 80000 pages. The project is huge and the value is infinite. Each volume of these 67 volumes of reading notes is the world's top martial arts secret script, or a collection of martial arts in the world. Except for a few, such as Yi Jin Jing, six pulse divine sword and 18 dragon subduing palms, they collect all the martial arts principles in the world.

Chen Ang's accumulation and harvest this time are far beyond imagination. Huang Chang even indulges in it. He studies day and night, forgetting food and sleep, 72 unique skills of Shaolin, and various martial arts of Xiaoyao sect. Chen ang is sure that he must have learned more than the authentic Xiaoyao sect disciples and Shaolin Temple monks, and no one can surpass him.

Huang Chang sighed and thought that Chen Ang's reading notes should not be called "Lang Huan Range Rover", but "general outline of martial arts in the world". This general outline is so obscure that only those who have read martial arts all over the world can understand one or two times. There are not many people qualified to understand it. There are only two and a half people around Chen ang. Huang Chang is one, Wang Yuyan is one, and the remaining half is murongfu.

Chen Ang's own notes on the outline of martial arts are even more like heavenly books. Readers should not only be proficient in martial arts, but also be proficient in medicine, arithmetic, divination, astrology, strange doors, dunjia and ecstasy. Only in this way can they understand one-third of them. If they fully understand them, they should not only have more than a dozen doctorates on earth, but also understand some alien sciences.

It seems that no one can learn this general outline of martial arts in the world.

"The books collected by Lang Huan and Huan Shi can only be regarded as a quarter of the martial arts in the world. The name of the general outline is not in line with the fact." Chen ang sighed and looked back at huang shang. "Don't be fascinated by the martial arts in the world. You know, the martial arts principles in the world are endless. There are many conflicting places. You can understand their wisdom and don't need to practice."

Huang Chang doubted: "the martial arts of Shuige are complete. Even the big internal arsenal is not as good as just in case. I count carefully. Only 220 volumes are available in the big internal, but the martial arts of Shuige are not available. Even the martial arts of Xixia, Hui people, Tubo and Liao people have detailed records. Is this 40% of the martial arts in the world?"

"I raised it by 40%. The truth and wisdom of martial arts can only be described on paper, but the knowledge of martial arts people in the world is low. You know one or two. Even if they have any wisdom and ideas, it is difficult to put them into writing. Are there still few illiterate experts?" Chen ang youyou said.

Huang Chang was a little distracted and sighed, "it's also mysterious. It's difficult to prepare the wonderful doors!"

Chen ang has more and more deeply felt that martial arts are hidden in all aspects, and it is by no means a secret script that can be described. No wonder Shaolin Temple is never afraid of its martial arts secret scripts being leaked, because Shaolin inheritance lies not only in the Sutra Pavilion, but also in meditation, master guidance, oral transmission, and even an atmosphere, culture, and the way of understanding the heart transmission, which are inherited from generation to generation.

Only by taking the world as a teacher can we understand the true meaning of martial arts in each world.

Every world has its different scenery. Its inheritance still has profound accumulation. What distinguishes martial arts is not its power, but its wisdom. Because strength is easy to get, but the realm is rare.

The way of martial arts in every world has a profound precipitation. There are countless outstanding people who improve them. Some martial arts that drive wind and thunder and have infinite power may not be as profound as the light Tai Chi. It seems short-sighted to judge martial arts by strength. How do fish and birds compare?

With internal power, compared with driving away the vitality of heaven and earth and the myriad phenomena of wind, fire and thunder, it naturally seems a little weak, but Chen ang found that this kind of self-sufficient system, which is not false to seek outside, is more suitable for him. Who can guarantee that the vitality of heaven and earth is a nature and a manifestation in every world.

When Chen ang sensed the force, he found that the force in the Tianlong world was almost dead and could not lift a little waves. The Jedi warriors here were not as powerful as the martial arts.

Chen Ang's eyes were blue, he felt the pure internal power in his body, nourished his body and spirit, and looked up and smiled

Tao is not contempt, not looking from high to low, but learning from low places and discovering the brilliance of every point in the ordinary.