"What you mean is this sarcophagus?"

Listen to the girl's words in front of him, the person's face on the spot is not from some strange, looking at her to say so.


Feeling the doubts of the people present, Ren Yaoyao didn't explain anything, but nodded directly: "carry it out together!"

The sarcophagus in front of us is very heavy. After all, it is made of stone, and its weight is heavier than that of other materials.

If it's just one or two people, you can't lift it, let alone lift it. You can't push it away at all.

It's just that there aren't so many people here.

Soon, many boys came in and tried to push the sarcophagus out.

In this process, there are bursts of sound.

"Don't move

Looking at their actions, the staff in the museum could not help but feel confused: "this is the collection in the museum!"

"What on earth do you want to do?"

They looked at the flow of people around them, full of doubts.

But when they got to know what was going on around them, their faces immediately changed.

"Curse? Holy things? "

"Are there any sacred objects in our museum?"

To be honest, they are a little confused, and they even can't believe it at this time.

They are just a small museum, and the things they collect are basically worthless gadgets.

The sacred objects, just by name, are not in line with their museum.

If there are sacred objects in their Museum, why don't they know?

"It seems that the sarcophagus was left by the archaeological team before, and it was said that someone sent someone to deal with it later. As a result, no one came, so it was overstocked there..."

looking at the sarcophagus, the staff of the museum thought of something and said so.

At this time, the sarcophagus had been pushed out and put at the gate of the museum.

Outside, the thick black fog is still emerging, now more and more rich.

In the black fog, there were shadows coming towards them.

Cursing this kind of existence is especially sensitive to living beings.

It's nice to say that other places, but in this museum, so many people gathered all at once, naturally attracted the attention of the people around.

They noticed a large number of creatures here, slowly approaching and coming towards here.

Feeling this, including Ren Yaoyao, everyone is sweating, some fear and uneasiness.

"It must be effective..."

the people present uttered a heartfelt prayer, and their faces were particularly nervous at the moment.

So is Ren Yao himself.

Although the last time I came here, this sarcophagus showed its strength.

But this time in the face of so many curses, whether it will work as well as the last time, it is an unknown thing.

After all, compared with the last time, there are too many curses in front of us this time.

So many curses, I'm afraid even if the official people come here, they can't be suppressed immediately.

They were nervous, and thoughts flashed through their minds at the moment.

Under their intense gaze, the figures in front of them slowly moved forward, and they were already close to where they were.

Bursts of roar came, accompanied by an inexplicable rhythm.

There was a strange roar from these curses, as if they were yearning and excited.

Slowly, they came near here, each figure with a strong curse.

Looking at these curses for a long time, many people's minds are in chaos, and their spirits are affected by the strong power of the curse.


standing in the same place, watching the cursing figure in front of her, Ren Yaoyao stepped back and hid beside the sarcophagus.

It's not that she doesn't want to continue to hide behind. She's just behind. At the moment, dense figures are crowded there. Even if she wants to hide, she can't help it.

"It must work..."

at this moment, she prayed devoutly, staring at the sarcophagus, praying for the next scene.

And under her gaze, the sarcophagus in front of her began to have bursts of strange occurrence.

With the curse coming here, a golden light appeared on the sarcophagus.

The brilliance is pure, holy and bright, which makes people feel extraordinary. Just when it first appears, it gives people a sense of hope and excitement, dispels all the hesitation and helplessness in people's hearts, and makes people's hearts full and upward again.This is a kind of power that can infect the soul. Just when it appears, it immediately changes everyone's mentality, dispels all the fear and tension, and becomes calm again.

In the front, under the light, the curse was swept directly, and the whole body was empty. It seemed that it could not bear the light of this power. At the moment, it was hissing.

Then, with an inexplicable rhythm, these cursed figures disappear completely, and then they become empty in the black fog.

After that, even the black fog began to dissipate, just as the fog met the sun and began to melt.

Everything in front of the body suddenly returned to calm, as if it was back to normal, quiet people feel a kind of inexplicable charm.

Looking at the scene in front of us, the people present were stunned.

"Really... Really effective!"

"This sarcophagus is really sacred!"

"We are saved!"

The survivors hugged and wept. Under the shining light, they felt inexplicably moved. At the moment, they felt very lucky.

On the other side, the staff of the museum were confused.

"It turns out that there are relics in our museum?"

The idea flashed through their hearts, and they were excited immediately.

It's nothing else. It's a holy thing.

The value of a sacred object is needless to say. As long as it appears, it will inevitably attract countless people's pursuit.

If someone is willing to auction a sacred object, I'm afraid it can be easily sold at a sky high price.

Of course, in practice, I'm afraid no one would like to auction a sacred object.

This kind of fool has not appeared so far.

After all, in the current environment, holding a sacred object means transcendence.

The status of the curser in this world is already very high. As long as he is willing, he can easily obtain status and wealth.

And a holy thing, even the most useless one, can easily suppress all the cursers. Even the most advanced cursers have to bow down in the face of the holy thing and can't fight against it at all.

This kind of thing is the nemesis of the power of curse, but has a holy thing in the body, no matter how seriously injured, can recover in an instant.

There are many advantages.

For this kind of good thing, as long as the brain is normal, I'm afraid there will be no one to sell it.

For ordinary people in this world, this thing is legendary existence.

Now, in this small museum, there is a sacred object.

If the news comes out, I'm afraid it will shock a large number of people and cause huge waves.

It can be predicted that after this disaster, their museum will not be the same as before.

Think of here, they look at each other, can not help a little excited.

Of course, at the same time, some people are guessing what is in the sarcophagus.

"Sarcophagus, which may be buried more than people, may also be for the purpose of special storage of some precious burial objects."

At the moment, someone whispered and speculated in private: "it may be the burial objects of some important people, or even a sacred object."

It seems extremely crazy to use a sacred object as one's own burial object, but it is not completely impossible.

After all, in the eyes of people in this world, sacred objects have all kinds of incredible terrorist power.

The use of sacred objects can not only dispel evil and curse, but also purify the mind and spirit, and restore the aging and injury of the body.

Therefore, some people have thought about whether it is possible to use sacred objects to bring the dead back to life, so that people who have already died can be revived?

It is probably for this reason that this great man uses a sacred object as his burial object. He hopes that the power of the sacred object can play a role, so that he can continue to recover and gain a new life in the future.

Thinking of this, people present felt that this was the most reasonable explanation.

This explanation is not only very reasonable, but also can explain why sarcophagus is used.

Because in this world, sarcophagus means holy.

Some of the saints in the legend, even the ancient nobles, were buried in sarcophagus.

So, in a moment, they suddenly realized that it was as if they had understood something, and they directly and automatically made up for it.

In front of the body, bursts of light are still flashing, pieces of bloom, shrouded in all directions.

The brilliance is so bright, it seems to appear directly in the depths of people's hearts, especially unique and sacred, so that all the people present can not help but be stunned, do not know what to say.

In the front, the black fog subsided and was soon expelled from the area."The black fog is gone!"

Hiding behind the sarcophagus, Ren Yaoyao looks at the scene in front of her, with a look of joy on her face: "we have been saved..."

not only she, but also the people around her, with the joy of the afterlife on her face.

There are still many people who are staring at the sarcophagus in front of them and don't know what they are thinking.

But in front of them, where they don't know, the changes are still beginning.

Although the heavy black fog subsided, it did not disappear for the first time.

On the contrary, after the brilliance of this place blooms, it seems that it causes a change in the front, which makes a certain existence hidden in the dark fog begin to have some reaction.

So it began to vibrate, stimulated by the holy light, and gradually recovered.

The sound of a slight vibration continued to ring.

When a dark shadow emerged from the front, the expression on all faces of the audience was directly dull, and there was no longer the color of joy before.

They stood where they were, and now their faces were gone.

"That's... what?"

Ren Yaoyao stood in the same place, looking at the dark shadow emerging in the distance, and could not help swallowing. At this time, she did not know what to say.

In the distance, under her gaze, a huge shadow appeared.

The shadow is extremely huge, its whole body standing there, even bigger than the tallest tall building, just a body standing, just like a mountain, especially huge, giving people terrible pressure.

What kind of existence is that?

Such a huge volume is almost like a giant in mythology and legend. The breath of terror just escapes, which makes people tremble. At this time, even the body seems to be infected, and the face becomes extremely pale.

There is no doubt that this is not an ordinary curse, or even a so-called high curse, but a kind of existence standing on top of the high curse.

Looking at the presence emerging in front of us, all the people present could not help swallowing their saliva. At this time, they trembled all over. Because of the brilliance, the state of mind that had been calmed down was broken, and they returned to chaos and hesitation. There was a kind of inexplicable fear.

Under the gaze of Ren Yaoyao, the existence standing in the Black Mist in the distance slowly opens its eyes. A pair of scarlet eyes open, and what blooms out of them is the radiance of violence and terror.


In the black fog of the four sides, bursts of sound came out, breaking the silence of the four sides, breaking the isolation, so that this piece of heaven and earth was shrouded.

The black fog came again, like dragon and snake dancing, and all kinds of terrible beasts roaring and looking forward.

With a roar, the place was shrouded by the atmosphere of terror. Even the faint radiance seemed to be suppressed by the power of the curse. It could not be stopped. It continued to protect the creatures here from the invasion of external forces.

With a plop, Ren Yaoyao fell directly on the ground, frightened by the terrible power in her eyes.

In that pair of scarlet eyes, all the negative emotions in her heart seemed to be linked up.

The scenes of fear, fear and despair appeared one by one, and now they covered her all over again, making her whole body begin to tremble.

"Is the sacred object... Suppressed?"

Around, there were some trembling voices.

Under their gaze, they can clearly see the existence of the huge figure in the distance.

At this moment, he stepped through many isolation, and then came to the front.

As he walked step by step, the power of the terrible curse around him gathered and turned into a thick black fog, which suppressed the brilliance of the sarcophagus.

For a moment, the light was dim, and the light around flashed by, but it went out one after another.

The light in the sarcophagus before us originally shrouded hundreds of meters around, covering a large area nearby, even the school nearby, covering most of the school, sheltering countless people from the power of curse.

However, at the moment, it seems to be under great pressure. With the oppression of the curse force ahead, the scope of the glory is shrinking rapidly, and it seems to be suppressed by the terrible monster.

"No, no!"

In the distance, the sad cry came and sounded at this moment.

Ren Yaoyao and others looked in horror. They just saw that in that corner, several figures were swallowed by the black fog, and the whole body was corroded. Then they were slaughtered by the hidden curse life, and devoured clean.

Bursts of bloody breath came, accompanied by the disappearance and end of a life.

Before, these figures were all under the cover of brilliance and were sheltered by holy things.

However, as the brilliance of the sacred objects was suppressed, these people were exposed from the brilliance, swallowed by the black fog, and immediately became what they were.And this scene, also to the presence of a wake-up call, so that they can not help but play a spirit.

From the perspective of the present situation, if they get rid of the glory in front of them, there will be only one end.

That's death.

And even if it's dead, its body will be swallowed by the cursed life, even the soul may not be able to go to the virgin's heaven, to wander in the curse.

Think of here, the people present are very pale, subconsciously toward the direction of the sarcophagus in the past.

"Help me! I don't want to die! "

"No! Don't push me

"Let me pass!"

Waves of shouts are ringing out.

Under the influence of the desire for survival, everyone is moving towards the center of the sarcophagus.

No one wants to die like this, and in such a miserable way.

It's just that there are too many people in front of us. The result of their squeeze is a trampling reaction, which makes this place particularly chaotic for a moment.

All around, the scene of chaos shows.

Now it looks like a vegetable market, especially uncomfortable.

Ren Yaoyao and others are in the stream of people, and also in the range of being squeezed.

Fortunately, they are all around the sarcophagus. No matter how they are squeezed, they will not be squeezed out.

It's just the scene in front of them. It's not good for them.

With the huge figure in front of him slowly stepping forward, the light around the sarcophagus was still squeezed and gradually dissipated.

If there is no accident, I'm afraid everyone present will be in danger.

The threat of terror is approaching, and it's coming to them now.

We have to find a way to deal with it.

Thinking of this, standing in the same place, Ren Yaoyao bit her teeth and said, "let's do it together!"

"Let's work together to open the sarcophagus!"

She said, looking at the sarcophagus in front of her.

By now, there is no other way.

the only thing they can count on is that the holy objects in the stone sarcophagus in front of us are awesome enough to resist the terrible monster ahead.

Her words fall down, immediately to the people around a wake-up call, let them suddenly realize.

PS: today is another three 15000 words. Please vote a little!

Continue to watch the third shift tomorrow!