This is a spaceship with some history.

Seeing the golden streamlined hull in the sun, Queen Padme secretly concluded that the elegant and simple atmosphere on the spacecraft could not be hidden. It was like a work of art from the end of time and space, which made people intoxicated with its rich historical flavor.

Such a spaceship should stay on the display shelf of the works of art of the interstellar rich and become their favorite collection, so that those arty upstarts can go crazy and become its loyal crowd. Padme could not imagine that someone actually took such a well preserved classical spaceship as a means of transportation.

It looks as crazy as chopping melons and vegetables with a lightsaber.

Because it is too old, the traction beam used by the spacecraft is the oldest gravitational type. The projected gravitational field pulled the Naboo team into the main gate of the spacecraft.

Anakin jumped down from the ship excitedly and ran to Chen ang. "Teacher, are we leaving?"

"Yes, we will send the queen and the two Jedi to Coruscant, and you will also go to the Jedi Temple to practice." Chen ang put away the light blade in his hand, stepped on the silver disc under his feet, and said with a smile: "say goodbye to Tatooine! You may never come back here again."

Anakin looked back at the desolate and bleak planet with a complex look. In his memory, warmth and cruelty, happiness and humiliation had all happened in this place. Now it was time to say goodbye. "No, teacher! Where you are with your mother is my home."

Chen ang shook his head with a smile and said, "I will leave soon. At this time, I entrusted Kui Gang to take care of you. You will study in the Jedi Temple for a period of time and follow him to practice the knowledge of the force."

Anakin looked up in shock. "Why? Teacher! Where are you going?"

"Go to practice!" Chen ang smiled. "The force has given me a lot of inspiration. I will practice outside for a while. You are not suitable to follow me now. Anakin, you are still young and need to lay a good foundation. The Jedi Temple is where you will learn next. Go and say hello to qui gon king!"

"But..." Anakin wanted to argue.

"Let's go!" Chen Ang's tone was gentle, but he was firm and unchangeable. He picked up the two light blades at hand and said with a smile: "I want to welcome a new friend of ours!"

Anakin bowed his head in frustration and went to qui gon king. Qui gon said something to him, patted his head, got up and walked over, "I thought you would stay in the temple? Why did you leave? I will apply to the Presbyterian to let you, as a teacher of the temple, enter the temple to study. You clearly have the opportunity to contact the truth you want to explore. Why refuse it?"

"You must keep this opportunity for me! Of course, I will come back and continue to practice and explore the force, but sometimes the closer we get to the origin of things, the more we feel shallow and ignorant. I find that my understanding of life and exploration are not deep enough, which hinders me from continuing to explore the truth."

Chen ang flicked his fingers gently. Qui gon Kim felt the rhythm of the force of life, which was a breath of life he had never felt. He saw the other side of the force in a trance, or the side of life different from the force, a hot land of the force that had never been explored.

"Is this another life force?" qui gon King sighed. "It's really great! It's weak and tough, small and vast. I feel another great existence in it that is not inferior to the force. It is one with the force on both sides and interprets the mystery of life together. If you can't understand it more deeply, you will be rejected by the force."

"I see your choice! I'll propose to the Presbyterian Council to make you an unofficial Jedi Knight. I hope you don't refuse." qui gon Kim Jong se said.

"It's a great honor!" Chen ang smiled and agreed to his invitation. "Let's go quickly! Don't let our Sith friends wait too long..."

A mysterious figure in black robes slowly appeared in the distant sky. Kui Gang's golden face was dignified. He and Chen ang met him slowly. The man in black robes raised his hood and exposed his towering face under the shadow. His red and dark facial patterns and cold golden pupils made him cold and heartless.

Darth devil's silence filled the air with blood smell. He was like a silent predator in the night, dangerous, cold, cruel, proud and evil.

Chen ang could even feel the pure dark side of the force on him, deep and deep, vast and cold. He was even more pure in darkness than Sidious, and even lost his will, which made him more dangerous.

A slight beep sounded. Darth Maul's hand held a red lightsaber with a long handle and a surging energy blade. It was violent and dangerous, and the breath was unusually irritable. It exuded a ferocious dark smell in Darth Maul's hand.

Darth Maul jumped up, and the skill of force jumping made him extremely agile. The red bladed lightsaber in his hand turned into a rapidly rotating turbine and cleaved down towards qui gon Jin.


Qui gon King ignited the light blade and calmly blocked the blow at the critical moment. The violent light sword energy rubbed qui gon King's blade. The shaking force in the field squeezed his chest under the control of Darth magic.

Struggling to cope with the strong pressure brought by the squeeze of the force, qui gon King sensed the abnormal flow of the force around him, waved his lightsaber and resisted Darth Maul's fierce and unparalleled sword technique. Darth's sword technique looks open and close. The sword is dazzling and fierce, but the most terrible thing is the unpredictable rhythm and track of the lightsaber.

The lightsaber whirled and danced, pulling out dazzling arcs of light,