Standing on the streets of Taiwan.

Chen ang silently swallowed a small transparent pill. Time suddenly became very slow in his eyes. Some information around him disorderly entered his head, making him feel very noisy and chaotic in his head. But with the exertion of the medicine, his eyes soon became clear.

In the fast-moving brain, all kinds of information are processed by categories. All the information he sees and hears is processed methodically through his brain, and several of them are specially selected by him.

It was about 500 meters ahead. A blonde foreign girl, holding her tired eyes, was talking to another foreign man. Their voice was not big, so when it reached Chen ang, there was only a little as thin as a mosquito. However, with the analysis of the brain, this voice appeared in his ear very clearly.

"Baby! Come on!"

"Richard, I have to go!"

They tugged at each other. In fact, Chen ang knew what they were going to say. In this state, Chen ang can turn out any details in his memory from his head, even a movie he had seen when he was bored.

Yes, for Chen ang, this is a scene that appeared in the film. "Super body", also known as Lucy, is a science fiction film released by the US emperor. The main line of the story is the story of a two forced girl * * becoming a God, and now this scene is the love Festival at the beginning of the film story.

Three days ago in the real world, Chen ang was an ordinary high school student who worked hard for the college entrance examination, but an unexpected power awakening enabled him to cross the world derived from human fantasy works and embark on a completely different life path. Now he is a beneficiary of Nzt medicine in the world of endless and a scientist with 13 doctoral degrees.

He came here for the man's silver suitcase, which contains a new virus cph4, which is derived from human fetal growth hormone and plays a role in developing brain potential.

In the film, Lucy was invaded by a large amount of cph4, which caused her whole body cells to be stimulated by drugs. Her brain development surpassed that of ordinary people, gradually moving from 20% and 40% to 100%, and finally integrated with the universe.

Of course, Chen Ang's purpose is not to integrate with the universe, but this anti heaven drug is an excellent research material for him now. Chen ang has a strong desire for this more powerful drug because he takes the same drug for developing the brain - Nzt.

Nzt, which is a little better in the world of "endless", he clearly knows how tempting this state of improved brain development is. In the past, you can't understand difficult materials, learn and understand all kinds of knowledge. Once you learn it, you can use it like instinct.

In modern society, knowledge is cheap and expensive. The cheap is the channel to obtain knowledge. From the network and library, modern people can obtain a large number of knowledge carriers at a low price, while the expensive is the knowledge itself, which is priceless.

Similarly, cph4, which enables people to obtain knowledge, is also priceless.

At this time, the two people opposite had quarreled. Richard suddenly handcuffed Lucy's hand, which made her very angry. She screamed, "untie this thing for me!"

"I can't do it. Mr. Jiang is the only one who has the key!"

At this time, Chen ang had come to them and suddenly opened his mouth and said, "it's not!"

"Who are you!" Richard looked at him in surprise and then threatened fiercely: "listen, boy! Whoever you are, you'd better forget what you hear, or I'll..." he suddenly stopped his mouth.

Seeing the robbery in Chen Ang's hand, Richard obediently raised his hand. Lucy looked at the scene in shock, nervously covered her mouth and sobbed.

"OK! As long as you are obedient, I promise you will be all right!" Chen Ang's voice is full of convincing charm "now get in the car with me!".

With a little hypnosis skills, they got on the bus parked next to them. Before Richard could sit down, Chen ang slapped him in the back of the head and made him unconscious on the seat. Lucy sat next to him and begged, "I don't know anything. No, in fact, I just knew this guy!"

"Lucy, it will be all right soon!" Chen ang comforted her.

Soon, Chen ang drove the car to a building and locked Richard in the basement. Chen ang took Lucy to a huge laboratory.

Looking at the cold instruments, bottles and test tubes in the laboratory, Lucy shrunk uneasily and asked in a low voice, "Sir, can I go now?"

Chen ang patted the recliner in the laboratory and said to Lucy, "now lie down here. I have to make sure you forget something!"

Lucy heard the speech and begged, "no, sir, I promise..."

"Lie down!" Chen Ang's voice cooled down.

Don't want to offend his Lucy, holding the hope of just in case, obediently lay on the couch, watching Chen ang stick his ears on the password lock of the silver suitcase, gently fiddle with it for a few times, and then opened it. There were four bags of blue powder lying inside.

Before she could see clearly, her head sank and she fainted.

Chen ang ignored her. He was carefully picking out some of the four packages of cph4 and put them into the analysis. This kind of material that the mother will secrete a small amount at 6 weeks of pregnancy and act on the brain development of the fetus has incomparable magical characteristics.

It is an important existence that endows human mind, and this crystal like sapphire is a lethal poison for adults to inhale a small amount. Chen ang needs a long time to study if he wants to use it.

Chen ang has special skills in this process.

"In the film, Nzt and cph4 are two completely different things, but after the film becomes a reality, it is absolutely impossible to say that the two drugs have no similarities. There must be similarities in the mechanisms they use and their effects in the brain."

"This similar mechanism will be an important direction for me to improve cph4." Chen ang took a test tube containing cph4 and disappeared into the laboratory.

Soon, in the underground experimental base of the endless world, he changed into a white coat and greeted people warmly.

"Dr. Chen! Nzt's progress has been fruitful! The results of the basic pharmacological analysis you want have come out, and the expert group is preparing!" a researcher wearing a mask submitted a report to Chen ang.

"Doctor, the laboratory is ready," another researcher hurried over.

Without saying a word, Chen ang transferred to the laboratory, which is the best laboratory in the world of endless, which is enough to prepare Nzt with higher accuracy. If it is not for the powerful side effects, Chen Ang's brain ability can be developed to 40%. Of course, in two hours, he will become a brain cripple.

According to the experiment, time is relatively independent in different worlds that Chen ang travels through. In the world where he is not, time stops, which makes it difficult for him to use time acceleration to cheat. In fact, life expectancy has become a side effect of Chen Ang's brain development. He "doctor! Important results appear!" a researcher hurried to him.

"It seems that 'Lucy' surprised us!" Chen ang strode to the second laboratory and said happily.

An old man with gray hair saw Chen ang and walked up quickly. He was still in the state of Nzt medicine. His eyes were clear and firm, but his voice was rare and excited. You know, after the improvement of Nzt, the biggest side effect was the suppression of human sensibility, which could make people in this state respond, and the actual emotion would be very intense.

"Lucy made us succeed! Under the influence of No. 2 catalyst, 'Lucy' performed abnormally stable, and we even made an unexpected discovery!" he reached out and pointed to the liquid table in the center.

A purple potion glitters magnificently in the light. The researchers next to it are obsessed with it, just like looking at rare gemstones, but even if the real gemstones are placed in front of him, they will be abandoned as shoes.